Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
It was wonderful to open the doors of our new Sports Centre to students this week. The Centre comprises two full sized NBL standard basketball courts, new change rooms for students, a fitness centre and a new staff room for the Physical Education Staff. This is an outstanding addition to the College campus and will be highly utilised by all students. Mr Ben Morton, Member for Tangney, will officially open the Centre at our next Assembly. The Hon. Peter Collier, State Minister for Education and numerous community representatives will also be attending. We hope you can join us for this special occasion on Wednesday 8 March at 8.30am in the College Auditorium.
Throughout the year we will have many more opportunities for families to actively engage with our community. Opportunities include:
Our Easter services
Study skills seminars
Parenting information evenings
Teacher feedback afternoons
Parent and Friends Association meetings
Parent focused social events
I encourage everyone to be involved in the Kennedy Community by attending these events.
Year 12 College Ball
It was a pleasure to join our Year 12 students, partners and staff at Frasers Restaurant, Kings Park on Friday 17 February. The Ball was a wonderful event where it was obvious that our students had a fantastic night and enjoyed each other’s company in an amazing setting. Our students approached the evening with maturity and this greatly contributed to the night being a success. Congratulations to all of our Year 12 students who are to be commended for their exceptional attitude to the night. Congratulations to Mrs Barbara Meadows and the Year 12 Counsellors for their great efforts in organising a wonderful evening.
Mr Mark Ashby
John, the author of the book we know as Revelation (from the term apocalypse which means, ‘an uncovering’) is exiled due to preaching the message of Christ (Rev.1:9) on the island called Patmos, close to modern day Turkey. While in exile he receives a series of visions which begin with seven letters (or edicts) to seven churches, all of which were based in Turkey.
What is striking about this is that Christianity was still a new religion – little more than 50 years old at the turn of the first century. Christians had already known horrendous persecution and martyrdom under Nero, 30 years previously, and once more they were under attack by the Caesar of the day, Domitian. Christians were also being excluded from attending Synagogue worship which had previously provided some protection.
If I was someone living in Galatia or Cappadocia looking on at these events, it would have been logical to think that Christianity would not survive for much longer; and, if I was a Christian, I would have wondered if God had noticed what was happening.
The opening three chapters of Revelation informs those first recipients, that not only had God noticed, he takes the time to write a series of letters to the churches letting them know he had noticed and each of those letters begin with the initial assurance that he, not Caesar, was the one who held all authority.
We need to remember that what we physically see only gives us part of the story. The Church today is still being persecuted, and in findings from both secular and non-secular studies last year, it was determined that Christians were the most persecuted religious group worldwide (with 90,000 deaths), yet now has 2.2 billion adherents. God still notices what is happening and he is still talking to his Church and through his Church. But most importantly of all, he is still on the throne and all power and authority belongs to him.
Year 7 Report
By now, the dust is beginning to settle on what has been one of the biggest changes in the lives of our young students. The transition from primary to high school is acknowledged to be one of the most difficult stages in a young person’s life and I am very happy to see that most of the Kennedy students have adopted and adapted quickly to the rigours of high school. Whilst there will be many challenges ahead and many opportunities to be taken, the journey is off to an excellent start.
Now that the students are settled into their College and understand our expectations of them, it is important that they begin to focus on the academic side of things. Establishing a study routine is vital for success, not only in these years but also for upper school and the challenges that it will bring. The first round of subject tests have now begun and some of the Year 7 students will need to be able to cope with the stress that it brings. Proper preparation is vital to continue academic success; ensuring you have an established study routine, revisiting the work you learned in class and going over that again and again until it is in your long-term memory is vital for test preparation. Ensuring you have adequate study breaks and are focussing on the correct materials will help ensure success.
Keep up the good work Year 7 students!
Photo above: Year 7 Wood work practical in class.
Photo above: Year 7 student with 11/7 mentors.
Year 8 Report
We have had a very good start to the year and students have now completed their first cycle of evaluations. This will give you some idea of how your child is performing and whether they are achieving their goals.
I will be conducting a Goals talk with the students early in Term 2. I would also encourage parents to have some sort of conversation at home so that students have an idea of their short, medium and long-term goals before we discuss this at the College.
Thank you to parents who have ensured that their child’s bags and clothing are marked and correct. If items do go astray it is easy to return them to their owners when they are correctly labelled. Thank you also for helping your child adhere to the uniform standards as outlined in the Kennedy handbook, particularly in regard to makeup for the girls and hair length for the boys.
We had an excellent Year 8 Social on Monday 27 February at Leighton Beach. This year group has great spirit and it is a pleasure working with them, especially in a social setting, where they are relaxed and having fun.
I wish you all the best for the second half of Term 1 and thank you for your support.
Photos above: Year 8 Social at Leighton Beach.
Year 9 Report
It has been a busy start to the year and the students are settling in well. Year 9 is a great year to be in as we have many activities as a year group. I am currently organising our Year 9 Adventure Camp for Week 10 at Forest Edge Recreation Camp. After the Yarloop fires from last year that destroyed the campsite it has now been rebuilt and is looking amazing. It will be an exciting camp with activities ranging from abseiling and flying fox to biscuiting behind a boat, which is always entertaining to watch. More information will be sent home with your child shortly. If you have any other enquiries please email me.
This year we are continuing our partnership with St Bartholomew’s House. It is a residence for homeless gentleman who need higher care. For our community service, we take the Year 9 students and meet with residents at their accommodation in East Perth or at the river for a BBQ. Our students serve them lunch and spend time getting to know the gentlemen.
My prayer is for a safe year, a safe camp and our year group coming together as a community that is safe and positive. I am looking forward to the year with all it’s fun and challenges and I would appreciate your prayer support for us as the year progresses.
Photos above: Year 9 Community Service.
Year 10 Report
‘We cannot do great things on Earth, only small things with great love.’
Mother Teresa
For Term 1, I will be Acting Head of Year, while Mr Glenn Tyrie is on long service leave.
The year has started well with the Year 10s demonstrating excellent attitude, enthusiasm and commitment to both their peers and the College. In Week 9 our year group will be attending the RAC Bstreetsmart at the Perth Convention Centre. A notice was sent home and thank you to your diligence in signing and returning the permission slips so promptly.
For our community service we decided to supply Easter bags for the young women at the
Esther Foundation. This organisation facilitates an extensive and award winning residential young women’s health, development and leadership program through ten residential premises based around South Perth, housing more than 45 women and their children. The program is full-time and offers intensive support and assistance to young women in a safe and structured environment. The year group raised over $800.00 which was used to buy items for the women. During Extended Form on Wednesday 22 February, the students packaged the items and wrote beautiful messages on the cards which they attached to the bags. Approximately 200 bags were made. After their hard work, the students were rewarded with a hot drink and chocolate biscuits. There was a great community atmosphere and a huge thank you to their very committed Form teachers.
It was gratifying to see and experience the generosity of the group and reminded me of the quote at the top of this report. The bags will be delivered in the next week.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries regarding the welfare of your child. I look forward to working with the Year 10s this term.
Photos above: Year 10 Community Service.
Year 11 Report
I would like to welcome back all returning students and parents and extend a warm welcome to all new students to Year 11.
As our Year 11s are busy settling into Term 1 it has been wonderful to see all their enthusiasm as they begin their courses of study. As Head of Year, my focus at the beginning of the year is to develop the students sense of resilience through the proper time management, study skills and balance in their day to day lives. These skills will be fostered through the Extended Form activities every Wednesday, our Year 11 Challenge Camp, and the overall support given through our Pastoral Care program.
The transition from Year 10 to Year 11 can often bring new challenges and concerns not often experienced in the earlier years. As senior school students, we encourage them to learn that success does not come without self-regulation and, accordingly, they are invited to be active participants in their academic journey. When reflecting on these, three important words come to mind; pride, passion and
participation. Firstly students are invited to take pride both in their uniform and College grounds, therefore are encouraged to be proactive in presenting themselves in an appropriate manner and monitoring the beautiful grounds of the College. Year 11 students are also a diverse and wonderful group of students who each have their own interests. As their Head of Year, I would like them to embrace their passions and maximise every opportunity within the classroom. If for any reason they need to change their courses, they are to make an appointment with Mr Tim Jiow or Miss Jennifer Lamet as soon as possible.
We also have two wonderful and exciting events taking place this term, the first being our Multicultural morning that will coincide with Harmony day during Week 6. The morning provides an opportunity for students and staff to try the culinary delights of other countries whilst playing some traditional games. Secondly, our Year 11 Challenge Camp which has always proved to be a fantastic event that allows students to build new friendships, further develop their independence and get energised for the year ahead.
I am looking forward to an exciting year, where students will flourish in their personal and academic achievements. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Year 12 Report
Year 12 is well and truly underway now with the first round of assessments and assignments this week. The students have settled in well after a very busy start to the year. Any changes to subject choices must be made as soon as possible so that students do not miss important information in any new courses. Tutoring has started and I would suggest that Year 12 students avail themselves of this opportunity. Individual study skills sessions are also available from the Research and Study Centre on request. Our Year 12s are also enjoying the privilege of a Common Room this year where they can heat up their lunch, sit and chat at tables and play table tennis. Information about leavers jackets has been sent home and we ask students to return their forms as soon as possible and make payment using our new online system.
The big event of the term was our Kennedy Baptist College Year 12 Ball, held on Friday 17 February at Fraser’s Restaurant, King’s Park. Both the venue and the outlook over Perth were stunning. The students looked very grown up and their behaviour on the night reflected their new maturity which we trust will continue throughout the year.
The following students received these awards:
Ryan Hockey - Most Stylish Outfit (Male)
Divita Singh - Most Stylish Outfit (Female)
Joe Frost - Best Male Dancer
Montelle Tuana - Best Female Dancer
Cooper Olden - Best Male Hair
Tanya Mubaiwa - Best Female Hair
Pinky Suksathan and Anthony Haddad - Best Couple
Reid Hinton - Beau of the Ball
Amber Cannon - Belle of the Ball
Photos above: Year 12 Ball 2017
Regent College Visits Kennedy
On Thursday 16 February 32 Year 5 and 6 students from Regent College visited the Kennedy Science Department where they had the opportunity to be Scientists for the day.
Everybody had 'explosive fun!'
Mrs Annie-Marie Smith
Head of Learning Area for Science
Photos above: Regent College students.
Thank You Perth Canoe Works
Every term the College conducts a House points draw, where all House points given to any student are placed in the draw to win a major prize. A House point is given to a student for their co-operation and participation in College activities and keeping up the Kennedy spirit.
This term we have an excellent major prize to give away. It is a Stirling Blue Kayak. Thank you to Perth Canoe Works, located in Myaree Perth who sponsored the canoe for our Kennedy House points major prize. This prize will be awarded in Week 2 next term.
For more information about Perth Canoe Works please visit their store; 1/9 Carr Pl, Myaree Perth or visit their website here: http://canoeandkayak.com.au/
Mr Bradley Gunter
Stirling House Co-Ordinator
Newman Indigenous Tour - Parent Information Evening
On Wednesday 8 March Kennedy Baptist College will be holding an information evening for parents of students interested in attending this year’s Newman Indigenous Tour, which is open to all Year 11 students. The tour takes place between 18 - 27 September and provides students with a unique opportunity to experience indigenous culture and remote communities.
The meeting will take place in the Staff Lounge at 5.00pm and should take approximately 45 minutes. Students are also welcome to attend the meeting. Parents who would like more information are encouraged to contact Tour Leader, Mr Murray Dunstan.
Photo above: 2017 Head Boy, Joe Frost, chatting to two indigenous men at the local drop-in centre. The students provided each person with a care package containing a towel, soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush and shampoo.
Easter Services
This Year we have two Easter Services on weekday evenings so that all students and families can attend.
Tuesday 28 March: Eyre and Forrest families
Wednesday 29 March: King and Stirling families
Both services will commence at 7.00pm and I would like to emphasise that this is a compulsory event for all students.
This year our Keynote speaker is Mr Henry Olonga.
Henry is a former international cricketer turned photographer, singer, videographer, painter and public speaker. Through his desire for change and his Christian faith, he was convicted to put everything on the line and in 2003 he wore a black armband during an international cricket match in the 2003 Cricket World Cup to "mourn the death of democracy" in Zimbabwe. This bold political move lead to eventual exile from Zimbabwe, and now he lives in Adelaide with his family.
Excursion Updates
Perth International Arts Festival
On Tuesday 21 February the Year 11 and 12 ATAR Dance students went on an excursion to see Nouveau Cirque du Vietnam, A O Lang Pho as part of the Perth International Arts Festival. Directed by Tuan Le, this high-energy dance performance allowed students to be entertained with circus skills, props and an extravagant set. It also explored the themes of Cultural representation, changing communities and tradition of Vietnamese culture. This was a great experience for the students who all thoroughly enjoyed the show.
