BLBCA Newsletter, Fall 2018 Issue No Images? Click here Remember the Fragile Mountain EnvironmentThe BLBCA and our members support responsible whenever we are recreating in the backcountry, including mountain biking. Please consider the environment and other users when exploring BC's backcountry. I spent my summer in the Southern Selkirk mountains, another of one of BC's many amazing playgrounds. We need to always consider the fragility of the alpine environment that we love to recreate
in. BLBCA members and their staff are very cognizant of that fact and we do our best to lessen our impact. Members operate under standard operating procedures, a code-of-conduct and adhere to a number of external guidelines such as BC's Wildlife Guidelines for We also support projects such the effort to save the Whitebark Pine. Read more at "Whitebark - Save the Ents" Feel free to contact me at any time. Brad Harrison Bernie Schiesser: Master of the HillsExcerpt from Crowfoot Media Bernie Schiesser calls it fate, but the cast of characters in his bio reads like a who’s who of Rockies history. Over the course of his long life, Schiesser’s positive energy and remarkable contributions to many aspects of mountain life have firmly established him on that same roster. Here’s the story behind the man – the pioneer, guide, and backcountry host – who will forever have a legacy in the Canadian Rockies. Support the BLBCA!Want to support the BLBCA? Now you can! The BLBCA is now accepting Affiliate Members – applicable for any individual that supports the goals and objectives of the
BLBCA. The association is comprised of three levels of membership—Full, Associate and Affiliate—allowing members of the local community, aligned to similar backcountry goals, to support and participate in the BLBCA. Learn about the criteria and benefits of membership or how to join today! Interested in membership? Want to discuss it further with a member of our Board of Directors? We’d love to hear from you, contact us today! BC Government announces New Tourism Engagement CouncilGrowth is in the Forecast – Tourism Engagement Council A notable announcement during Tourism Week was the formation of The Honourable Lisa Beare’s new Tourism Engagement Council formed to “help guide government’s tourism policy, strategy and program implementation”. BLBCA’s Executive Director Brad Harrison was honoured to be named to the Council. Mountain biking should take place in well, the mountains, and there’s something special about sharing that experience with friends and family. Unique vistas, with layers of unadulterated peaks definitely will help you put down that phone and capture real moments in time. #unpluginBC & #myBCBackcountryFor more amazing pics & vids, check out the BLBCA’s social feeds. Get the latest from our lodges, conditions & activities, availability and much more! Share your backcountry adventures, tag photos with: