Under an initiative to provide ongoing, long term support for landholders caring for biodiverse vegetation on their land, Greening Australia and its partners are offering small annual grants under the Biodiverse Carbon Conservation (BCC) program.
If your land is deemed suitable, BCC will bear the cost of assessing your property, registration with the Government’s Clean Energy Regulator, managing risk and providing agreements.
Initial enquiries and provisional registration are risk and cost free for landholders. Full participation in the program also has no cost.
The program applies to biodiverse revegetation projects totalling at least 50ha or more on one property. Multiple properties can qualify. If you control or manage land like this, you may qualify for an assessment of your land’s suitability for BCC’s Biodiversity Stewardship Funding if:
a) The revegetation was created after 2007 and mainly involves trees planted for biodiversity outcomes
b) There are limited or no encumbrances over the planted area
c) There is a clear intention to keep the vegetation permanently
d) The land was planted voluntarily.
An offer of access to funding may be made if your property meets the assessment criteria and is provisionally registered with the Clean Energy Regulator before 30th June 2015.
Registrations need to be collated by 29th May. Telephone Canopy on 08 8374 2369 or email info@canopy.org.au by 18 May for further information.