Mrs Lara Del Basso
Arts, Dance Teacher
Australian Naval Base
Last Thursday the Year 11 & 12 Engineering Studies classes went on an excursion to HMAS Stirling, the Australian Naval base on Garden Island. It was an amazing opportunity to go to places where few people are able to go as a civilian. Lieutenant Dave Peterson
organised our visit which started with a walking tour over HMAS Ballarat, an Anzac-class frigate. While on Ballarat we saw a US Nuclear Submarine dock at one of the wharfs, with its helicopter escort and special service personnel in boats to oversee their arrival. We watched torpedoes get loaded into an Australian submarine, before going to the training facility used to teach the sailors how to load the torpedoes. We even loaded Dane in to one of the torpedo tubes but were not allowed to fire him off! We were also fortunate enough to go in the submarine simulator and simulate what it is like to dive and resurface in a submarine, before visiting the workshops where electronic equipment is repaired and serviced. It was an amazing day and a special treat to see how many of the design and engineering principles taught in class are used in the real world. Thank you
HMAS Stirling for allowing us to visit.
Mr Bradley Gunter
Design & Technology and Engineering Teacher
Photos above: Year 11 & 12 Engineering Studies students.
Sport at Kennedy
Interschool Swimming Carnival
Interschool swimming training has commenced as we prepare for the upcoming ACC “C” Division Swimming Carnival on 20 March at HBF Stadium, Mount Claremont. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings 6.30am - 7.30am Kennedy students train at Southlake Pool to have expert coaching from Southlake Dolphins swim coach Mr Ray Utting. This week students who were selected in the program as a result of their excellent efforts at the Interhouse Swimming Carnival received their very own Kennedy swim cap - and don’t they look great! (See photo below)
If you have any queries regarding the upcoming Interschool Swimming event please contact jkennedy@kennedy.wa.edu.au
SAS Junior
On Wednesday 22 February Kennedy Baptist College took on Seton Catholic College in their round 2 of fixtured games. Our Year 7s continued to excel again this week with both the Girls Basketball and Boys Super 8s coming up with big wins. Congratulations to these teams.
We encourage parents to support their child and be a part of the action. If you are interested, please find fixtured here: http://www.accsport.asn.au/interschool-sport/sasj/fixtures. (Please note; the home team is listed first.)
Any queries please direct them to jkennedy@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
SAS Senior
It has been an exciting week here at Kennedy Baptist College with students able to use the new Sports Centre. Our Girls SAS Basketball teams were able to play their first ever game and dominated All Saints in both the A & B divisions.
All other 14 teams continue to work hard to bring home the wins as we continue to strive toward our goal of being the SAS summer champion school once again. Good luck over the next few weeks as we take on Ursula Frayne, Carey Baptist College and All Saints.
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Health & Physical Education Teacher / Sports Coordinator
Photos above: Girls SAS Basketball team enjoying the new Sport Centre and facilities.
Photos above: Girls SAS Basketball team playing against All Saints.
Photo above: Interhouse Swimming Team received their very own Kennedy swim cap.
Photos above: Senior Girls SAS Basketball team.
College Notices
Did you join in the National Ride2school Day last year? Well it is on again this year and we are looking for people to participate. On Friday 17 March the College will be participating in National Ride2School Day! This event is so much fun and participants not only get a healthy start to the day but also receive a free breakfast at Beedawong Café at the end of their ride. Permission slips have been given out.
Book Covering
Book covering is a regular volunteering oppertunity for parents to come and help at our wonderful Research and Study Centre. It is held on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am on even weeks in the Term and everyone is welcome to attend whenever they can. Training, a cuppa and cake are provided.
Kennedy Mobile App
With the newest Android version release there may have been some compatibility issues. Please delete the app completely from your phone and install the latest Kennedy App version and it should run smoothly.
Click here for the direct link to the app in the Google Play store.
New at Beedawong
Starting Monday 27 February Beedawong will be selling chocolate hot cross buns for $2 and hot chocolate for $3.
