Important Update on COVID-19
Dear Insured The Law Society of Western Australia, which is responsible for the operations of Law Mutual (WA), is closely following the situation as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate in Australia and around the world. We are continuing to take measures to accord with those recommended by the Australian Government and are planning a scalable response. Our aim is to continue to provide as many of Law Mutual’s key functions as possible. The following measures were applied with effect from 5.00pm 16 March 2020 and
will continue until such time as we advise otherwise. It will be 'business as usual' for the services not identified below as having changed arrangements.
Information Hub on Website
The Law Society has published a dedicated COVID-19 information hub for the legal profession at which will be constantly updated to keep important resources and information (such as Government advice and updates from the Courts) for our valued members and Law Mutual insureds, to assist you and your practice.
No Attendance at Law Society Office Other Than for
Pre-arranged Purposes
As the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) widens we ask that you please do not attend the Law Society office unless for a pre-arranged purpose.
Business continuity in the Event of Closure of
the Law Society Offices
We have put steps in place (including the development of a Risk/Scenario matrix) to make sure that the Law Society is as safe as possible, to minimise risks of infection and to minimise the risk of anyone being exposed to the virus while on the premises. In the event that the Law Society does have to close, it is our aim to continue to offer services to insureds and it is presently anticipated that most, if not all staff, will be able to work remotely from their home or another location. Our plan aims to ensure that all business-critical functions will continue to operate, and the security of your personal information will remain unchanged.
Processing of Applications for Insurance and Payments
At this time, we are confident we will be able to process applications for insurance and annual contribution payments in a timely manner. However, that may change as the situation develops. The Legal Practice Board of WA has informed us that provided a practitioner has submitted a renewal application for their practising certificate in the specified renewal period (1 May 2020 to 30 June 2020) any delay in the provision of insurance compliance notices by the Law Society due to its resource constraints will not affect their right to continue to practice. We remind you that information about options to premium fund your annual
contribution can be found on the Law Society's website here.
Federal Government Advice
The Australian Government is continually updating its COVID-19 advice, information and resources. We advise Members to check for current information, including at: or call the National Coronavirus Health Information
Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have concerns about your health, speak to your doctor.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Legal Practice Contingency Planning
Legal Practices should develop a contingency plan to deal with the COVID-19 in the workplace. This plan should identify risks and do what is reasonably practicable to minimise those risks – click here to read more.
We take matters of public health seriously, as well as the potential impact on our employees, much-valued insureds and professional associates. We will continue to monitor the advice of the Federal Government and revise our position and inform you as to any changes that are made to accord with that advice. Finally, I would like to remind you that if you are a member of the Law Society you have access to LawCare WA, including the member assistance programme through Converge International and I encourage you to utilise this service if you are experiencing any distress. If you have any questions in relation to the above please contact Law Mutual (WA) on
(08) 9481 3111. Thank you
David Price
Chief Executive Officer
Law Society of WA and Law Mutual (WA)
Street Address: Level 4, 160 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Postal Address: PO Box Z5345, Perth WA 6831
Telephone: (08) 9481 3111 | Facsimile: (08) 9481 3166
Email: | Website: