Commercialisation 101What is commercialisation and how does it relate to research? In this session, Adelaide Enterprise will discuss how research can be translated into a commercialisation outcome, and how value is created in the process. All researchers should have an understanding of the commercialisation process, so join us for this important session. 5 March 2019, 10am - 11am, North Terrace OR online via live stream. Register here. This activity counts for 1 credit in Domain D.
LaTeX: A Quick Start to Style and FinesseLaTeX is arguably the premier typesetting package in the world, and is the standard professional typesetting package in mathematics and areas of physics and engineering. In this six-part series, Professor Anthony Roberts introduces you to LaTeX in order to most effectively document, communicate and publish your research, including efficient methods for collaborating with LaTeX. Begins 15 March 2019. Fridays 2pm - 3pm, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 6 credits in Domain A.
How Not to Annoy your Supervisor or your Examiners:
Grammar and self-editing for HDR studentsIn this workshop, Dr Margaret Cargill will guide you on how to edit your own writing for grammatical accuracy and correct punctuation. This workshop is suitable for both students with English as a first and English an additional language and is a great opportunity for hands-on practice on your own uncorrected writing. Please bring 2-3 pages of your own writing. 21 March 2019, 1:10pm - 5pm, Charles Hawker 118, Waite Campus. Register here. This activity counts for 4 credits in Domain A.
Reviewing an Academic Paper in the Marketing & Management FieldsThe seminar presented by Associate Professor Chris Medlin and Associate Professor Jodie Conduit (Adelaide Business School) covers the basics of writing an academic review and provides an opportunity to discuss how reviewers handle different types of theoretical, method and analysis issues in presented papers. Further
information. 22 March 2019, 11am – 12pm, Room 13.01, Nexus 10. RSVP to by Friday 15th March 2019. This activity counts for 1 credit in Domain A.
New Library 'Databases by Title & Subject' and 'How Do I' GuidesThere have been a few changes to Library support material. The Databases A-Z list has been updated, enabling you to find a list of databases relevant to a particular subject. Library resource guides are now presented in a 'How do I' format. The updated guides will make it easier to find specific types of information, and assist you with evaluating and managing the information you do find. Research support material that was available on the old guides is now available via the Library website. If you require more tailored help than what you’ll find on the guides, please contact your Liaison Librarian to have a chat or
organise a one-on-one appointment.
About CaRST Located within the Adelaide Graduate Centre, CaRST is a specialised training and development program for HDR students at the University of Adelaide. For further information on CaRST visit the CaRST website.
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