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June 2019

Grant available for mixed species cropping
The EP welcomes Sarah Voumard
Exploring soil health workshop
Electric fencing to assist farmers
Mallee seeps and soaks feedback
nrmFarm comes to the EP
Pest animal and weed management survey
Changes to feral deer management
On-farm water infrastructure rebate scheme
Coming events


20 - Demonstration RAPPA electric fencing system roll out @ Wudinna Area School, 1:50pm until 3:30pm - Guest speakers James and Steve from Datamars - Electric fencing fundamentals

Please contact Sarah Voumard email Sarah.Voumard@sa.gov.au to RSVP or for further information.

21 - Exploring soil health @ Ungarra Sporting Complex, 8:30am until 12:30pm - Dryland legume pasture systems update by Jess Gunn. Mixed species cover crops - what works and why? Includes site visit and morning tea.

Please read article below for more info.

Please contact Sarah Voumard email Sarah.Voumard@sa.gov.au or Megan Low email LEADAEXEC@gmail.com to RSVP or for futher information.


15 - Pest animal and weed management survey closes.           Please read article below for more info.

22 - Expressions of interest close - Mixed species cropping trial. Please read article below for more info.


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Expressions of interest open now - close 22 July 2019

Grant available for mixed species cropping

Eyre Peninsula farmers are encouraged to apply for a mixed species cropping grant with the purpose of undertaking mixed species summer and winter crops for 2019-20.

Mixed species pastures and summer cover cropping improves soil health, plant diversity, increasing organic matter, controlling weeds, improved grazing and seed harvesting. 

Funding made available through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program provides Eyre Peninsula farmers with the opportunity to undertake paddock demonstrations this spring to obtain a better understanding of which pasture and cropping species work in their soil and climatic conditions.

Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula Regenerative Agriculture Project Officer Mary Crawford advises that expressions of interest for grant funding of up to $10,000 are now open to participate in these demonstrations.

For more information please visit Natural Resources EP Soil Health.

Landholders interested in mixed species cropping are encouraged to attend the workshop on June 21 to hear local farmers stories on their experiences in growing mixed species cover crops and pastures.

Information about the Exploring soil health workshop can be found in the article to follow below.

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The EP welcomes Sarah Voumard

Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula welcomes Regenerative Agriculture officer Ms Sarah Voumard to assist with the Regenerative Agriculture Program, funded through the Australian Government National Landcare program.

Ms Voumard’s passions and strengths are working with landholders to create effective environmental and livestock management outcomes as well as connecting landholders with each other, to support networks and linking community groups together.

Sarah is available to visit landholders across Eyre Peninsula, to offer support and advice and assist landholder’s access funding through the many agricultural projects funded through the Regenerative Agriculture Program.

For more information on sustainable or regenerative agriculture please contact Sarah on 8688 3075 or email sarah.voumard@sa.gov.au.

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Exploring soil health workshop

On Friday 21 June 2019 an Exploring soil health workshop will be held at Ungarra Sporting Complex.

Landholders interested in exploring the value of mixed species cropping can hear first hand how farmers have incorporated summer cover cropping into their programs.

Local Agronomist Denis Pedler will discuss species options and availability, sowing rates and tips for landholders planning to trial summer cover cropping.  Landholders are asked to bring their boots as two paddock walks are included in the morning event.

Jess Gunn (SARDI - DLPS project officer) will outline the Dryland legume pasture systems project (DLPS) which is supported by Rural Research and Development for Profit. 

DLPS is a five-year study aiming to boost profit and reduce risk in medium and low rainfall areas. A major project developing recently discovered pasture legumes, together with innovative management techniques that benefit animal and crop production and farm logistics has been established at the Minnipa Agricultural Centre.

As part of the development and extension of the DLPS project, four demonstration sites have been established on Eyre Peninsula in 2019 at Lock, Wirrulla, Ungarra and Butler Tanks to work with farmers and grower groups, evaluate the performance of novel legumes to livestock and cropping systems over the life of the project.

Keep an eye out for DLPS information and events occurring on Eyre Peninsula and for more information please call the Minnipa Agricultural Centre on (08) 8680 6200.

This workshop is a partnership with Lower Eyre Agricultural Developmental Association and Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula.

For further information or to RSVP please contact Sarah Voumard ph 8688 3075.


