No Images? Click here Law Mutual NewsWelcome to the latest update from Law Mutual (WA). In this newsletter you will also find relevant articles Practice and Matter Management Dealing with Difficult Clients and Handling Complaints, an introduction to staff member Jessie Ridgewell as well as details about our upcoming risk management seminars. Risk Management DiscountAs part of the 2017/2018 insurance application process, Law Mutual (WA) introduced the Risk Management Discount. Practices were able to claim 5% discount on the Annual Contribution, subject to specific qualification requirements. 106 firms received the discount and enjoyed discounts ranging from $275 to many thousands of dollars. To qualify for a Risk Management Discount on their 2018/2018 Annual Contribution, practices must ensure that:
The Practice must agree that if such documentary proof is not produced to the satisfaction of Law Mutual (WA), the Practice will immediately repay to Law Mutual (WA) the equivalent of the Risk Management Discount it received together with the GST payable thereon. Further, the Practice will not again be entitled to a Risk Management Discount until it has completed two consecutive years of training requirements. Further information regarding the various options available for approved risk management training can be found on the Law Mutual (WA) website and in the Risk Management Seminar Programme 2017/2018. Practice and Matter Management Guidelines Law Mutual (WA) has developed the Guidelines to provide a structured view of what it considers to be the requirements for good practice and matter management, with a focus on professional liability risk management. Analysis of claims, risks and controls has indicated that a significant number of claims have resulted from an absence of particular activities such as:
The Guidelines address the need for these and other activities in a structured way. Law Mutual (WA) encourages practices to follow the Guidelines. Meeting the requirements is evidence of your commitment to good professional liability risk management and will also result in:
The Guidelines can be downloaded from the Law Mutual (WA) website. Practitioners are encouraged to attend the Introduction to Practice and Matter Management seminar as part of the 2017/2018 Risk Management Seminar Programme to obtain further information and insight into the content of the Guidelines and how to meet the requirements in their practice. Dealing with Difficult Clients and Handling Complaints Do you know how to handle difficult clients and complaints? Difficult clients and complaints not only cost you time and money, they cause stress and increase the chances of matters becoming claims. Yet many lawyers are missing opportunities to turn these negative client relationships into positive ones. Whether you work in a sole, small or large law practice, Difficult clients and complaints handling: A practical guide to positive client relationships seminar provides insights and practical strategies to enable you to better identify and manage difficult client behaviours and defuse complaints constructively. Don’t miss this useful and relevant seminar presented by Ronwyn North from Streeton Consulting. Monday, 2 October Tuesday, 3 October Wednesday, 4 October Get to know your Law Mutual (WA)Jessie Ridgewell, Claims Administration Officer Arriving in Australia at 17, Jessie has worked in legal all her life and recently became an Australian citizen. For the past 9 ½ years Jessie has worked for the Manager, Claims at Law Mutual (WA). Her hobbies include showing dogs and currently has four Pointers. Her other passion is motor sport. Her husband and son both race Formula Fords at Barbagello Raceway and she also has a CAMS Licence to assist with events. She has an MGB 1957 Magnette ZB four door saloon taking pride of place. Living in the Swan Valley she also likes to visit a winery now and again Upcoming risk management seminars New Practitioner Risk 101Tuesday, 26 September | 4.00pm - 5.00pm | Level 5, 160 St Georges Terrace, Perth Does your firm have any newly-admitted practitioners? To equip new practitioners with vital risk management skills, this targeted seminar provides an overview of the professional liability claims history in Western Australia, discusses the underlying causes of claims, and provides a breakdown of key risks and the strategies for minimising them. »Register now Introduction to Practice Management and Matter Management Guidelines (Bunbury) Difficult clients and complaints handling: A practical guide to positive client relationships How to Stay Conflict Free for Small Practices You’re not my client; are you? Introduction to Practice Management and Matter Management Guidelines Client Engagement Agreements – Planning for Success Professional Liability Risks and Controls in Practice – are you accepting high risk clients and matters? Contact Law Mutual (WA)Street Address: Level 4, 160 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 |