Message from the Principal
Dear Parents
Kennedy Baptist College has several compulsory events for students during the year. These events are great opportunities to come together as a whole school, supporting the College values and each other. Last week’s Inter-house Athletics Carnival was a great success and provided a wonderful opportunity for the College to work together, reinforcing Kennedy's collaborative spirit. I would like to congratulate our students for the way they approached this event and enthusiastically represented their Houses throughout the competition. It was a fantastic day. Prizes will be presented at our next assembly on Tuesday 8 September.
Open Day: Saturday 29 August
A reminder that Open Day is next Saturday. We hope you can join us during the day to experience the exceptional opportunities that our students have embraced. Thank you to all our families who have made generous donations to our Parents and Friends Association for the day. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Mark Ashby
During an extended form time I had the privilege to speak to the Year 8 cohort. The topic I chose dealt with choices, consequences and concluded with the truth that life is an adventure. Life comes with calculated risks, which are those choices we make that seem risky in every way; but the outcomes are so life defining - even world changing that they are worth it.
From the foundation of the early Church, beginning with the early Apostles, who reached out as far as India and into Europe, through to such women as Anne Askew, who was the first female martyr during the reign of King Henry VIII (and is one of my heroines), and to such men as the Rev. William Kennedy, the namesake of this College, the history of Christianity is marked by people who were willing to risk incredible hardship, being ostracized, even death, for the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
When I was much younger we used to sing a hymn which reminded us of this truth – to surrender all to Jesus. It is easy to forget this truth: that when we choose to surrender our lives to Jesus, it comes with a calculated risk. That risk is that the One, who gave His all for us, has the right to ask of us, our all. “God wants the whole person and He will not rest until He gets us in entirety.” (A.W. Tozer)
God Bless
P&F Open Day Help Request
Open Day Help Request
A reminder that Open Day is on Saturday 29 August. This is the biggest event of the year that the P&F is involved in and we still need helpers for the day.
Please email pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com if you are able to volunteer your time on the day. Thank you to those people who have already put their names on our list. We are hoping to complete rosters in the next week and will let you know once this is done.
Aussie Farmer (or similar boxes) still required. Please drop them in by 25 August 2015.
Silent Auction Packing Evening
Tuesday 25 August
6pm onwards
Kennedy Baptist College RM 1.1
These can be dropped off to the Staff Lounge on Friday 28 August or after 9.00am on Saturday 29 August. To satisfy health regulations, all cakes are to be covered and labelled with the date baked and ingredients list and must not include fresh cream or custard in the fillings.
Ingredients list download
The Craft Stall urgently requires donations of cocoa powder. If you are able to help please drop the cocoa to the Administration office as soon as possible. Thank you.
Open Day Bus Shuttle Service
On Open Day there will be a Bus Shuttle Service between the College and Murdoch University Carpark 7 which will run every 15 minutes from 10:00am to 2:15pm. This will allow you easy access to the College campus and help to make your day all the more pleasurable. Don't forget to say g'day to Dave our friendly bus driver.
Father's Day Breakfast
To the Fathers of the
Kennedy Community,
Join us for a Father’s Day breakfast to celebrate YOU!
And what better way to do this than with delicious food and some wise words from Wayne Bradshaw – CEO of the Fathering Project and former CEO of the WA Football Commission.
Friday 4 September 2015, 7.30am to 8.30am in the Staff Lounge.
Grandfathers welcome!
Hope to see you there.
For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP to Mrs Janet Hair at jhair@kennedy.wa.edu.au or by clicking on the link below before Friday 28 August 2015.
Dr Dennis Jensen MP visits Kennedy
Dr Dennis Jensen MP with our Politics and Law students
On Thursday 7 August, the Year 11 and 12 Politics and Law classes had the privilege of a visit from the Federal Member of Tangney, Dr Dennis Jensen MP.
