No Images? Click here NSC eUpdate Oct. 2, 2017Donations for Puerto Rico In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, previous NSC colleagues - Dr. M.C. Santana and Mr. Carlos Baez – have started a collection effort to provide essentials to those impacted. Please deliver donations to Boyd Lindsley in NSC 240A or you can drop them off at UCF-CNH 118, 114 or 112 or College of Sciences reception area, or COS-261. NSC Faculty Colloquia Features Hastings - Oct. 6 Dr. Sally Hastings will discuss her research, "Expanding the Terminology for Types of Positive Face", during the NSC Faculty Colloquia from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 5 in NSC 228. COS Chairs and Directors Meeting Minutes Available The minutes and supporting materials from the Sept. 27 College of Sciences Chairs and Directors meeting are now available. Click the appropriate links below for more information. Intern Pursuit Intern Pursuit 2017 will be held on Thursday, Oct. 19 in the Student Union's Pegasus Ballroom. The journalism portion of the Intern Pursuit event will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. The Ad/PR portion of Intern Pursuit will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. State Of the University Address - Oct. 17 You are cordially invited to the University of Central Florida State of the University Address presented by John C. Hitt, president at 3 p.m., Tuesday, Oct.17 in the Student Union's Pegasus Ballroom. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. VPR Advancement of Early Career Research Grants Due Oct. 9 The deadline for submission of VPR AECR proposals has been extended to 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. More important information can be found here. Just to double check, cc when submitting proposals. For questions regarding PTF submission and the ARGIS system, Joshua Roney (ORC), or Jatasha Haralson (COS Assistant Director of Research Programs and Services) may be better able to help. Transgenerational Service Learning Opportunity in Cuzco, Perú - Oct. 9 Come and learn about an exciting service learning program in Perú in during Spring Break 2018 in a meeting to be held from noon to 1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 9 in Colburn Hall, Room 401 (English Conference Room). . Also, enjoy free pizza at the informational session. Participants will work with non-profits in Cuzco and visit some of the ancient Inca ruins like Machu Pichu and Sacred Valley. To learn more, visit the study abroad link here. Microsoft Training for Faculty and Staff - Oct. 5 & 6 Last year, UCF IT and the Microsoft Store partnered together to offer on campus training for Basic Windows 10 to faculty and staff. This year we have expanded the training courses to also include Advanced Windows 10 and Advanced Word on Office 365. Eight sessions are being offered on the following dates and times in Teaching Academy 303. Register at the appropriate link below. Thursday, October 5
Friday, October 6
UCF Business Services Retail Show Learn about the fall array of retail services available to your department from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Friday, Oct. 13 at Live Oak Event Center. Refreshments and snacks will be provided. Happy Birthday!![]() Jeff Kunerth Mark Your Calendar Friday, Oct. 6 Monday, Oct. 9 Saturday, Oct. 14
Monday, Oct. 16
Tuesday, Oct. 17 Thursday, Oct. 19 Friday, Oct. 27 Friday, Nov. 3 Saturday, Nov. 4 Friday, Dec. 1 Tuesday, Dec. 5 |