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Vol 2  Issue 9 | December 19, 2019

Derech Emunah Newsletter
“Open House was a great opportunity for us to feature our dedicated and distinguished teachers” - Rabbi Cohen

By Rabbi Michael Cohen, Head of School


Above Photos: Mrs. Yael Shapira, Geometry; Mrs. Joy Mailmon, Language Arts


On Tuesday night, December 10th, Derech Emunah hosted an Open House to showcase our facility, faculty, and students. It was a fun and interactive evening attended by parents of prospective students, current parents, board members, and community members.


Mrs. Path, Academic Director, and I welcomed participants and outlined the one-of-a-kind program that we provide for girls here in Seattle. We deliver a challenging dual curriculum that focuses on Judaic and General Studies for young women who will become future leaders of their family and community.


Participants went to a classroom where six different teachers (in a variety of subjects, including Chumash, Language Arts, Math, and Physics) presented a sample, seven to10-minute class. Each mini-class demonstrated the educational approach embraced by our faculty.


This approach included the teacher’s using:


  1. A “Hook,” something to excite the students about the subject matter they are about to learn, and
  2. Guided practice to help students internalize and concretize their learning


As an example, Mrs. Joy Maimon, who teaches Language Arts, explained a concept that enables people to write in a more compelling, descriptive way. After displaying specific examples on the monitor, the “students” were given a sheet of paper and asked to enhance the phrases they saw using the technique she just introduced. Many “students” shared their handiwork.


Thankfully, parents were not assigned homework. But it was clear that our Open House “students” understood the lessons very well.


Our Madricha and Alumna, Shani Klitzner, and two current Derech Emunah students, Aliza Margolese and Tali Margolese, spoke about their experiences at Derech Emunah and the profound impact that it has had on them.


In the coming weeks, there will be opportunities for 7th and 8th-grade students to visit the school individually or in groups. We appreciate the all-important choices that parents of 8th graders will be making in the next few months regarding which high school is the best fit for their daughter.


We will create every opportunity possible to help parents and their daughters make a wise and informed decision that meets their needs.


Upcoming Dates and Events

Photo: Ms. Shani Klitzner, Madricha

December 20 

Chanukah Chagiga - Special Speaker Rabbi Ben Hassan

Current Rabbi of Sephardic Bikur Holim and former Rabbi of Sassoon Yehuda Sephardi Synagogue in Melbourne, Australia.


December 23 - 30


December 23 - January 1
Winter Break - No School


January 2
Classes Resume


January 7
Fast of Asara B'tevet - 
"Shanghai Miracle" will be shown


January 20
Martin Luther King Day - No school


January 28 - 29 
DE Retreat to Suncadia


Photos Below:

Left: Rabbi Michael Cohen, Head of School

Right: Mrs. Sarah PathAcademic Director, STEM Support, and Guided Study Hall