The old model of leadership was very much related to the power you had from the authority of your position and the influence you had from your title.
Today, with the fast pace of global change, the traditions of business and society have shifted. Leadership has become the single most important master skill for success in business. It has become possible for anyone in any role to show leadership skills.
The Platinum rule of ‘Treat people the way they like to be treated’ is a subtle but critical difference in the way we do business today.
As many of you know I have a passion for developing people, improving relationships and increasing organisational performance. I am constantly researching and discovering the latest developments and wisdom in being a successful leader.
I am excited to share with you our next level of people and development programs – Social Style and Versatility Programs!
Our goal with this new suite of programs is to work with existing and emerging leaders (from Executives to Team Leaders) and experienced sales professionals to further develop their interpersonal effectiveness and their Versatility; so they can earn the respect and support from their staff and customers and achieve desired workplace deliverables more efficiently and effectively.
Our website will provide you with further details about Social Styles and Versatility, plus details of our Mastery Programs.
I would like to offer you free whitepapers on 'Interpersonal Skills and Management Performance' and 'The Key to Sales Success', so you can understand the benefits of using Social Styles and why I am so passionate about sharing this news with you!
Call or email me today for your free white papers or to further discuss our new Social Style programs and how they can help you Progress further!
E or M 0411 358 333.