Lunch Orders & Smartrider
Transperth Smartrider cards can only be used in the Cafeteria if the cash has been placed on the card from INSIDE the café. On-line Transperth cash on the card is strictly for transport only! For more information please email Mrs Renee Anderson at randerson@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Update Your Child’s Form Class on Online Canteen
You will find this link helpful to update your child’s Form class so that the Beedawong team can find your child's lunch during the lunch rush.
Getting Started with Online Canteen
We would like to congratulate and thank all those families who have already started using our online ordering system for lunch orders.
For more information on how to get started and how to place your orders, please click here.
Fees - Secondary Assistance Scheme
Secondary Assistance Scheme
The State Government, through the Department of Education, provides financial support to eligible parents through the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS). The aim of the scheme is to assist low income families with secondary school costs.
Eligible parents/guardians with students enrolled in Years 7 to 12 studying a full-time secondary course at a WA private school will be able to apply for the SAS in 2017. The SAS consists of two allowances:
$235 Education Program Allowance (payment made to the school); and
$115 Clothing Allowance (payment made to the parent/guardian).
For all enquiries regarding the application process/forms please visit Reception at the College.
Parents & Friends Association
Do you live in any of the following areas: Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Attadale, Bicton, Brentwood, Booragoon, East Fremantle, Melville, Mount Pleasant, Myaree or Palmyra?
Would you like a more direct Transperth bus route to and from Kennedy Baptist College?
For students who live in the above suburbs it can take up to an hour to get to and from Kennedy via two buses and a train. There are many parents who desire an improved Transperth service to and from these areas.
For Transperth to add a new improved service every family from these areas MUST contact Transperth to put in a request for a more efficient service. No changes will occur unless there is communicated demand for it.
Families from the Spearwood area successfully petitioned Transperth in 2012 to put on a new bus service to and from Kennedy. This proves it can happen, but every family MUST contact Transperth to request a new service for their area.
The request for a new service will have a greater impact if all parents from these areas contacted Transperth over a short period of time, so we recommend you do it as soon as possible, no later than the end of March 2017.
The most effective way is to bombard Transperth with written feedback so please use their feedback form at the following address to make your request: https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/Contact-Us/Feedback. Alternatively, call them on 13 62 13 (please do not select any options, stay on the line to speak to a person).
Thanking you,
A concerned parent in the above area.
Kennedy P&F Car Boot Sale
Repurpose your goods and help the environment!
When: Saturday 25 March 2017
Where: Kennedy Baptist College, Farrington Rd, Murdoch
Time: Sellers from 6:00am -11.00am, Buyers from 7:15am - 11.00am
Cost: Sellers - Cars $10.00, Utes $15.00. Buyers - FREE entry
To pre-book a space:
Please email the Parents & Friends at pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
The P&F are looking for volunteers to help on the day. If you can assist please email the P&F. We are also looking for cake donations for a cake stall on the day. If you are willing and interested to help please email the P&F at pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
So come and make some cash from your pre-loved items or just come along and shop for a bargain!
Sausage sizzle, ice cream and coffee will be available for purchase.
Community Events
Need To Boost School Results?
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help.
2017 ATAR Master Classes Years 11 & 12. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10. Increase your child’s confidence and improve their results with expert teaching by our qualified teachers. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 11 & 12. Recieve one-on-one support from our specialist ATAR teachers to maximise your ATAR mark. Click here for more information.
Visit our website for more information.
Wednesday 8 March 2017 6.00pm - 7.45pm
Kennedy students are invited to join us for an inspiring and informative Science Careers Evening, to find out how Murdoch courses can lead to a fulfilling career in Science.
They will hear first-hand from our leading academics about what to expect whilst studying; learn about combining majors and degrees to maximise their employment opportunities; hear from industry professionals about trends in the sector; and chat with our students about their Murdoch experience and the doors it has opened for them.
For more information and to register please click here.
Monday, 6 March (Labour Day) at 9.00am - 11.00am
This event will include a tour of the campus with a current UWA student, followed with morning tea where the Future Students Team will be on hand to answer any questions about studying at UWA.
Wednesday 8 March, 6:00pm Refreshments, 6:30pm Presentation at Malloy Courtyard (ND2), 23 Mouat Street, Fremantle
Parents, guardians and students in Year 10, 11 and 12 are invited to attend Notre Dame’s Parent Information Evening to discuss subject selection, course information, the transition from high school to university, and how to apply to Notre Dame.