No Images? Click here Spring Newsletter 2019Podiatry Council of NSW L to R: Deputy President Dr Kristy Robson, Legal member Mr Ebenezer Banful, Practitioner member Ms Verona Du Toit and President Mr Luke Taylor Message from the PresidentWelcome to the Spring 2019 edition of the Podiatry Council of NSW newsletter. I am pleased to announce the registration fee surcharge that NSW podiatrists have paid in recent years will be fully removed for your 2019-20 renewal. The Council applied the surcharge a number of years ago to address a shortfall in equity levels required to undertake our regulatory activities. Combined with good expenditure control and favourable regulatory activity levels our financial position has steadily improved. Last year the surcharge was halved, and will now be removed completely at the upcoming renewal. Mr Luke Taylor President Infection Control InspectionsAs part of Council’s work to ensure safe practice for the community we undertake inspections of podiatry practices in NSW to ensure they are complying with infection prevention standards. It aligns with community expectations that these standards exist and are monitored and adhered to. Where issues are identified, wherever possible, we try to support practitioners to make the necessary changes. We have recently commenced a trial whereby we announce the inspections a few days prior to them being undertaken. It’s hoped this will minimise disruption to the practices we visit. There are a number of resources available to support practitioners in this area, including:
Expressions of interest for Council vacanciesExpressions of interest are being sought from two podiatrists for appointment to the Podiatry Council of New South Wales. Councils are an important part of the health professional regulation and accreditation scheme in Australia. In NSW the Councils manage, with the Health Care Complaints Commission, notifications about performance, conduct and health of NSW registered practitioners across the 15 registered health professions. It is an important role that helps ensure the community continues to experience safe health care from skilled, qualified practitioners. Applications close on Friday 1 November 2019. Advertising requirementsThe 2018-19 year saw a rise in notifications relating to advertising of podiatry services. The majority of podiatrists are advertising within the requirements of the national law, however it would appear there are some who are unaware of their requirements. Advertising provisions are designed to ensure that members of the public can make informed healthcare choices with the right information at the right time. If you are not sure about the guidelines, AHPRA has a range of easy to use resources available. Thank you and farewell to Mr Ebenezer BanfulWe will shortly farewell Mr Ebenezer Banful from the Podiatry Council. Ebenezer will complete his current term on 31 December 2019, which will bring him to his maximum nine-year appointment as the legal member of Council. Ebenezer has made a significant long-term contribution to the podiatry profession in Australia and he will be missed when he leaves. Ebenezer has been a member of the Podiatry Council since the commencement of the scheme in 2010. He was also a long serving community member of the Podiatry Board of Australia. I want to thank Ebenezer both personally and on behalf of the profession for his dedication to patient safety, good governance and sound decision making over his many years of service. Thank you for taking the time to time to read this newsletter. I will leave you with a gentle reminder that registration renewal is just around the corner, so now is the time to check your CPD records and ensure you are up to date. |