Message from the Principal
Photo above: Kennedy students along with the Executive team and Transform Cambodia staff at the opening of our Kennedy Centre in Phnom Penh.
Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to Term 3, we trust that everyone had a wonderful holiday and are now ready to continue embracing the ongoing opportunities at Kennedy. Term 3 promises to be an exciting term with many major events on our College calendar including our College Open Day, House Athletics Carnival, Dance Showcase and our student led Kennedy Day. The Year 12s are starting their last full term at Kennedy and we look forward to continuing to support them as they work towards their goals.
Over the semester break our students have had some wonderful occasions to reinforce our College values of Faith, Integrity, Boldness, Growth and Service.
Our Year 11 students involved with the Cambodia Connect mission trip had the opportunity to teach conversational English while also being present for the official opening of the new Kennedy Centre in Phnom Penh. Some of the staff and students on the trip met the children they sponsor and enjoyed getting to know them.
37 Year 10 students had the chance to extend themselves and develop new skills snowboarding, skiing and white water rafting in New Zealand.
Thank you to our Staff who gave up their personal leave to be involved in these tours.
Our building program continues with the new Food Technology and Fabrics area, and we look forward to the completion of this project later this year.
A major Kennedy event for this term is the College Open Day on Saturday 25 August. There will be a number of performances throughout the day, as well as student work on display. We especially welcome our current parents to attend so they can have the opportunity to look around all parts of the College.
As we start a new semester I would like to reinforce the mission and values of Kennedy that maximize the learning experience at the College. Kennedy Baptist College endeavours to the very best of its abilities to provide educational opportunities of excellence in a Christian context. In doing so the needs for lifelong learning are also addressed. All staff at Kennedy are committed to this mission through our Christian ethos and values.
I look forward to serving the College Community throughout Term 3. Please contact me if you have any concerns that I may be able to assist with.
Mr Wendell Pether
Acting Principal
Matthew has deliberately chosen stories which compare Jesus with Moses. We have the edict of Pharaoh (Ex 1:15,16) versus the edict of Herod (Matthew 2:16-18); both Moses and Jesus spend part of their lives in Egypt; there is the 40 years/40 days in the desert; and then there is the relationship with Torah; given by Moses (all 613 instructions) and fulfilled in Jesus (Matthew 5:17-20); where Jesus fulfills Torah, in that he sees himself as part of the same storyline in which Moses and Torah and Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, King David, all of the Prophets (etc.,) who were important characters, yes, but whose main role was guiding us to the perfect ending, Jesus.
Jesus sits down with his disciples and his followers and in Matthew chapters 5-7 and teaches them about what it really means to be his disciple and his follower. It’s not just about what we do, it’s how we think and how we feel. Jesus strikes at the very heart of the matter, which just happens to be our hearts. One of the teachings I love about this passage is the protection given to females in the Kingdom (Matthew 5:28) which is a wonderful illustration of the underlying theme of this passage, which is the way you think about and respond to others is the way you think about and respond to your Heavenly Father, the King of this Kingdom.
“And the King will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least important of these my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.’
(Matthew 25:40).
Year 10 to 12 Awards Assembly Term 3
Yesterday we celebrated the academic achievement and success of our Year 10 to 12 students. We had a large number of students receive awards across all learning areas of the College. Our senior girls Basketball team was also congratulated on their outstanding achievement as School Sport WA state champions. The assembly concluded with a bible reading and Mr Pether reflected on the fact that we all need someone to lean on and that we are where we are because of our parents, friends and other people in our life. Students and staff were acknowledged for their hard work and commitment to the College. Please click here for more photos.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
Photo above: Celebrating students at our Awards Assembly.
Information About VET in School
Information about TAFE courses that can be combined with full time schooling has been emailed to current Year 10 and 11 parents/guardians and students. Please access the email to see what courses are available to students in 2019. South Metropolitan TAFE is experiencing problems with the online application form. Once this is resolved parents and students will be informed.
Students requiring assistance with their resume or application can contact Mrs Schiefler bschiefler@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
Sport at Kennedy
Interhouse Athletics Carnival Volunteers
We always value the helping hands of parents at our annual Interhouse Athletics Carnival.
