Looking back
VERA training
CYCJ and the RMA (Risk Management Authority) recently delivered training in VERA (Violent Extremism Risk Assessment Protocol). This structured professional judgement risk assessment tool is designed specifically to capture the unique risk of violence that is ideologically driven. At present, it represents best practice with regard to assessing this type of risk.
The training event was delivered by the tool’s primary author, Professor Elaine Pressman. This was an exciting opportunity for specialist training that was attended by colleagues from across Scotland.
Success for CYCJ restorative justice conference
Earlier this month, CYCJ and Sacro hosted a ground-breaking conference on restorative justice for victims of serious crime. Featuring expert speakers from across the UK, ‘Restorative Practice in the aftermath of serious crime’ was well-attended and well-received. You can view the presentation and workshops slides here.
Training the ASSET trainers
Chris Wright (Professional Advisor - Scottish Government) delivered an ASSET Training of Trainers session in Dundee to practitioners from across local authorities and the secure estate, enabling them to support ASSET training in their local areas.
The session provided useful information about developments in England and Wales where the new Structured Professional Judgement (SPJ) ASSET+ assessment tool is soon to be rolled out in pilot areas. Participants also found out more about current crime trends in Scotland and some of the possible reasons why crime rates appear to be falling.
Coming up…
Vulnerable Girls and Young Women’s networking events will take place as follows:
April 25: Ayr, University West Campus
April 29: Dundee, Cairn Centre
May 8: Inverness (venue tbc)
If you are interested in attending, please email cycj@strath.ac.uk and we will send application details to you.
NOTA Scotland Conference – register now
CYCJ will present a workshop at the NOTA Scotland Conference 2014, which takes place on April 29th and 30th in Stirling.
The conference will feature workshops and keynote speeches on themes such as The Good Lives Model: working with individuals with learning disabilities who sexually offend; mentalisation based therapies; working with girls who sexually abuse; adolescent sexting; using mindfulness in practice and case formulation (amongst many others).
This will be of interest to practitioners and other professionals working with young people who display harmful sexual abuse behaviour, as well as those who work with adult sexual offenders and those generally involved with work around preventing sexual abuse.
CYCJ’s workshop will focus on its High Risk Mental Health Project. Further information and details on registration is available at www.nota.co.uk. Early booking is advised as the event is likely to be oversubscribed.
Funded training for Youth Justice social workers
The Scottish Government is supporting its ‘Whole System Approach’ by funding training for youth justice social workers on an enhanced training in Systemic Practice and Family Interventions.
The course is professionally accredited by the Association of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice (UK) and is delivered by the FAMILY THERAPY TRAINING NETWORK which has over thirty years’ experience in this field. It will be supported and evaluated by CYCJ.
Read more. All enquiries should be sent to cycj@strath.ac.uk.
Criminal Justice and Penal Change Post-Grad Course
When this piece ran in last month’s issue, the link to the course was invalid. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused – the correct link is below.
If you’re looking to further your professional development, the University of Strathclyde’s Post-Graduate Course in Criminal Justice and Penal Change blends a rigorous understanding of fundamental theory with international evidence about real world problems of policy and practice.
The course is available as a Master’s and students can also study it as a short course as a Post Graduate Diploma or Certificate – either part-time or full-time. Scholarships and funding assistance is available.
Do you have events or training series you’d like us to promote? Send the details and dates to cycj@strath.ac.uk.