No Images? Click here NSC eUpdate May 14, 2018Did You Know?Did you know that the Nicholson School of Communication was recently provided with over 650 new chairs for the general purpose classrooms? You may have noticed the upgrade as it took place in stages throughout the month of May. The new seating, which was delivered in three loads, replaces seating that served our students well for several years, and we hope that this new seating will serve even more students for many years to come. Now you know! Greater Orlando Rapid Response Corps Boot Camp Equality Florida and Planned Parenthood are partnering to hold Rapid Response Corps boot camps across Florida to prepare supporters to engage on critical issues that intersect with reproductive justice, LGBTQ equality and more. The training event will include a legislative update from Equality Florida staff and partners, a space for questions, and a comprehensive volunteer training. Traning dates are as follows: For more information and to attend a training event, click the button below. Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference - Early Bird Registration The Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference is now open for registration. Early registration rates are available until July 9, 2018 and convenient and secure online registration is available. Click below to register now. Human Trafficking Working Group Meeting The next human trafficking working group meeting will be held from 12 - 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 30 in Burnett Honors College conference room 130 (BHC 130). The meeting will be joined by guest speaker Peter Gallo. Mr. Gallo is a lawyer admitted to practice in Scotland, Hong Kong and New York and he has an MBA and LLM in International Criminal Law. Gallo spent almost 20 years as an investigator based in Hong Kong, working in some of the most corrupt countries in Asia, and will be sharing his insight of methodologies by which the financial proceeds of transnational crime are laundered through the financial system. Space is limited and interested attendees are encouraged to apply by emailing
by Wednesday, May 23. Textbook Orders - Fall 2018 Faculty who know their fall 2018 teaching schedules are advised to submit textbook orders in advance. For step-by-step instructions on how to do so, click below. Late Add/Swap Process for Summer 2018 Announcement Requests for late add/swaps for Summer 2018 are continuing to be routed through the college advising offices. All late add/swap requests for courses taught in the College of Sciences should be made directly to COS Advising Services (COSAS) CSB 250. Students wanting a late drop only (unless part of a late swap) should be referred to Academic Services, MH 210, directly. TO COURSE INSTRUCTORS AND SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT STAFF: 1) You are under no obligation to support a late add or swap requested by a student. 2) If you do choose to support a late add or swap, please provide the student a written statement of your support which MUST include information regarding how the student can still be successful in the course though they are adding the course at least one week after the start of classes. ALL written support (which may be an email) must include the following: a. The student’s name, UCF ID, course information (Prefix, course numbers, section, and class number) b. Statement of support for the late add or late swap c. An explanation for how the student can make up missed work, catch up, or otherwise be successful in the course despite having missed class meetings. IF THIS IS NOT INCLUDED, COSAS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO APPROVE THE LATE ADD OR SWAP. d. If the late add/swap is needed due to some kind of error on the part of the university, college, or department, please include an explanation of the error. 3) When applicable, the following must also be submitted by the student: a. An override form (if an override of any kind will be required for enrollment into the course). b. An Undergraduate Registration Agreement (URA) form or Internship form (if applicable). If you have any questions or concerns, please email COS Advising Services Director Lee Anne Kirkpatrick. Office Clean Up Summer is officially here, and that means it's time to clean out the winter-time junk. You can take advantage of this time by throwing out items you no longer need, and consider recycling old binders and paper documents as well.Trash cans and recycling bins will be available in the administrative office all summer long. Pegasus PlayLab The inaugural Pegasus PlayLab is coming to UCF's Main Campus this summer (June 2-Aug. 26) and Theatre UCF wants you to attend! Free tickets are available to the main stage production, Human Error, for UCF faculty and staff, and workshop readings (Intuitive Men, He Did It, Bathsheba’s Psalms) are only $10 each. Read more about Pegasus PlayLab and Theatre UCF's upcoming season by clicking below. 🎉 Happy Birthday 🎉![]() Tim Brown ![]() Doug Blemker Mark Your Calendar Tuesday, May 22 Wednesday, May 23 Wednesday, May 23 Monday, June 18 Friday, June 22 Monday, June 25 Wednesday, June 27 Wednesday, June 27 Friday, June 29 Friday, Aug. 3 Wednesday, Aug. 15 |