Message from the Principal
Photo above: Year 9 Photography Excursion, image taken by Callum Walker.
Dear Parents,
To ensure that Kennedy can continue to provide a high quality education to every student there are a number of increasing College costs that need to be met. With this in mind the College Board has made the carefully considered decision that tuition fees will be increased by 3% in 2018, an increase of $250 for next year. The decision to increase tuition fees was not taken lightly and it is worth noting that the education CPI currently operates at over 3%.
Our fees for next year will be:
Fees per Student: $ 8610
Fees for Overseas Students per student: $ 18210
Kennedy Master Plan
Since Kennedy commenced in 2013 a master plan for the College campus has been implemented resulting in the development of outstanding facilities for our students. We have now commenced the next phase of the plan with the redevelopment of our Technologies facilities. This will involve the refurbishment and development of new amenities for Food and Textiles, Mechatronics and Materials. The first part of this process will involve the construction of new Food and Textiles workshops where our currently vacant old Science laboratories are located. This improvement will be the beginning of new facilities that will contribute to our changing curriculum to meet student’s future needs with a focus on STEAM, (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).
Year 12 Graduation
Next Friday night, 17 November, is a special night for our Year 12 families. We look forward to a great night of celebration as our Year 12 students graduate from Kennedy Baptist College. Our formal proceedings for graduation commence at 7.00pm. We hope you can join us.
Mr Mark Ashby
The Lord is my Shepherd
Psalm 23:1
Within this song we find eight covenantal names of God the first being the term Lord, the English interpretation of YHWH. This is the name given to Moses by God in Exodus 3: 13-14 and it is God revealing part of His own character to His people. He is the “I am.”
This name, fundamentally, describes the truth that God is. He was, and He is, and He is to come. There has never been a moment when God hasn’t existed, and there will never be a moment when He won’t exist. But the emphasis of this name as used in this Psalm, is not on the eternal existence of God but rather the promise that He will always be present with His people.
David was a shepherd before he was King. A shepherd spent his (or her, Genesis 29:6) whole life with the sheep. Early in the morning he would walk out with them to find pasture (and the shepherd would lead the sheep and they would follow him); he would then spend the whole day with the flock (because there were no fences), protecting them against wild animals and robbers; then in the evening he would lead them back. It would be the body of the shepherd which would become the door across which none could pass. Jesus picks up this metaphor in John 10 where He emphatically aligns Himself with not only the Shepherd of Psalm 23 but also states that He is the “I am.”
Jesus is our ever-present God who is our ever-present Shepherd. Amidst all the hustle and bustle and the cacophony that fills our every day, I need to be reminded to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18).
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Examination for Year 11 begin next week and continue for a fortnight. Year 11 students only come to campus if they have an examination; however, all Year 11 students are expected back for their final day of College on Monday 27 November.
Year 8 -10 examinations begin Thursday 16 November and take place in the morning immediately after Form. I can assure parents that it is not common practice for students to leave the College after an examination. All students should remain on campus and participate in scheduled classes. Students are being assessed in all classes and the end of the year is a very productive time, particularly in elective classes. I would also remind parents that the College does not reschedule examinations for any students.
Year reports will once again be available through SEQTA with information about Year 7-10 grading visible in the Documents section of SEQTA Engage. Booklists for 2018 will be accessible on the College website shortly. Information concerning streaming in Years 8-10 for 2018 will be visible through individual student timetables for 2018. These timetables will be available before the end of the year ensuring that all parents can access the information required to complete booklist orders.
SEQTA 2018
SEQTA access in 2018 will change. It is anticipated that for the beginning of the 2018 school year parents will be able to create their own passwords and possible usernames within SEQTA. In order to make this change the College must have current email addresses for all parents/guardians. Please update your contact information by emailing admin@kennedy.wa.edu.au
As this is the last time I will be writing in the newsletter for this year, I would like to congratulate all students who have made the most of the opportunities presented to them in and out of the class room. I continue to be impressed by the willingness of students to learn and particularly for the ownership they have on their learning. Thank you to all staff, I am grateful that you all continue to invest your lives in the work of Kennedy Baptist College. The dedication of each individual is noticed by many and appreciated by all.
I pray that Christ will be very real for each member of the Kennedy Baptist College community this holiday period. God Bless.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
The establishment and maintenance of a safe and positive learning environment is a major Pastoral Care goal for Kennedy Baptist. Research shows that such environments lead to greater academic and social outcomes for all students.
Our focus for each student is to:
Learn free from disruption
Be treated courteously
Enjoy a clean and safe school
Be free from discrimination
Have their property respected
To ensure this, we have a comprehensive behaviour management system, which focuses on the need to be transparent, fair and consistent across the College. Each year we continue to work, train, plan and strategize to achieve this outcome at all times.
