AAA Member Renewals for 2021/22AAA membership renewals are now due 2021/22 AAA Membership RenewalsIt is now time to renew your AAA membership for the 21/22 financial year. Now more than ever, your Association is a trusted source of information for you and your alpaca business during these unprecedented times. The AAA works to promote and grow the concept of alpacas as a viable and sustainable agricultural industry by providing information, tools and invaluable support to alpaca owners across all aspects of the industry. The AAA is proud to be the voice for the alpaca community as an organisation devoted to Australian alpaca farming and to provide developmental opportunities for alpaca farmers across the nation to grow and develop the national herd. AAA continues to look for ways to improve services and benefits to members. The Board directors, regional committees, volunteers and our office team act on behalf of all members to advocate, inform and promote the Australian alpaca industry as a contributor to the broader agricultural sector. If you would like to discuss membership, please contact the CEO or any of your Board Directors. Your AAA membership gives you: 🦙 Access to eAlpaca, the bespoke online system that records the International Alpaca Register (IAR) database eAlpaca allows self-management of alpaca and member details, shows entries and show results, inbreeding calculator, pedigree research, and a marketplace for alpaca sales. 🦙 Passionate volunteer Board and specialist working groups who meet regularly to enhance the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of the industry 🦙 Opportunity to participate in regional events and become part of a regional community, with many networking and social opportunities 🦙 A voice to government and other policymakers regarding agribusiness development. The AAA works closely with the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources on key issues such as animal health, emergency animal disease outbreak preparedness and industry development. 🦙 A national network of alpaca shows which enable breeders to benchmark breeding programs and compete with other herds through the showing of animals and fleece. Our shows provide both local and international judges 🦙 Educational workshops and seminars held nationally and regionally 🦙 Youth programs and events to support the next generation of alpaca enthusiasts 🦙 Investment in research and development, herd health, and genetic advancement programs, translating the findings into tangible outcomes and processes for our members. 🦙 Biosecurity programs to support members to use all the on-farm practices and tools currently recommended as part of a best practice biosecurity approach 🦙 Reliable animal health, welfare and biosecurity information and resources relating to the alpaca industry. 🦙 End product information and support– fibre, fibre end product, and meat 🦙 Representation of the industry in the media 🦙 Supply chain and marketing initiatives including the "Guaranteed Australian Alpaca" 🦙 AAA branded marketing merchandise 🦙 Industry codes of practice to ensure members comply with legislative requirements, animal welfare and biosecurity best practice and adoption of safe work practices 🦙 Regular communication via the AAA website, member update newsletter and social media channels (eg Facebook, Twitter) Renewal is easy - just log into your eAlpaca account and follow the prompts End of Financial Year eAlpaca "clean up"End of Financial Year is a great time to pop into eAlpaca and "manage your herd". You may have new cria to register, transfers to catch up, animals to mark as sold out of the registry, animals that have died or males that have been wethered. Start fresh from 1 July! To do this, log into eAlpaca, and go to "manage herd" and "herd inventory". When you have logged into eAlpaca, click on the “My Account” menu item, then go to the “view financials” tab. Here you can to download a copy of your membership invoice and other statements on a month by month basis. While logged in to eAlpaca, please ensure that your contact details are correct. If you have forgotten your password, or need a bit of assistance to work things out, please call the office on 02 6151 2073. Discounted Registrations Each Financial Year🦙 Did you know that there are progressive discounts for registrations - the more you register in a financial year, the cheaper it gets! We are coming up to the end of the financial year, so you have a bit of time to take advantage - go and build that herd! 🦙AAA Life Memberships and Awards🦙 Nominations for AAA Life memberships, certificates of appreciation and the Shane Read Medal are due 30 June. These are prestigious and important awards which acknowledge the contributions of AAA members to our industry. Guidelines for the awards and nomination forms can be found using the links below. If you have any queries or would like some more information, please don’t hesitate to contact AAA CEO Amanda Olthof or any of your Board Directors 🦙 Advertise with us!Would you like to advertise in this newsletter to get an audience of over 1200 AAA members? Contact Did you know that you can also advertise on the AAA website - more info |