Message from the Principal
Dear Parents
Happy new year to all of our families and welcome to Kennedy Baptist College for 2016. In particular, welcome to all of our new families who are joining us for the first time this year. We trust that everyone has had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable holiday and are now ready to commence the new academic year with excitement.
Throughout the holiday time, work has continued at the College to complete some major projects. This has included:
The completion of our new Drama and Dance studios.
The refurbishment of our Block 3 English classes.
Our new Science Laboratories will be completed during Term 1.
Work has also continued over the past weeks in preparing and planning great opportunities for all students and we look forward to sharing these throughout the year. Our goal at Kennedy is to equip students to seize these opportunities and strive for greatness in all that they do. After reviewing all events that took place throughout a very busy 2015 we are extremely confident of continuing to provide opportunities for excellence this year and look forward to students embracing all that is on offer in another exciting year.
Year 12 Results
Our 12 students produced some pleasing WACE results at the end of last year. It was wonderful to see so many students achieve their goals set early in 2015. Congratulations to Sarah Ciccolari who achieved the exceptional ATAR score of 99.2. Kennedy Baptist College had 13 students achieve an ATAR score greater than 95.0, an excellent effort.
Carly Eakin achieved the outstanding result of being the top student in the state for Business Management and Enterprise. Carly also received a certificate of distinction, being in the top 0.5% of the state for this subject. Another excellent effort.
Two students received Certificates of Commendation:
Sarah Ciccolari
Bailey McKinlay-Graham
Top performing subjects for 2015 at Kennedy:
3A/B Health studies
Students offered University positions:
1st Preference: 86% of students who completed an ATAR course.
Any Preference: 88% of all Kennedy applicants.
Certainly the class of 2015 produced some pleasing results as a result of their hard work and the support provided by College staff to ensue students achieve their goals. However, these results also reinforce the fact that we need our students and parents to be realistic when selecting student academic pathways. Our 2015 results support the College Administration view that some students are still attempting the ATAR pathway when they may have achieved better results in a more suitable alternative course.
Mark Ashby
Welcome from Parents and Friends Association
The P&F would like to welcome all families to 2016 at Kennedy.
The summer holidays have seen our Facebook page well utilised for second hand books, uniforms and impromptu socials from parents. If you would like to join the Kennedy P&F Facebook page, the following link can be used: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KennedyPandF/members/
A number of our 2015 committee members had children graduate from Kennedy last year and will be unavailable for our committee this year. We would like to thank Brent Bell, Tom Moyes, Sue Moyes, Alison Lilly and Hilary Poenton for their contributions to the P&F over the past three years.
Our Term 1 P&F meeting is also our AGM and will be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 9 February 2016, Staff Lounge. We invite all parents to attend this meeting which will also provide an excellent opportunity to get to know fellow Kennedy families.
Day 1 Arrangements
As the first day of Term 1 approaches, it is important that everyone is well aware of the details for Monday 1 Feburary to make the commencement of the new school year as effective as possible.
Normal classes commence on Monday for Year 8-12 students, any texts, uniforms (including swimming gear) or equipment needed for these classes will be required.
We look forward to a great start for the commencement of 2016 at Kennedy Baptist College.
Please note the following details:
In order to alleviate traffic congestion, Year 8-12 students commence Day 1 Form class at 8.15am and Year 7 students commence at 8.45am.
Year 7 students will begin Day 1 with a Commencement Ceremony in the Auditorium. This arrangement is for Day 1 only.
Time Table
Year 8-12 timetables for continuing students can be accessed through ConeqtP.
Please note: At this stage Coneqt has yet to resolve the reverse printing of day on the timetable. Copies of student timetables will also be issued during Form class on the first day.
All new students to the College will receive their timetables on Prestart Day Friday 29 January.
Lunch Orders
The College has a cafeteria where students may purchase breakfast, recess and lunch. We are open from 7.35am for breakfast.
The menu will change from time to time. Parents/students can purchase via online canteen or cash over counter. No orders will be taken after 9am and ordered lunches will be served first.
Click here for Menu and Our Canteen Online website.
New students will receive their smartrider around the 2nd or 3rd week of Term 1. They will still be able to use their smartrider from their previous school in 2015 provided there is sufficient credit on the card.
Upper School Parking
A reminder to all upper school students that parking is not available for any student vehicles.
Major Bus Time Table Changes
From Sunday 31 January 2016, there will be changes to the Joondalup, Mandurah, Fremantle and Armadale lines.There will be also be changes to a number of school services across the Transperth network.
Students intending to travel to school via public transport should:
Whilst not every school will be undergoing changes, we recommend that everyone should plan their journey prior to the first day of school.
Kennedy Handbook
The Kennedy Handbook is designed to provide students and the parents of Kennedy Baptist College, with useful information.
