September e-newsletter
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Our Growing Collective

The APC is very pleased to welcome a wide-range of new Signatories this quarter. As a collaborative approach to packaging sustainability we are inspired by the continual growth of our APC community and the diverse sectors it encapsulates. We look forward to working with our newest Signatories and bringing new ideas to our collective table.


Completed Project: Shire of Campaspe Recycling Bin Audit

The Shire of Campaspe, in northern Victoria, previously had limited public place recycling in its main townships. Council was committed to increasing recycling and diverting as much material away from landfill to assist in achieving the Goulburn Valley Waste and Resource Recovery Group's regional waste reduction targets.

This recently completed, APC-funded project saw eight public place recycling bins and signage installed in four main shopping strips.

Throughout the course of the project, three audits were conducted on the existing waste bins and the new public place recycling (PPR) bins. Litter audits were also conducted alongside the bin audits. Initial, progress and final bin audits revealed that recycling bins placed in high use areas can have successful results on resource recovery, with an estimated diversion from landfill of 5 tonnes and  a litter reduction measure of 25%.

The success of the new PPR recycling bins was due to the clear communication between Council officers who coordinated the project, waste contractors who installed and will continue to pick up the PPR bins and the effectiveness of educational signage

The project provided a local solution for a regional council to increase recycling rates and reduce litter within the environment. The project was successful in diverting recyclable materials from landfill in high trafficked locations within the Shire.

Please read the final report to find out more about the project.