Message from the Principal
Photo above: Students at the Interhouse Cross Country Carnival.
Dear Parents and Families,
Across Australia students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have completed the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests this week. NAPLAN may have been a feature of your child’s schooling for some time now – it was first introduced in 2008 – but for others it will be their first foray into formalised assessment.
The NAPLAN tests are diagnostic tests designed to provide an understanding of a student’s performance at the time of assessment in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy skills. It tests the literacy and numeracy skills that your child has developed over time in the school curriculum. The results provide schools, states and territories with information regarding the progress of education programs and what needs to be prioritised when addressing improvements.
NAPLAN should not be considered the sole measure of your child’s ability. We will assume that all students have completed the testing process to the best of their abilities and use these results to assist individuals to the best of our abilities.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
It was a pleasure to have so many of our College Mum’s joining us for our morning tea last Friday. Our female Student Councillors did a wonderful job serving morning tea and it was great sharing together with our guest speaker Shannon McCarthy. We greatly appreciate yet another opportunity to involve parents in our community, thank you for joining us.
Girls Uniform Additions
After some enquiries, several new items have been added to the uniform list for girls. This includes winter formal pants and summer formal shorts. Both items are the same colours as our boy’s items but have been styled for girls. Please see Kerry James, our Uniform Manager, should you wish to purchase these items for immediate wear.
Screen guidelines for students
An article by education academics at Charles Sturt University has set out eight recommendations that should feature in guidelines for students’ use of electronic devices:
Turn electronic devices off at least one hour before bedtime to improve a student’s ability to fall asleep, and help them sleep longer.
Administer a 20-20-20 rule to break up unavoidable and prolonged periods of screen engagement: look away from screens a maximum of every 20 minutes and look 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This can allow a shift in focus and allow the muscles around the eyes to be exercised.
To avoid eye strain, smart phones should be held 30 cm away from the head and computer monitors/tablet screens held between 50-63 cm away.
Placement of mobile devices should be around eye level when reading/viewing to avoid low gaze angles which can impact on neck and head posture.
Evaluate whether an electronic device is essential for students’ engagement in a set task. There is evidence students prefer reading off paper during set tasks.
Provide a screen intensity scale for students to showcase the different intensities of electronics during their screen-based learning activities. The more intensity, the more regular breaks are required.
Use the term ‘passive games’ in guidelines in preference to the term ‘seated games’. Some seated games such as active cycling games may help meet recommended activity guidelines.
Ensure text on students’ screens is three times larger than the smallest size they can read from a normal viewing position.
Mr Mark Ashby
I grew up reading the stories of the Old Testament for which I am grateful. But in many ways; that is what they remained. Stories that were disjointed from the mega narrative and without cohesion. Yet these stories are a masterpiece of themes threaded through narrative, poetry and prophetic utterance and together form the Scriptures of Jesus, his disciples, and the early church. It is these writings that the authors of the New Testament drew on to point to the truth that Jesus was the promised Messiah.
In the Gospel of Matthew, there are over 120 Old Testament references alone, as the author depicts Jesus as Messiah (Matthew 1: 1-17); a new (greater than) Moses, (both are called out of Egypt; go through the waters, spend a period of 40-time spans in the wilderness and ascend a mountain to bring Torah) and finally, that God is with us (Matthew 1:23; 28:20).
The first readers, steeped in both Synagogue and the Septuagint, would have seen the connections clearly. Even the way the author has constructed the Gospel, in that there are five main teaching blocks, which parallel the five books which make up the Pentateuch/Torah is an indication as to how well-crafted the Gospel of Matthew is.
In Matthew 4:17 we have the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, and the theme which will dominate his teachings is highlighted. It is a theme that takes us back to the first book of the Bible (Genesis 1:28), and it is the Kingdom of Heaven/God. It is this overarching story which I will consider in my next devotion, where kingdom is not a location, such as a country, but rather it is an action or an activity and what that means for us today.
Examination Timetables and Rules
Please see examination timetables and rules for Year 8 to 12 below.
Lower School Examination Rules here
Senior School Examination Rules here
Year 8 Examination Timetable here
Year 9 Examination Timetable here
Year 10 Examination Timetable here
Year 11 Examination Timetable here
Year 12 Examination Timetable here
Year 7 Report
Term 2 is well underway with the Year 7s doing their NAPLAN testing this week and next week in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy. Teachers have been working through practice exercises to try and take some of the stress out of this for students.