Date: Thursday 16 August
Time: 8.00am to 2.00pm
Venue: HBF Stadium
If you have some spare time and would like to help out, please email Miss Jessica Kennedy at jkennedy@kennedy.wa.edu.au
College Notices
Community Open Day
Open Day will be held on 25 August. Open Day is a great way to see the College campus, view student work and meet Kennedy staff. The College will be open from 10.00am - 2.00pm. We hope that you set aside this day to have a look around the College and join us for amazing food, free events and great entertainment. For more information about our Community Open Day, please visit our website here.
Research and Study Centre - System Change
In the Research and Study Centre we are trialling a new system with overdue items and reservation notices. Instead of students being notified in Form class of overdue items or items they have reserved, they will be sent a direct message on SEQTA. In order to keep parents informed you will be copied in on these messages. Please bear in mind that sometimes the item will only just be overdue - the due dates will be in the message. The Research and Study staff appreciate your understanding as we trial this new system.
Dance Showcase 2018
Kennedy Arts Department presents
On Broadway Dance Showcase.
Friday 10 August at 7.00pm in the Kennedy Auditorium. Tickets is $10 and can be purchased online here or at the Arts Office.
Beedawong Cafeteria Volunteers
We need volunteers in the Beedawong kitchen for Term 3. Please drop in and see our fabulous facilities! We have two shifts available: mornings 8.30am-11.15am or afternoons 12.50pm-2.00pm. Please call Mrs Karen Shea on (08) 9314 7722 or email Beedawong cafeteria.
Beedawong Menu Term 3
Please click here for Canteen menu.
Tutoring Timetable Term 3
Please click here for tutoring timetable.
P&F Parents Connect Newsletter
Please click here to read last week's P&F Newsletter.
Concent 2 Go
Link can be found here or on the College web page under parent information here.
Term 3 Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Wednesday, 8.00am to 3.45pm. * Closed for lunch 12.30 to 1.00pm. Closed on Thursday and Friday. Please contact Mrs Kerry James kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au for any enquiries or information.
Lost Property Cupboard
Lost Property cupboard is full of unnamed uniform items, please visit the lost property cupboard in Student Services if you are missing items.
Upcoming Events For Term 3
P&F Meeting
Tuesday 24 July at 6.30pm in the Staff Lounge. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Year 7-9 Awards Assembly
Wednesday 25 July at 8.45am in our Auditorium.
Jamming with the P&F
Saturday 28 July
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
Thursday 16 August.
Community Open Day
Saturday 25 August from 10.00am - 2.00pm.
Celebrating Students Achievements
Adele Corless
Adele Corless was involved in the Summit Cheerleading Competition in Orlando, Florida in early May. Her team was invited to compete at an international level. It was a truly unforgettable and inspiring experience for Adele and Kennedy is proud of her achievement.
Community Events
Murdoch Open Day 2018 will be held on Saturday 28 July from 10.00am - 4.00pm. Invite a friend and join us! Click here for more information.
Early Offer Program. Are you a high-achieving Year 12 student? Early Offer applications for Semester One 2019 are due 31 July 2018. Find out more here.
The July to December 2018 timetables is now available here.
Mindfulness Transform Your Relationships. A short course on 24 July
Rebuilding After Separation and Divorce. This comprehensive 8 week course takes you through a series of rebuilding blocks commencing in 25 July.
If you would like to enrol in any of our courses or require further information, please call (08) 6164 0239.
Curtin Open Day 2018. Explore the Curtin campus, learn about courses, speak to lecturers and current students, participate in activities and have lots of fun. On Sunday 29 July 2018 at 10.00am to 4.00pm at the Curtin University, Bentley Campus. Please click here for more information.
Want to know what it's really like at university? Join us at UWA Open Day on 12 August 10.00am - 4.00pm.
Study at UNSW Canberra! UNSW Canberra has international recognition as a successful, research-intensive university - generating new knowledge for the benefit of present and future generations which has had an impact around the globe. Click here for more information.