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May 2013

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Welcome to your May news snapshot from the Social Impact Analysts Association. This month we are talking about our busy summer of events, introducing an updated membership service, and singing about data...

Impact News


Trending Topic: When Excellent Charities Sing

Why are charities not singing loudly and proudly about their key metrics and data? Greg Thomson, Director of Research at Charity Intelligence Canada discusses some key findings from their Social Results Reporting study:

Some of the most inspiring conversations that I’ve had in the charitable sector have been with Executive Directors or other senior staff who are absolutely manic about their clients.  They obsess about how to continually improve their services so that their clients can be better off.  Pretty much universally the discussion eventually gets to the data that underpins the decisions that the charity makes and this is often where the discussion really gets interesting.  While numbers and stats can be tremendously boring for some, these senior staff reel off data that gets them even more excited about what they do.

This is what I mean when I say that there is not enough emphasis on the numbers at charities.  If a charity is tracking those key metrics that matter most about serving its clients and is manic about improving what they do to improve those it serves, they should be singing this from the rooftops (or at least mentioning it prominently in their annual report and website). Continue>>

The above is an excerpt from Greg's guest post on the SIAA blog. Read the blog here and view the Social Results Reporting Study here.

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