The Year 7 Foundation Camp held at Fairbridge Village in the last week of last term was very successful with lots of new friendships being made while the students challenged themselves with the many activities on offer. We were blessed with great weather and it was a pleasure to work with the Year 7s over three days. They worked together very well in their Activities groups as they were involved in rock climbing, abseiling, the giant swing, high ropes, orienteering, kayaking, swimming, archery, the Amazing Race and mountain bike riding. Meal times were energetic getting 200 students plus staff fed and the duty teams worked very well clearing up and doing the dishes. I was impressed with how well the students cooperated with the staff and each other and would like to commend them on their good behaviour. I believe that camp was an important bonding time for
the students as they embark on spending six years together as they journey through Kennedy.
We will continue with Community Service this term with two more Form classes visiting the Seniors group at Lakeside Baptist Church. These times are very popular with both the students and the seniors. Please click here for more camp photos.
Photos above: Year 7 Foundation Camp.
Year 8 Report
As we progress into the second term and into the second year of most Year 8 students, it is important that students take time to self-reflect and see where they are ‘standing’. This means students need to self-assess and judge whether they are happy with their current efforts and if they are on track to achieve their long-term goals. Even though post-secondary school seems a long time away with many challenges to overcome along the way, what students do now and their efforts at this time directly impact the outcomes students will see in their Senior School and into post-secondary education. If results are not as high as expected or if there are behavioural issues that keep coming up, then now is the time for students to take stock of their progress and
make changes. Any positive changes made now will pay huge dividends in the future and ensure long-term goals are met.
I would ask parents and guardians to familiarise themselves with the SEQTA messaging system as this is the primary source of contact from the College to parents and guardians. The ability to read messages from the College and teachers along with the ability to contact your child’s teachers if you have a question is invaluable. Please feel free to contact me if you are unsure how to do this.
At the end of last term, the Year 8 social was held; over one third of the cohort attended with a great sense of community and collegiality generated by the students’ attendance. I would encourage as many students as possible attend these events as they are great fun and create a very positive atmosphere. There will be another opportunity to attend a social this term.
As Year 8 students get close to their first exams, it is important for them to realise the steps they take now will help them immensely when it comes time to sit these exams. Creating a positive study routine, one that suits your learning style but also is adaptable to your changing lifestyle is key. Even if students don’t believe they have any homework etc. they must still sit and revise their work to get the routine of study and turn it into a habit. The best time to begin a study routine is right now.
Photos above: Year 8 Social event at Bounce.
Year 9 Report
The holiday break gave me a chance to reflect upon our Year 9 Adventure Camp held at the end of last term. It was an amazing experience for the all the Year 9 students and teachers.
Throughout the camp it was a joy to see friendships strengthened and new ones formed as people were prepared to move out of their comfort zone and try new things. I loved watching students do the challenging activities being able to face their fears and being put outside their comfort zone. These activities are very good character building experiences which develop resilience and friendships.
The activities of rock climbing, canoeing, raft building, abseiling, pamper pole and flying fox were a great way to get the students working together and encouraging one another to be able to complete the task. The most popular activity of the camp was undoubtedly biscuiting behind a boat. I have seen footage of some tremendous stacks. Some marksmen were also discovered in the shooting activity, even some teachers being very competitive.
At night we had some fun activities. We had Nations Youth Team who challenged the students in their faith and what they believe. Students are to be commended on their excellent behaviour on camp and it was an amazing experience which the students will remember for years to come. Please click here for camp photos.
We now switch our attention to NAPLAN testing which has recently commenced. I wish the students all the best for these upcoming tests.
Photos above: Year 9 Challenge Camp.
Year 10 Report
It is such a busy time of year for the Year 10 students as we head in to the first semester exams. I hope that all Year 10 students have started studying or are working on a study plan.
It has been fantastic to hear from the Year 10 students about their Work Experience. Most students found it an enjoyable week and were able to determine whether they would like to continue striving for that career. Some were also able to realise they were not interested in that field of work and have already started considering what to do next.
It was encouraging to see so many students join in on Tuesday night for the Year 10 Information Evening and already I have been able to start conversations with students in regards to what subjects they would like to take for the next two years at Kennedy. We will be debriefing this over the next couple of weeks but I encourage you to talk with your child about what they would like to do regarding subjects selections for next year. Towards the end of this term every Year 10 student will have an interview with one of the Deputies or Directors. More information will be sent through.
Later on this term we have our Ice skating social event planned and also a community service activity where all Year 10s will be able to plant some trees and help with the Black Cockatoo rehabilitation of bush land. Keep an eye out for more information and permission slips.
Photos above: Year 10 Work Experience.
Year 11 Report
What a great end we had to Term 1. As a Year 11 cohort we all went to Rottnest Island for our Transition Camp and it was awesome. This year the focus for Year 11 camp changed to goal setting and self-motivation. I would like to thank the Year 11 students for embracing this change by being willing to share and reflect during small group activities. I would also like to thank Mr David from Alpha Motivation for being our keynote speaker for the week.
Not only did we think deeply but we also had fun. Below are some photos of all the activities on camp. These along with others may be found here. A huge thank you to all the Form teachers and staff who actively participated in our camp and guided our students for a safe fulfilling experience.
Now we look forward to Term 2 and our first set of ATAR examinations. I encourage students to have faith in their own gifts and talents and to accept the challenge of adequately preparing for their assessments and exams. As with any new and challenging experience, students may find they have some apprehension or doubt. I remind students to take advantage of all available resources such as afterschool tutoring, individual study skills at the Research and Study Centre, College Councillors and of course their subject teachers. Use these and put in the effort and I am sure you will reap the rewards. Finally don’t forget to pray, remembering Joshua 1:9 “be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the LORD your God, am with you wherever you go."
Photos above: Year 11 Transition Camp.
Year 12 Report
Reflecting on our first term as a cohort it was wonderful to see students take on the responsibility of their Year 12 Common Room. This is a space for the students to relax, study, play table tennis and of course make use of the kitchen facilities. Whilst walking through the common room there has been a sea of blue with all the students proudly wearing their Leaver’s jackets and looking very grown up. The term was also a time of service with our students involved in a making chocolate/coconut balls that were given to Manna Kitchens for distribution amongst the homeless and those less fortunate than ourselves.
Our Year 12 students are already a third of the way through their syllabus studies. Students are well advised to pay careful attention to their health and physical wellness. Thus, a balanced work, rest and exam preparation timetable should have been established over the school holidays and maintained. Please encourage your child or student to make contact with their course teachers early if they are struggling with their assessments or concepts taught in class, being proactive will minimize stress and becoming overwhelmed with the demands of their courses and study. In addition to this, we have two wonderful support networks for our students in our mentoring program, where each Year 12 has a nominated Mentor Teacher with whom they meet regularly, and our College counselling team who are easily accessible. Students will be reminded of these with the lead up to their examinations.
It is also important to note the necessity to be punctual on arrival at the College by 8.10am in the morning to be on time for Form as this is where important notices regarding dates and deadlines are given and often critical documents regarding the WACE. It is also where the student’s prime pastoral care contact and welcoming teacher is present, this puts students in an open frame of mind for the day and establishes a sense of belonging and community.
Extended Form during Term 2 will be filled with various activities from relaxation to studying techniques, students from our leading Universities will present on careers and pathways as well as an external company who will educate our students on financial literacy. The variety of activities pre and post exams will hopefully reinvigorate goals and plans for beyond Kennedy Baptist College.
Photos above: Year 12 students’ enjoying the Common Room.
Arts Cup 2018
On Wednesday 9 May students from Kennedy Baptist College were treated to outstanding performances by students competing in Arts Cup 2018.
This event showcases the most talented singers, dancers and musicians, who are all representing their Houses as well as competing for individual prizes. The winner of this year's event is Aron Attiwell, from Eyre house who played the drums to perfection, scoring 60/60 from the judges. Second place went to Sky Healey, from Stirling who brilliantly choreographed her own dance routine. Third place went to Bella Gabrielson, from Forrest who sang beautifully, captivating the audience.
The overall House winner for this event was King, who had the highest number of auditions as well as three performers on the day. Congratulations to all of the students involved. For more photos please click here.
Mr Murray Dunstan
Eyre House Coordinator
Photo above: Students performing.
Photo above: Winners of the Arts Cup 2018.
Students At Work
Politics and Law Excursion
In the Year 11 Politics and Law class, students have been learning about both Statute Law and Common law. Statute law refers to laws made by Parliament. Common law (or Case law), refers to decisions made by the courts in a case. These decisions can set a precedent that lower courts must follow when deciding a case of a similar nature.
On Monday 7 May, the Year 11 Politics and Law students went on a Lawmaking excursion in the city. The day started with exploring Parliament House and roleplaying the different stages of passing a bill through the Legislative Assembly. Students then observed real court cases in both the Magistrates Court and the District Court. The cases ranged from traffic offenses, obstruction of justice, fraud, assault, and various drug dealing offenses. The experience helped to build student understanding of the court hierarchy, relevant jurisdictions, the appeals process, and the doctrine of precedent.
The excursion provided students with the opportunity to observe and experience how laws are made, interpreted and enforced in real life situations.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Politics and Law Teacher
Book Club - Rugs and Reading
On Tuesday the Research and Study Centre Book Club made the most of this beautiful weather and read while lying around on rugs - what a lovely way to spend the afternoon, Reading and Relaxing on Rugs – the three Rs!!
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Research and Study
Photo above: Year 11 Politics and Law class.
