What You Really Need to Know About GMOs |
Do you know what you're eating? Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are found in a wide variety of
foods in most grocery stores. GMO labeling isn't the law in the U.S., so if you want to avoid genetically
modified foods, you need to know the basics.
CLICK HERE to learn how to make informed choices about your consumption of GMOs. The food list may surprise you! |
Healthy Tip: Copy Your Cat |
Stretching like a cat in the morning, before you start the busyness of your day, improves circulation, benefits digestion, and eases back pain. In fact, there’s a yoga pose called the Cat, which is often paired with the Cow for the full effect of stretching your spine. It looks like this:
Before attempting any yoga pose, you will want to read the steps to make sure all of your parts are in the right position, especially your head and neck. About.com has a page of 100 Yoga poses to check your form step by step.
You can spend as little as five minutes on stretching and you WILL start to notice a difference in your flexibility and in the way your body feels.
When you’re ready to add two more beginner moves, the Triangle and the Cobra will get your energy flowing even better. Your body will thank you. |
Local Corner: Rosina is on the Run Again! |
In 2009, the Wounded Warrior project started organizing 5k, 8k and 10k runs around the country. These events are focused on increasing awareness of and raising funds to support the needs of injured service members.
Our very own Rosina Navarro participated in the 2013 Wounded Warrior “Run for Heroes” 5k race hosted by the city of Kennesaw, Georgia for the Wounded Warrior Project. ThinNow was also a proud sponsor of this very special event.
As we shared with you last month, Rosina was first a customer of ThinNow and dropped a whopping 50lbs with the ThinNow HCG diet before coming to work for us. At her heaviest weight, Rosina never dreamed she’d be running in 5k’s let alone training for a half marathon!
Rosina has maintained her weight loss for more than a year and a half, changing her lifestyle to include exercise goals that help her keep up with her busy schedule. She is thrilled with her new quality of life and is an inspiration to us all.
If you’re in the Acworth area on Thursdays, be sure to stop by the store. Rosina would love to meet you and encourage you to start your own weight loss journey.
Are you interested in walking or running but don’t have a partner? Need motivation to get moving? You can meet Rosina and Taylor in front of the ThinNow store on Thursday mornings for a 2.5-mile run or walk at your pace. They’ll help you get started and keep you motivated. Please call our store at 770-529-0025 for questions or to sign up. We look forward to seeing you! |
SUCCESS: Signe Drops 100 lbs! |
In December 23, 2011, Signe Rogers made up her mind to choose life over what she considered her path toward death. At 254 lbs. and a scary diagnosis from her doctor, she knew it was “do or die” – so she did – the HCG diet, that is.
Today, after six rounds of the HCG diet, Signe is 100 pounds lighter and six dress sizes smaller. She is finally able to live a healthy life, free from medications for diabetes, blood pressure, and thyroid imbalance.
And she’s not done yet! You can chat with Signe in the ThinNow forum as she continues her journey to her goal. CLICK HERE to read her inspiring story. |
Chicken and Spinach Meatloaf
This is arguably ThinNow co-founder, Janet Wilson’s, favorite VLCD dinner recipe. She has been known to par-bake and freeze four of these meatloaves to defrost and eat during VLCD!
“The combination of chicken, spinach, and melba toast, plus the Apricot Stevia, just sends me to a very happy place – and I don’t even like spinach,” says Janet.
If you’re in VLCD, be sure to use ground chicken breast – not the more common ground chicken, which includes dark meat. And you don’t have to use the Apricot Stevia, but it sure does add flavor and a new dimension to this yummy dinner dish. Another idea is to use Capella Apricot, which would eliminate the sweetness.
CLICK HERE for this recipe then check out our hundreds of unique, custom-created HCG Diet and other diet-safe recipes on the ThinNow website. |
BELIEVE: Get Inspired |