No images? Click here ![]() Spring 2021 EditionA very warm welcome to our new families and welcome back to all our existing Pre-school families. It was lovely to see so many of you return after the Christmas break. I appreciate and respect that this was a difficult decision for some families due to individual family circumstances and following the government’s announcement on the 4th January. For those families who have not yet re-joined us we look forward to welcoming you back in the near future, for the families who are attending I hope you are reassured by the measures we have in place. Once again, I want to highlight the work of the superb Pre-School team who continue to go above and beyond to provide a safe environment for all the children who attend, whilst ensuring the same high-quality learning experiences are consistently and enthusiastically delivered. Many of the team are also home schooling, like many of our families, you all have my utmost admiration. To date we have experienced one positive Covid case in early January, this was an isolated case and following a 10-day closure of the bubble all staff and children returned safe and well. Since January members of the Pre-School team can access twice-weekly Lateral Flow tests at the University. From 22nd February we are expecting our delivery of home testing kits from Lancashire County Council. The use of these kits will offer the team and yourselves further assurances on the safety measures being undertaken. Please take the time to read the important reminder in relation to the current guidance and procedures in place at the Pre-School Centre at the moment. If you have any questions, queries, concerns or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us. Baby Room![]() This term we have welcomed some new babies and their families. It’s been lovely to meet everyone. Building new relationships with unfamiliar adults is a big step for our babies. We encourage these specials bonds with lots of nurturing activities, songs and cuddles. It’s lovely to watch their confidence grow. We have also been making the most of the weather using our senses to explore the tactile snow. The babies faces were very expressive as they touched the cold, wet snow. It was an exciting new experience. Creche 1![]() This term we have been working on creating play opportunities based on curiosity, the child’s choices and interests, open ended resources and loose part play.
Creche 2![]() We have been researching and looking at enchantment. We are providing the children with more activities that encourage individual exploration. These open-ended play experiences are allowing the children the opportunity to become more focused, engaged and increasingly independent. The Couscous tray encouraged exploration of texture and the children were absorbed as they mixed, stirred and transported it. Using natural materials and everyday items the children’s play is unlimited. Pebbles in pans can be explored for the noise they make, how heavy they feel or used to represent food, it’s individual and open-ended, different for each child. Nursery 1![]() We have been exploring colours, textures and the different marks we can make by painting and mixing with our hands and fingers. Smoothing and swirling the paint was a lovely sensation and we concentrated for long periods intently focused on our movements. These actions help to develop our gross motor skills. We also really enjoyed going outside with the powder paints. Sprinkling paint on the rain-soaked floor was exciting and using the sweeping brushes we made the giant colourful pictures. Chris encouraged us to jump in the puddles and we splashed a rainbow of colours everywhere. It was great fun. Nursery 2![]() We have had a busy start to the term, we have welcomed both new children and staff into the room and are developing our new team. The children have been busy exploring their environment and we have followed their lead and interests which has involved lots of role play in the home corner. Providing the children with some real foods to explore, they used them to make pretend carrot cake. We extended this experience by providing the children with the resources to make their own real carrot cakes to try at snack time, this activity went down really well! We then further extended the experience by setting up a tactile activity which allowed the children to make their own carrot goupe, there was a lot of language, pouring and mixing involved in the activity and the children had great fun. Pre-School 1![]() This term we have provided a variety of open-ended resources during free play to support the children’s imagination as they create their own play scenes. They have used cardboard boxes which have been transformed into a variety of different vehicles and buildings. They really enjoy using tubes & pipes as telescopes, fire engine hoses and robot arms, all based on their own preferences and ideas. The older children have been supporting the newest members of the group, being kind buddies who mentor them as they learn how to use the water cooler and self-serve lunches. Pre-School 2![]() We are encouraging the children’s physical development, exploring different ways of moving, building and strengthening their stamina. We took part in online P.E sessions with Joe Wicks, stretching, jumping and balancing. It was good fun, but hard work and we were all a bit tired afterwards. The children are all very aware of the benefits and importance of exercise. They can describe how their bodies feel and talk confidently about how to stay healthy. We are also enjoying our Phonics sessions which Gemma records and sends to us, so we stay safe in our bubble. If you would like to know more about Phonics please click on the link below. Pre-School 3![]() Potions is a magical activity which the children are really enjoying at moment and they become fully absorbed in making their creations. We provide the tools and equipment, Pipettes, potion bottles, pump bottles filled with coloured water, measuring cylinders, jugs, tins and bowls with lemon and lime slices, flower petals etc and then take a step back to watch their imaginations flourish. A range of skills are developed as they pour, pump and squeeze. Each potion is as unique and individual as the child who makes it and their descriptive language is rich with ideas, stories and suggestions. This is an easy activity to recreate at home and transports you to a world where anything is possible! Invoice Dates 1st March until 31st March 2021 8th April until 30th April 2021 3rd May until 28th May 2021 31st May until 2nd July 2021 5th July until 30th July 2021 2nd August until 27th August 2021 Term Dates 4th January until 31st March 2021 8th April until 27th August 2021 Undergraduate Dates 11th January until 19th March 2021 19th April until 25th June 2021 |