One of the ways we support our behaviour program is to focus on growing a positive and encouraging environment, and thus any negative behaviour is minimised. This includes:
Teachers showing genuine interest in each student in their care
Praise and encouragement is given
Physical awards are given through Commendation Letters, Prizes and Trophies
Acknowledgment to peers in class; at year assemblies and whole College assemblies
The House Points System
Overall with a transparent, fair and consistent discipline policy and a focus on the positives-our desired outcome is that students are trained to be self-disciplined and take responsibility for their own actions in a caring community.
It is our determined view that every student has the right to the best possible education they can obtain at Kennedy Baptist College.
Term 4 Assembly 2017
The Assembly on Wednesday 8 November was hosted by Year 7 students. During the year, students from Year 7 have been visiting the Lakeside Seniors Group as part of their community outreach program and we were pleased that many of the seniors joined us for this Assembly.
After we acknowledged students for the exceptional results achieved in a variety of competitions, it was time to congratulate, announce and present badges to the Student Executive and House Captains for 2018.
Our recent trips to Canberra-Sydney and Newman then both had the opportunity to share their experiences with the College. Please click here for photos.
After the Assembly, the Student Executive and House Captains along with staff and parents enjoyed a Morning Tea in the Staff Lounge. Please note that photos have been sent to your child through SEQTA.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
Photos above: Physical Education ACC Awards presented to our top performing students.
Photos above: Awards presented to students who participated in the Education Perfect French, Indonesian and English Championships.
Photos above: Student Leadership and House Captains announced for 2018.
Research & Study Centre
We are in the final week of Champions Read and have had a wonderful response from our students. Last Wednesday for Extended Form all our Year 7 to 10 students read for an hour. Kennedy was unusually quiet and it was lovely to see everyone taking part.
At the moment, Forrest are in the lead, but that can all change and the winning House will be announced in our final Assembly and awarded the Reading Shield. Check our website under the tab Champions Read for more photos. http://kennedyrasc.weebly.com/
We have seen a bit of this around the College - worry and procrastinating are two symptoms of examitis and we want to help your child overcome this!
Three simple actions can give immediate relief!
Plan your study – In 15-45 minute segments (this differs with each student) with five-minute breaks, and use a timer with mini-goals set so the time is used well.
Summarize your notes/the textbook and test yourself on them – spread this over time, and then teach what you have learnt to someone/something!
Have balance – sleep for nine hours, be active, eat well, read a book.
Following these guidelines will help your child to feel in control, to study effectively and to have time off. For more tips, visit the study skills section of our website - http://kennedyrasc.weebly.com/study-skills.html
Do not forget we also offer individual study skills tutoring by request and general tutoring after school on Wednesdays.
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Research and Study
Photos above: Champions Read during Extended Form, last Wednesday.
Honouring Senior Citizens at Kennedy
As part of the Pastoral Care program here at Kennedy, the Year 7 students have been meeting monthly with a local seniors group at Lakeside Baptist Church.
On Wednesday 8 November the Seniors from Lakeside came to Kennedy for our Assembly run by the Year 7 students. After the Assembly some of our Year 7s had a chance to chat with our visitors at a special Morning Tea.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
Students at Work and Excursion Updates
Photos above: Year 10 Politics and Law students.
Politics and Law
On Monday 30 October, six students with an interest in Politics and Law participated in the Hackathon, a joint initiative run by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA (CCIWA) and the Political and Legal Educators Association of WA (PLEAWA).
Mixing with other students from various different schools in Western Australia, the Year 10 students started the stories from Inspirational young people who have been involved in Social Enterprise.
Over the course of the day, Students were able to:
hear stories from Inspirational young people who have been involved in Social Enterprise.
brainstorm ideas in response to current issues
meet and network with other students to problem-solve an issue
learn how to pitch and present their ideas in a formal setting
present their ideas to the Minister of Youth Affairs, Hon. Peter Tinley
The Hackathon proved to be a valuable event where students could learn how to develop, present and gain support for ideas which change the world in which we live.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Politics and Law Teacher
Photo above: Image taken by Year 9 student Luc Wallace.
Year 9 Photography
Kings Park is particularly beautiful at this time of year and the perfect place to capture images of Western Australia’s colourful wildflowers. Three Year 9 Photography classes travelled to Kings Park to practice their camera skills and to enjoy the spectacular gardens, memorials and views of Perth. The students always look forward to this excursion, and have once again, returned to College with some impressive photographs.
Mr Paul Wilkins
Photography Teachers
Food and Nutrition
Year 9 Food and Nutrition classes have extended an invitation to parents/ grandparents/ guardians and staff members to show off their skills in food production and hospitality.
The students choose dishes collectively, prepare the food, serve it and host the guests in our foods rooms. The guests are able to witness the students in a different light and the feedback we have received is all positive.
We hope to continue exhibiting our students skills and talents and look forward to meeting parents in the future. Thanks to the guests that have taken the time to be part of one of these, we appreciate your attendance.
Mrs Meredith Lorraine
Food and Nutrition Teacher
Photos above: Year 10 Politics and Law students.
Photos above: Year 9 Food and Nutrition class.
