Message from the Principal
Photo above: Students and Staff at the Year 11 Camp.
Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to Term 2 at Kennedy Baptist College. I trust everyone had a wonderful relaxing holiday. Kennedy prides itself on the outstanding extra-curricular programs on offer and it was wonderful to experience these opportunities first hand in the last week of Term 1. Our Year 7 and 9 camps provided great opportunities for students to be challenged through a range of outsourced activities and also provided great chances to form new friendships along the way. Year 11 camp was developed for students to reflect on their transition to Senior School and set goals for the future. I hope these experiences were appreciated by all students involved.
Term 3 Leadership Changes
At the end of this term I will be commencing Long Service Leave for all of Term 3. Mr Pether will be acting Principal and Mr King, Head of Year 8, will be acting Deputy Principal for Pastoral Care in my absence. I look forward to returning in Term 4 to complete another very successful year of College operation.
Semester Examinations
This term promises to be a challenging one for everyone as the end of Semester One approaches and assessments have a major impact on final grades. As examinations approach it is important to review the reason for such assessments at Kennedy. All assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their achievement so that teachers can review academic progress. The use of assessments as a diagnostic tool is vitally important to staff and strategies are then implemented in response to student performance. This may be in the form of support through additional instruction, tutoring or intensive remediation. It may also include extension or enrichment if this need has been identified. Examinations provide a great opportunity to review the semester’s achievement and provide this analytic data.
A reminder to our Year 11 and 12 students about the importance of examinations:
Year 11 examinations have a significant impact on semester grades required for WACE graduation.
Year 12 examinations have a significant impact on semester marks and grades that contribute to a student’s ATAR and WACE graduation prospects.
I trust everyone has a fulfilling and rewarding Term 2 at Kennedy.
Mr Mark Ashby
Over the holidays I was challenged as to my own study of Scripture - that it would become more than just reading a couple of chapters a day accompanied by a prayer. I found a reading plan that incorporated both prayer and personal study, which I thrive on because I have a background in theological studies and access to some wonderful resources.
What I do realize is that for many, reading the Bible can be difficult, because the authors assume prior knowledge of historical writings and events. It is the realisation that while the Bible was written for us, it was not written to us. What I mean by this is that; I have never known an exodus or an exile, I am not an Aramaic speaking Jewish person located in Roman occupied Israel, I have never feared for my life because of my faith, yet these factors were relevant to the Believers of the first century.
This does not mean that we cannot read the Bible without this information. It is still the word of God for us. But, if we take time to understand the world views of the people of the Bible, we then add depth to our personal study. We begin to bridge the gap. I hope to begin this “bridge building” by looking at how Jesus is portrayed in the four Gospels; some of the terminology used, e.g. the Kingdom of God/Heaven; what is the “Good news”? and how the authors of the Gospels draw on the collective knowledge and common experience of their readers.
I would welcome the opportunity to explore these topics with interested students, so please feel free to contact me via SEQTA direct messages with any questions you may have.
Term 2 Assembly
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At our Term 2 College Assembly on Wednesday 2 May our Student Councillors, Keely Hatch and Eric De Sousa shared an introduction to the ANZAC Ceremony and the context of ANZAC Day for this year. A minute's silence was observed during the Assembly. Student Councillor Eleesha Popkiss read the beautiful scripture from Luke 6:27-36, which reminds us to love our enemies.
During our Assembly we recognised students who have achieved the Kennedy Baptist College Colours Award. Mr Pether mentioned that; ‘College Colours are awarded to students, recognising their positive standing and College contribution.’ Students awarded need to demonstrate specific criteria in four areas; College representation in sport or community service, academic standing, student leadership and good attitude and behaviour.
Students were reminded that we have our Annual Arts Cup and Interhouse Cross Country next Wednesday 9 May. These events are an ideal opportunity to earn points for their House. Students are encouraged to embrace the team spirit and enjoy the day.
For more Assembly photos please click here and for more information about the Interschool Cross Country please click here.
Transform Cambodia - Sponsor a child
Kennedy is committed to international service through this project and we look forward to celebrating the opening of the Kennedy Centre when our students visit Phnom Penh at the end of this term. This is a long term commitment for the College and it allows for all students and families to be involved. We will continue to support and promote this project as we still have impoverished students available for sponsorship. Should you wish to sponsor a child or support our Centre in Phnom Penh please do not hesitate to contact our Administration. Please click here for more information.
Mother's Day Morning Tea Invitation
This will be a fun filled morning so please come and join other Kennedy Mums over a cuppa and some tempting treats at our annual Mother's Day morning tea. Our guest speaker this year will be Shannon McCarthy, who speaks regularly on Sonshine FM about the joys and trials of parenting.
