No Images? Click here NSC eUpdate Sept. 5, 2017COS Chair/Director Regular Meeting Minutes - Aug. 30 Please find the College of Sciences Chair/Director Regular Meeting Minutes from the August 30, 2017 meeting. Also included below are presentations and handouts included at this meeting. COS Faculty Assembly with Dean - Sept. 8 NSC faculty members are invited to attend Dean Michael Johnson's State of the College of Sciences Assembly from 1 to 3 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 8 in Health and Public Affairs I, Room 107. Light refreshments will be available. President and Provost Meeting with COS Faculty - Sept. 13 The President and Provost will be meeting with COS Faculty on September 13, 1:30-3 p.m. in Key West 218 A/B, Student Union. Help Improve Sedona Recognizing there have been limitations and challenges with Sedona (the annual report software program), we are requesting anyone who is interested/willing to partake in a feedback session (or two) to help improve the system for this coming year’s reporting cycle, to please connect with Ms. Shameika Daye by Sept. 15. Shameika will gather feedback and work with the developer/vendor to see what adjustments can be made to accommodate the requests and improve the system. Global Communication Practice Course Are you interested in learning more about an opportunity to collaborate with our partner institutions in Australia or Germany? NSC is considering study abroad opportunities that could include a faculty member in summer 2018. If you are interested in more information, please reach out to Lindsay Neuberger ( by Friday 9/8. Downtown Campus Safety Update - Sept. 15 Do you have questions about safety and security at the New Downtown campus? Here’s your chance to get it straight from the cop! Lt. Christine Gigicos of UCF PD, the commander of the UCF Downtown Police station, will be at Nicholson on Friday, Sept. 15, from 9:30-10 a.m. to answer your questions (that’s right before our faculty meeting). Lt. Gigicos has more than 20 years of experience at Orlando Police, most of them in the Parramore area. She’ll share with you her plans for safety and security on the campus, and she’ll also take your questions. Mark your calendar for Friday, Sept. 15 at 9:30 a.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAYMark Your Calendar Wednesday, Sept. 6 Wednesday, Sept. 6
Thursday, Sept. 7 Friday, Sept. 8 Friday, Sept. 8 Wednesday, Sept. 13 Thursday, Sept. 14 Friday, Sept. 15
Friday, Sept. 15 Friday, Sept. 22 Friday, Oct. 6 Saturday, Oct. 14
Monday, Oct. 16 Thursday, Oct. 19 Friday, Oct. 27 Friday, Nov. 3 Saturday, Nov. 4 Friday, Dec. 1 |