He covered topics such as the Accountability of Members of Parliament; Election Campaigns; the Role of the Speaker; and also shared some insight into the latest issues that have come up in the media.
Both classes were able to actively question Dr Jensen on a number of issues. Both the students and Mr Ilchuk would like to thank Dr Jensen for taking the time to teach the classes, and for his honest and informative answers.
Manuel Ilchuk
Politics and Law
Year 10 Humanities Excursion
Students enjoying Perth Mint
As part of their courses in Year 10 Humanities our students are given the opportunity to spend a day seeing how their current subject has relevance in the ‘real world’. This is invaluable for our students as it deepens their classroom learning but also gives them an awareness of their future career options and the core relevance of Humanities subjects to our society.
The Economics students visited the Curtin University Business School where they had a presentation on the courses available at the University and competed against each other in a business simulation game. At Perth Mint the students watched a gold pour and learned about this precious metal and its important role in the Western Australian history and economy. The last stop was the Bell Tower where students were able to observe the Elizabeth Quay construction (from a great height!) and consider the economic benefit such a major construction project will have for our economy.
The Geography excursion saw students study the Canning River from its source at the Canning Dam, all the way down to its end at Deep Water Point. The first stop of the day was Kent Street Weir and the Canning River Eco Education Center. Students were able to collect samples from the river banks well up to waist deep (in waders!) in the balmy water. They then travelled on to Canning Dam with many students surprised at the enormity of the structure as well as the severe lack of water. To finish the day, the class travelled to Deep Water Point, examining the land uses as well as the various flora and fauna at the site.
Currently studying World War Two and Australia’s human rights history, the History students had a fantastic time at the Bull Creek Aviation Heritage Museum where they were able to examine the way that conflict can lead to technological change and innovation. The amazing exhibits were also an impactful reminder of Australia’s wartime aviation history. At Kings Park the students investigated the ways in which the State War Memorial commemorates Australia's war time history and acts as a ‘sacred space’ for the community of Perth. The last stop was the State Library, where students had the opportunity to examine historical records of the Stolen Generation.
Our Politics and Law students spent the day focussing on the legal element of what they have been learning in class by visiting the District and Magistrates Courts. Here students were supervised in smaller groups to enter courtrooms and observe various civil and criminal matters being heard. The students were also the guests of Murdoch University Law School, enjoying a presentation on the ‘Claremont Serial Killer’.
As expected our students conducted themselves in an exemplary fashion, with many of our providers commenting on the engaged nature of our students and their polite and well-presented nature. I would also like to thank our team of Year 10 Humanities teachers who go to so much effort to make the day an invaluable experience for the students.
Science of Flight
Flying Machine Display
The Year 11 Integrated Science classes started off the new topic ‘Science of Flight’, by completing a research assignment on the history of flying machines. Each student constructed their own models using various materials and their individual creativity really shone through. These models are proudly on display in the Research and Study Centre, where many compliments have been received. Thank you very much to our Year 11 students for their amazing effort and great work in class!
Mrs Cassandra Tisdall
Science Teacher
Australian Mathematics Competition
On 30 July, approximately 200 students from Kennedy Baptist College participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition. The Australian Mathematics Competition is one of the world’s largest school-based mathematics competitions with more than 14 million entries since 1978.
This is an exciting opportunity for our students to compete nationally. The questions extended the students and challenged them to solve complex problems in previously unseen contexts.
In the past, Kennedy Baptist College has had students who have received awards - high distinctions, distinctions and credit - and we are looking forward to receiving this year’s results.
Ms Joyce Toh
Mathematics Learning Area
SAS - Year 11 & 12 Boys Soccer
Congratulations to the Year 11/12 Southern Associated Schools (SAS) boys soccer and girls netball A-team who finished on top of the southern schools competition and went on to play the winners of the northern schools (NAS).