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Electric fencing to assist farmers

The Eyre Peninsula NRM board have provided 4 temporary electric fencing systems with a RAPPA ATV winder to assist landholders to prevent further degradation of land following prolonged periods of below average rainfall.

The aim of the program is to assist landholders establish soil cover this winter on areas of drift by excluding stock from fragile areas.

These units expand the number of temporary electric fencing units available across Eyre Peninsula and will support western and central EP farmers. Landholders who meet the criteria can borrow the units for a 6 week period.

For further information on where these units will be located please call Sarah Voumard on 8688 3075 or email sarah.voumard@sa.gov.au.

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Chris McDonough at Rudall workshop

Mallee seeps and soaks feedback

Chris McDonough, Insight Extension for Agriculture, spoke at a workshop at Rudall to help farmers obtain a greater understanding of what is causing seep and soaks in the landscape on eastern Eyre Peninsula. Chris also presented ideas on what can be done to reduce the amount of land becoming unproductive and identifying ‘hot spots’ in the landscape.

Chris’ key message was “Act now when you see a small issue – don’t wait until it gets bigger as it will be much harder to contain.”

The importance of soil amelioration to improve non wetting sand, and treat sand compaction to increase root penetration and water use, was highlighted as important tools to address seeps and soak.

Other solutions discussed included using plant based options to use the water and improve organic matter, sowing summer crops around seeps, strategic use of Lucerne, and perennial vegetation, looking a range of planting options and new species.  Some farmers discussed the opportunity to harvest the water by installing a sump and using the water for livestock.

The Mallee Seeps and Soaks project will continue in 2019-20 with monitoring, using NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) mapping to identity sites that may be susceptible to seeps forming.

If you are interested in finding out more please register you interest with Mary Crawford 0407187878 or mary.crawford@sa.gov.au

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nrmFarm training sessions coming soon

nrmFarm comes to the EP

nrmFarm is a free web based farm management tool which allows you to create and save a map of your farm including property boundaries, paddocks and infrastructure. You can record information such as chemical applications, sowing dates, yield data, livestock movements, soil test results, weed sightings and much more.

This FREE and easy to use program (nrmFarm) was developed by the South East and SA Murray Darling Basin NRM Boards. nrmFarm enables landholders, large and small, to produce and keep farm maps, store information to help with their seasonal and longer term farm planning and record keeping.

nrmFarm training sessions for farmers and rural property owners will be available in coming months.

If you would like further information or to register your interest to attend an upcoming training session please contact Mary Crawford ph 0407 187 878 or email mary.crawford@sa.gov.au

To Access nrmFarm please visit Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula nrmFarm page

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Pest animal and weed management survey

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) is conducting a second National survey on pest animal and weed management.

The survey is aimed at agricultural businesses covering; broad acre, horticulture, dairy and other livestock enterprises encompassing all Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions. The survey will be open from 9 May 2019 until 15 July 2019. This is the second national survey by ABARES on pest animal and weed management, with the first undertaken in 2016.

The survey asks questions about the incidence of and problems pest animals and weeds cause, the cost of management and the types and effectiveness of control actions—both on-farm and conducted by local groups. We encourage all landholders to complete this quick survey.

To complete the survey please visit www.agriculture.gov.au/PAWsurvey

If you have any questions please call the survey Helpdesk toll free on 1800 023 040 or email ipws@srcentre.com.au

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Changes to feral deer management

In April this year new laws have been put in place in an effort to bring feral deer numbers under control as they are currently the highest they’ve ever been in South Australia and continue to cause significant economic, environmental and social impacts across key areas of the state.

Deer Control Coordinator Jennifer Gillis, can assist landholders in their control of feral deer.

For further information phone Jennifer on 0447 115 053.

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Contact PIRSA for more info

On-farm water infrastructure rebate scheme

Under this scheme primary producers in eligible areas are able to apply for a rebate of 25 per cent (to a maximum of $25,000) of costs associated with the purchase and installation of on-farm water infrastructure.

The guidelines and application forms can be found on the On-farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme page on PIRSA’s website

Applications close on 31 March 2021 (or until funding exhausted).

Landholders are encouraged to call the Drought Hotline on 1800 255 556 for further information.

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This Regenerative Agriculture Project is supported by the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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