Hints For Effective Studying
ReachOut.com. Click here to go to their website.
Mindmaps and brainstorming. Click here to go to website.
Year 7-9 Awards Night
We are looking forward to celebrating our Year 7-9 student’s achievements at Kennedy on Thursday 21 November, 7.00pm to 9.00pm. It is a compulsory event for all Year 7-9 students.
State Representatives
Has your child represented WA in sport this year?
We would like to acknowledge students in the 2017 Yearbook who represented the State in their chosen sport. If your child has represented WA this year please send details of the sport, the competition, the result and any other pertinent details to Mrs Mandy Beaurain through email before the end of November. Thank you.
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed on Friday
* Closed for lunch 12.30pm to 1.00pm
Please contact Mrs Jo Van Der Merwe in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College (phone 9314 7722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Please note that the uniform shop will close on Thursday 30 November.
Please click here for more details about our Uniform Shop.
Volunteer Afternoon Tea - RSVP
Please RSVP for the Volunteer Afternoon Tea by Friday 25 November to Mrs Janet Hair on 9314 7722 or by email at jhair@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Celebrating Student Achievements
Kennedy Baptist College commends our students for their hard work and commitment. Kennedy is proud of their achievements and we wish them all the best.
Georgia McCabe
Congratulations to Georgia McCabe who has been selected to represent Western Australia in the U/15 Girls team for the Softball National Championships. This team will be competing in January next year. We wish Georgia all the best.
SSWA Triathlon
School Sport WA conducts the Secondary Schools Triathlon Champion, in partnership with Triathlon WA. Year 9 Student Daniel Kempson competed in the SSWA Triathlon on Thursday 2 November. Daniel claimed the State title for the intermediate age category and now has the opportunity to participate in Sydney next year. Daniel represented the College in an outstanding way!
Photos above: Year 9 Student Daniel Kempson.
Parents & Friends Association
Stay Connected
Apart from reading about us in the newsletter the best ways to find out about what is happening with the P&F are:
To come along to a meeting. Our next P&F meeting date is set for next year on Tuesday 6 February 2018 at 7.00pm in the Staff Lounge. We have one meeting a term and this is a good opportunity to hear about what is happening in the College. Please email the P&F for more information.
Join our facebook community – Kennedy P&F. This is also a really good way to find/sell second hand items such as uniforms, text books etc.
Entertainment Book
The Kennedy P&F do a wonderful job raising money for the College. The 2017/2018 Entertainment Book and Membership is available, please support them by ordering your Entertainment Book here.
Community Events
Kids & Today's Technology
A seminar for parents of kids between 2 and 18 years! On Thursday 9 November 2017 at 6.30pm to 9.00pm. Cost: $30pp.
Rock & Water Program
This program of physical exercises leads from simple self defence,
boundary and communication exercises to a strong notion of self-confidence. On Saturday 11 November 2017 at 8.30am to 12.30pm. Cost: $70 p/couple (one adult/one child)
Bookings are essential – please phone 6164 0200 to enrol.
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help! Boost student confidence and marks. For current courses please click here.
Year 11 ATAR Exam Boost Seminars
Exam preparation with a one day seminar for $200. Click here for more information.
Year 12 ATAR Exam Boost Seminars
Target your exam preparation with a one day seminar for $200. Click here for more information.
The University of Notre Dame is hosting an ATAR Advice Day on 21 December. This event is designed to provide one-on-one course counselling in light of students receiving their ATAR results.
Give us a call on 08 9433 0533 or email future@nd.edu.au to book in your visit or presentation, or if we can assist with anything at all.
Cultural DeCoding
The University of Notre Dame Australia invites the gifted and talented students from your school, who will be in Year 11 and 12 next year to participate in the 2018 program of Cultural DeCoding. 22-24 January 2018, from 9am until 3.30pm. Please click here fro more details.
Postgraduate Information Evening on 8 November. For future students important dates please click here.
For more information and upcoming events, please click here.
Drivewell Driving Academy aims to teach students driving skills that will not only enable them to pass their Practical Driving Assessment, but also establish good habits for safe life long driving. At Drivewell we teach driving in a manual car as we believe this can open up more opportunities in the future for our students.
Adrian Yurisich is an experienced trainer who teaches in a calm, supportive and encouraging manner. He has a proven strategy for success which will take students step by step from a beginner through to a confident driver. Phone Adrian on 0431 657 566 or click here for more information.
Join us for an in-depth look at the ADHD Brain at all ages – from all angles. The ADHD Brain – Science, Strategies and Stories on Saturday 11 November at 8:30am to 4.00pm. The Niche, 11 Aberdare Rd Nedlands. Gourmet lunch and morning tea provided.
For more information, please click here.
Summer School 2017/2018
This summer The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) is again offering an exciting school holiday program for students in Years 4 to 12. For information about the fantastic courses on offer please visit WAAPA Summer School or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at 9370 6775 or g.metcalf@ecu.edu.au