On Tuesday 28 July, Mr Basile and his team of 12 soccer boys travelled to John XXIII to play Chisholm in the Inter-zone final (SAS v NAS). The skies were dark and the rain was flowing – great conditions for our boys! The boys started strong and the game remained scoreless for the first 10 minutes. This slowly changed and the boys went down to a very strong Chisholm team. Although the boys did not win, it is a great achievement for them to get to that position and they should be proud of this! The final score was 12-0. Well-done to all the boys on the way they played out the game and special mention to game MVP Jeremy Calder on his stellar performance!
SAS - Girls Netball
On Tuesday 4 August the SAS Netball A-team played in their Inter-Zone final against Newman College at Lakeside Recreation Centre. After a rough first quarter with the Newman girls going on a scoring spree, Captain Rebecca Boni encouraged the Kennedy girls to step up and that they did. Although they did not win, the girls must be commended for their excellent attitude and sports-lady-ship. The final score 47-21. MVP for the game goes to Alecia Knowles who scored 20 out of the 21 points.
Inter House Athletics Carnival
The Athletics Carnival for 2015 was a resounding success. The vision for the carnival was “better people make better community” and this lead to a restructure of the day's program. The introduction of tabloid activities for all participants who did not achieve a position in the State Athletic Centre stadium allowed for a number of participation-focused, House Point incentive team sports. The student body and teachers responded with great enthusiasm, creating an atmosphere of fun-filled competition and physical activity.
Meanwhile, the main stadium hosted all athletes who were competing in traditional athletic events. The density of the program created an action-packed, intensely contested series of events, with individuals competing for House Points and prestige in gaining interschool selection for the upcoming Associated Catholic Colleges (ACC) carnival.
The combination of both the tabloid and main stadium events created the overall total for the 2015 carnival. The results were as follows:
Stirling: 5969
King: 5671
Forrest: 5312.5
Eyre: 5284.5
All Interschool athletes are expected to attend training sessions, held between 7.00-8.00am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The program has been designed to develop individual performance in pursuit of a first place finish in our interschool competition in Week 9, Monday14 September. The recruitment of elite level external coaches will provide an opportunity for our athletes to develop their skills in their specific events. All students participating in the carnival have been issued a letter detailing their event schedule. All events will be catered for throughout each training session.
Mr Greg Wood
Physical Education Teacher
Results & Photos
Celebrating our Students Achievements
WA State Team with their medals
Ethan Raine (Year 7) was selected to represent WA in Ice Hockey. After four days of competition the WA 13 and Under Ice Hockey Team brought home the Bronze medal from the Ginsberg Tournament which was held on the 6 August - 9 August at the Hunter Ice Skating Stadium in NSW. This is only the 4th time that WA has brought home a medal from this tournament since 1986. NSW took out the gold medal and SA the Silver. Well done, Ethan, to you and your team members.
Jay (Centre) receiving his medal
Jay Lindorff (Year 7)–has been chosen for the U/13B State Selection to represent WA at the National Cross Country Championships to be held in Melbourne, from 27-31 August 2015.
Jay won the Gold Medal at the State X Country Championships which was held Saturday 8 August in the Swan Valley. Well done, Jay.
Tyler receiving his medal
Tyler Lindorff (Year 10)– has been chosen for the U/17M State Selection to represent WA at the National Junior Road Cycling Championships to be held in Shepperton, Victoria from 7-14 September 2015.
Tyler has recently won two Silver and one Bronze medal at the U/17M State Junior Road Cycling Championships which was held in August 2015. Congratulations, Tyler.
Year 12 Examinations
All students completing a Stage 2 or 3 Course of Study must complete all school examinations.
Practical examinations:
Dance, Drama, French, Physical Education Studies, English as an Additional Language Dialect, will occur prior to the end of Term 3 during the school day.
Written Examinations:
Friday 25 September then Monday 5 October – Wednesday 14 October.