Grandmothers are also welcome!
Date: Friday 11 May 2018
Venue: Staff Lounge
Time: 9.00am - 10.15am
For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP to Mrs Janet Hair by clicking here before Wednesday 9 May 2018.
Sport at Kennedy
SAS Summer Sport Update
Throughout Term 1 Kennedy participated in the Southern Associated Schools summer tournament with 16 teams across a range of sports. The Kennedy teams showed strength across a very healthy and competitive group and were rewarded for their hard work by being awarded Summer Champion School. This group of Year 11 and 12 students is extremely talented and should be proud of their participation and dedication to the program.
Following these games we had the opportunity for five teams to play the winner of the Northen Competition in an Interzone final on Wednesday 4 April.
The results were as follows:
Girls Basketball - Kennedy 65 defeated Newman 33
Boys Basketball - Kennedy 50 defeated Chisholm 44
Girls Indoor Beach Volleyball - Kennedy defeated Chisholm
Boys Indoor Beach Volleyball - Newman defeated Kennedy
Boys Touch Rugby - Kennedy defeated Sacred Heart
Congratulations to all teams and best wishes for the winter (Term 2) games. Personal results were:
12 Female Courtney Green: Girls Basketball MVP
12 Male Derek Igbenoba: Boys Basketball MVP
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Health & Physical Education Teacher/Sports Coordinator
Photo above: Girls Basketball.
Photo above: Boys Basketball.
Photo above: Girls Indoor Volleyball.
Photo above: Boys Touch Rugby.
College Notices
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Uniform Shop Hours for Term 2 is Monday to Wednesday from
8.00am - 3.45pm. * Closed for lunch 12.30 to 1.00pm. * Closed on Thursday and Friday.
For more information please contact Mrs Kerry James via email. To view Uniform Policy click here.
Unknown Deposits
The following deposits have been made to the College's bank account. If you have made either of these deposits please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email her here. Details are as below:
06/04/18 - TM Bank
19/04/18 - Glenn Rodney
Lunch Orders & Term 2 Menu
Students may purchase breakfast, snacks and lunch from the College cafeteria. Parents/students can purchase via online canteen or cash over counter. No orders will be taken after 9.00am and ordered lunches will be served first. Please click here for Term 2 Menu.
Tuesday 8 May
Year 10 Curriculum Evening
Wednesday 9 May
Arts Cup
Interhouse Cross Country
P&F General Committee Meeting
Friday 11 May
Kennedy Mother's Day Morning Tea
Thursday 7 June
Interschool Cross Country
Beedawong Cafeteria Volunteers
We are a great group who all work together in a fun environment. Your task would be to help prepare food and assist the Cafeteria Manager with other small tasks. If you would like to help, please email Beedawong cafeteria.
Book Covering
Book Covering in the Research and Study Centre will be next Tuesday 8 May in the morning, please come along if you would like to help us cover new library books. We would love to see some new faces! Training is provided as is delicious cake - see you there!
Term 2 Tutoring Timetable
Please click here for larger version of the Term 2 Tutoring Timetable.
Community Events
Campus Tour: Start your pursuit with a UWA Campus tour! The next tour will be held on Monday 7 May at the Student Central from 10.00am to 11.00pm. Please click here to register.
UWA Course Information Evening: Year 10-11 Course Information Evening is on Wednesday 9 May at the Bayliss Building. Expo available from 6pm, presentation 6.30-7.30pm. For more information, please click here. Year 12 Course Information Evening will follow from 7pm, presentation 7.30-8.30pm. Please click here to register.
We know that choosing a university is a big decision – especially if it’s interstate. Get all your questions answered at our information evening and save yourself the trip to Melbourne. Monash University information evening is on Monday 21 May at Novotel Perth Langley, Perth from 6.30pm-8.00pm. Please click here for more information.
Join us for upcoming events. Post-graduate info evening on Tuesday 15 May and Course info evening and expo on Wednesday 30 May. Apply here.
Play Futsal, we organise junior social competitions running from Monday to Thursday for all levels and age groups. This is a great opportunity to improve your skills. Please click here for larger version and more information.
Researchers at Curtin University are trialling a free group program for adolescents aged 14-17, who have problems with worry or negative thinking linked to anxiety and depression. For more information or to participate, please click here.
Year 10 Parent Information Evening. Join us at our Mount Lawley Campus on Thursday 24 May at 6:00pm or at our Joondalup Campus on Tuesday 5 June at 6:00pm. You can register your attendance at this event by visiting our Future Student Events page here.