Kennedy Handbook is now available online and on Conqet.
Interhouse Swimming Carnival - Week 2
All students will be competing in the inter-house Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 10 February 2016. This is a compulsory event and students unable to participate must provide a medical certificate to the College.
Students will be transported from Kennedy Baptist College to HBF Stadium at 8:30am by College bus or hire bus. The carnival will be finishing at 2:15pm and students will arrive back at Kennedy Baptist College by 3:15pm. To alleviate congestion, students who usually catch public transport home will be transported directly to the Murdoch University Discovery Way Bus Station. Eyre and Forrest students will be returned to the College and King and Stirling students to Car park 7 at Murdoch University
(Click here for more information & map).
Parent Help Required:
Parent helpers are required for the 2016 Kennedy Interhouse swim carnival. If you are able to help on Wednesday 10 February from 9.15am as a parent time keeper please email jkennedy@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Staff Change Announcement
Welcoming new staff into our College
The start to 2016 brings many exciting changes including the arrival of some new staff members. A total of 12 new administration and teaching staff have joined us with most of them starting the role at start of the term.
Introducing our new Director of Studies- Mr Drew Errey
Mr Drew Errey comes to Kennedy Baptist College with extensive experience as a Head of Learning Area and a Head of Year. He has taught in a range of local schools as well as overseas and brings a broad knowledge of education experience to Kennedy Baptist College.
Mr Errey will assume responsibility for day-to-day curriculum matters including the College timetable; student course selections; accreditation of student results; student progress; College and state assessment programs such as NAPLAN; OLNA; ESTs and ATAR examinations.
He is warmly welcomed into the Curriculum team joining Miss Jennifer Lamet Deputy Principal: Curriculum and Mrs Deborah Stewart Curriculum Administrative Assistant.
Arts Learning Area:
Mrs Juliska Gaunson
Mr David Orr
Science Learning Area:
Mrs Andriana Cipriano-Taylor
Health & Physical Education Learning Area:
Mr Ross Macauley
Miss Lisa Ricci
Mr Daniel Rogers
Mathematics Learning Area:
Mr Malcolm Hansen
Mr Daniel Scorer
Mrs Lee-Anne Armstrong
Mrs Dianne Zwitser
Mrs Angela Taylor
Staff returning from leave:
Mrs Jenny Burton, Mrs Caroline Keily, Mrs Carolyn Tan and Mr Ian Wilmot.
Fees and Payment Option Form
Unknown Deposit
Unknown Deposit still yet to be identified.
10 Dec 2015 with reference as 228775
Please contact Mrs Gillian Wood if you had made the above deposit.
Basketball & Cricket Specialist & Outdoor Education programs
Please note that if your child is enrolled in the above mention programs, you will recieve an adjusted invoice including these changes in Week 5 of Term 1.
Parent Help Required- Book Covering
Book covering in the Research and Study Centre will commence Tuesday morning Week 4 (23 February) anytime from 8am. All welcome, training (if needed) and a cuppa provided.
Sustainable School Shop Uniform Stocktake Report
Please click here to find out what is items currently for sale on the Sustainable School Shop website.
Upcoming College Events
Friday 29 January
Uniform shop Opening hour:
8.00am - 12.30pm
1.00pm - 3.45pm
Friday 29 January
Pre-Start Day
* Year 7: 10.00am - 2.00pm - Lower Loyer
* New International Years 8-12 student: 1.30pm-4.30pm
* New Local Years 8-12 student: 2.00pm-4.30pm
Click here for more information
Monday 1 February
Term 1 Commence at:
8.15am (Year 8-12)
8.45am (Year 7 - Day 1 arragement only)
Monday 1 February
Commencement Ceremony for Year 7s
9.00am - 10.00am, Auditorium
Wednesday 3 February
Whole School Assembly - Certificate of Achievement Awards Presentation.
Friday 7 February
To return fee payment option form
Tuesday 9 February
P&F Meeting, 7pm, Staff Lounge
Wednesday 10 February
Interhouse Swimming Carnival - Complusory event
Click here for more information
Tuesday 16 February
P&F Meeting, 7pm Staff Lounge
Please visit our website for more dates and events.
Year 7 Parents are welcome to stay for your child's commencement ceremony
Welcome to Year 7 families - meet the Teachers
An opportunity for Year 7 parents to meet your child's Form teachers and other teaching staff.
Year 12 Ball -Dress Hire
Wardrobe Envy is Perth's NEWEST designer dress hire boutique located in Canningvale.
WE has the latest and hottest designs in cocktail and ball gowns to rent at a fraction of new price.
Currently we are offering 15% discount to students at Kennedy Baptist College for any dress rental booked in February.
Be quick so you don't miss out on the perfect gown for your special event!
Website: www.wardrobeenvyperth.com