Horizons Home Time - 20 October 2021 LEARNING PIWelcome to our first edition of Horizon Home Time in 2021/22. At our annual conference in September staff were able to spend some time getting familiar with our new learning platform, Learning Pi. Click below to read more. NEWS FROM AROUND OUR SCHOOLSThis term we have welcomed all children back into school and want to share some fabulous examples of learning from children across the Trust - click below and take a look! ARBORThe Trust's new management information system that will allow parents to book and pay for meals and clubs for your child. Click below for further information. PUPIL PARLIAMENT FUNDRAISING SUCCESSClick below to read more about how the innovative thinking of our Pupil Parliament team fundraised for a school defibrillator to benefit the community. EXTENDED SCHOOL PROVISIONThe Trust is committed to providing quality Extended Schools Club, please click below to read further. PE & OUTDOOR LEARNINGThere are some great PE and outdoor learning activities happening across the Trust, click below to read more about what the children have been getting involved in. PARENT REPRESENTATIVEWe continue to recruit for parent representatives to sit on the Locality Committee of your child's school - if you are interested in applying please speak to your school office. PUPIL WELLBEING SURVEYPupil wellbeing is an ongoing priority for the Trust, click below to find out more about the termly surveys your children engage in to enable us to support them further. ESTATES & FACILITIESOur estates team have been busy around our schools and we are getting ready to open our new swimming pool. Click below to read more. FREE SCHOOL MEALSEdenred Vouchers for FSM eligible Children for October half-term for both Suffolk & Norfolk Schools across the Consortium Academy Trust. Click below to read more. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION APPROVES APPLICATIONThe Trust's first Early Years Scout section for 4-6 year olds to be held at Yoxford & Peasenahll Primary School. Click below to access the presentation and learn more. WINTERTON FIELD STUDY CENTREHenley Primary School visited Winterton-on-Sea for a residential visit, click below to see what they thought about their visit. RESOURCES & LINKSClick below to find additional links and resources that you may find useful. We would love to hear your feedback so if you do have any comments please email Laura Rogers at l.rogers@consortiumacademy.org |