Sport at Kennedy
Interhouse Cross Country Carnival
On Wednesday 9 May we had excitement around the oval as students participated in our annual Cross Country Carnival. The weather was perfect and the enthusiasm was high from each House. Well done and thank you to all students who finished the track. Well done in particular to the top female and male runners.
A new initiative this year was a live feed microchip technology which provided constant updates throughout the day and the ability to announce the students as they approached the finish line. This also enabled students to access the results immediately following the completion of their race. Please click here to see all results.
Congratulations to Eyre who were the eventual winners. Please click here to see the results of the top female and male runners and click here for more photos.
Mr Jonathon Wood
Head of Learning Area: Physical and Health Education
Photos above: Students participating in the Cross Country Carnival.
College Notices
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Uniform Shop Hours for Term 2 is Monday to Wednesday from
8.00am - 3.45pm. * Closed for lunch 12.30 to 1.00pm. * Closed on Thursday and Friday.
For more information please contact Mrs Kerry James via email. To view Uniform Policy click here.
Unknown Deposits
The following deposits have been made to the College's bank account. If you have made either of these deposits please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email her here. Details are as below:
06/04/18 - TM Bank
19/04/18 - Glenn Rodney
Music Night at Kennedy
Tuesday 26 June in the Kennedy Auditorium, entry by donation. 6.30pm Light refreshments available in Lower Foyer, 7.00pm concert begins.
Featuring: Internationally Acclaimed Concert Pianist Jovanni-Rey De Pedro, Vocal Ensemble ‘Rhythm’, ATAR Band, Contemporary Band, Stage Band, Guitar Ensembles, Plus Solo And Small Group Performances From Our Instrumental And Vocal Students.
Kennedy Annual Report
Please click here to see more information on the 2017 Kennedy Annual Report.
Parents Connect Newsletter
Please click here for more information.
Term 2 Tutoring Timetable
Please click here for larger version of the Term 2 Tutoring Timetable.
Celebrating Students Achievements
Courtney Green, Claire Jacobs and Derek Igbenoba
Courtney Green, Claire Jacobs and Derek Igbenoba achieved outstanding results in the past few weeks, they are a part of the Kennedy Specialist Basketball program and recently had the opportunity to represent WA.
Courtney Green represented the WA U/20 Metro Women’s Team at the National U/20 Championships in February held in New South Wales. Courtney’s team finished 6th overall.
Claire Jacobs represented the WA U/18 Metro Women’s Team at the Under 18 Championships. Claire’s team finished 6th Overall.
Derek Igbenoba represented WA in the 2018 U/18 Australian Championships. This is the U/18 men's gold medal for the first time since 2000. Derek Igbenoba and his team defeated Basketball Queensland South.
Photo above: Derek Igbenoba and his team.
Photo above: Courtney Green, Derek Igbenoba and Claire Jacobs.
Abbie Teasdale
After 13 long years, Western Australia are the Australian Girls’ Interstate Golf Champions. Abbie Teasdale was part of the winning team. This team of young WA chargers were dominant, going through the event with only one loss. The team is now competing in the Women’s Interstate Series in Adelaide. We wish Abbie all the best.
Molly Chatfield
Molly has qualified to represent Western Australia in the 2018 Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing's Asia Pacific International competition to be held in Singapore in September. She has shown great dedication in her rehearsals and Kennedy wishes her all the best.
Community Events
Alyssa Godin, one of our Year 7 students is managing a fundraiser for the Leukaemia Foundation.
On Sunday 24 June 2018 she will be hosting an Indoor Rock Climbing Day for kids, adults, friends and families. Early bird price is $32. Her goal is to raise $5000.00 for the Foundation, this will be from the sale of tickets, sponsorship and donations.
Please encourage and support her and this great cause by clicking here or for more information or donations please email here or call 0410 503 428.
We know that choosing a university is a big decision – especially if it’s interstate. Get all your questions answered at our information evening and save yourself the trip to Melbourne. Monash University information evening is on Monday 21 May at Novotel Perth Langley, Perth from 6.30pm-8.00pm. Please click here for more information.
If you are looking for a change of scenery, then please visit The University of Notre Dame Australia's new website – notredame.edu.au.
Play Futsal, we organise junior social competitions running from Monday to Thursday for all levels and age groups. This is a great opportunity to improve your skills. Please click here for more information.
Researchers at Curtin University are trialling a free group program for adolescents aged 14-17, who have problems with worry or negative thinking linked to anxiety and depression. For more information or to participate, please click here.
Year 10 Parent Information Evening. Join us at our Mount Lawley Campus on Thursday 24 May at 6:00pm or at our Joondalup Campus on Tuesday 5 June at 6:00pm. You can register your attendance at this event by visiting our Future Student Events page here.