All students enrolled in a Stage 3 Course of Study and those Mathematics 2CD students enrolled in the WACE examination must complete all scheduled examinations. Students will be issued personalised timetables in September. General timetables are available online http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Practical examinations:
26 September – 4 October & 17 October – 25 October
Written examinations: (for Kennedy students)
2 November – 18 November
A student who lives in the Wattle Grove area is seeking a lift to and from the College on alternate weeks Monday – Thursday. Fuel costs will be covered. Please contact Bronwyn 0431 060 668 if you are able to assist.
Tutoring & Beedawong Menu
Term 3 Tutoring Timetable - available to all students at no extra cost
Click here to view Term 3 Tutoring sessions.
Beedawong Term 3 Menu - fresh and delicious
Uniform Shop
We are looking for parent helpers for the upcoming fitting days for the new Year 7 students.
It will be on the following Saturdays:
5 September
12 September
19 September
17 October
Help is needed for the morning, 8.00am until 11.45am and the afternoon from 12.45pm to 4.45pm on these days. Please contact Kerry in the uniform shop by either phoning the College ph 93147722 or by email kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au .
College Fees
The following deposits are still to be identified, please contact fees@kennedy.wa.edu.au if you think they are yours:
• 13/4/15 online 2588594 school fees
• 12/5/15 online 2742008 school fees
• 10/6/12 online 000433 school fees
Parents / Guardians of Year 12 students please note that fees need to be cleared in full before your child’s graduation on Friday 20 November, 2015.
If you are paying Fees by term, Term 4 Fees will be due on 24 October, 2015.
If you are paying monthly by Payway then your last instalment will be due on 20 November, 2015.
If your payments are not by either of the above, then the full balance must be paid by 13 November, 2015.
Dance Showcase
Upcoming Events
The list below shows the upcoming events for the next 2 weeks. Please visit our website for more dates and events
Friday 21 August
Year 12 Solos Night
Monday 24 August
Year 11 ATAR Geography Excursion
Tuesday 25 August
Sports Photos Day
Student Council Training
Wednesday 26 August
Year 9 Community Service
Free Dress Day
Thursday 27 August
French Tour Preparation Classes
Friday 28 August
Governors Prayer Breakfast
Saturday 29 August
Open Day
10am - 2pm
Monday 31 August
Year 11 OED First Aid/Orienteering Excursion
Monday 31 August - Friday 11 September
OLNA Testing (Reading & Numeracy)
Monday 31 August - Friday 4 September
Student Council Week
Monday 31 August - Wednesday 2 September
OLNA Testing (Writing)
Tuesday 1 September
Year 12 Outdoor Education First Aid Excursion
Athletics Quad Meet
Year 8 Social- Dark Zone
Free Dress Day
Wednesday 2 September
Year 12 Geography Excursion
Thursday 3 September
French Tour Preparation classes
Friday 21 August 2015
6.30pm - 7.45pm, Auditorium
An event not to be missed. Come and support our Year 12s Dance, Drama and Music as they put on an amazing production. The entry is free, so come along and bring your friends and family.
All About Parenting
This course includes -
Why Dads Matter to Kids
Developing a Healthy Parenting Style
Improving Family Communication and Closeness
Community Events
We accept notices from parents, and advertisements from local companies and businesses for a small fee and reserve the right to accept the application for advertisement to be placed in the Newsletter or Notice board. Please email news@kennedy.wa.edu.au for more information
Academic Group helps high school students achieve their best
Experience the benefits in our weekly
Weekend Help or Master Classes
Available for all year levels
Small group tuition
Individualised Programs
Small Classes
Experienced Teachers
AcceleratedProgram for Advanced Students
October Revision and Exam Preparation Program 2015
Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision
For all students from Year 7 to 12
This program aims to provide students Subject Revision and Exam Preparation. Courses will be conducted at Christ Church Grammar School in the first week of the holidays and at Hale School in the second week.
For further information please contact 9486 1377 or visit www.mastermindaustralia.com.au