Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Families,
Kennedy has had a wonderful, smooth start to the year, Thank you to all families for such a great start. It has also been very pleasing to see our students embrace the challenges and opportunities Kennedy provides from beginning of the academic year and some great outcomes have already been achieved. We look forward to an exciting and productive year of partnering with our students and their families.
Parent Engagement
One of our priorities at Kennedy is to involve our parents and families as much as possible. Often there is a tendency for parents to be less engaged at the secondary level. However, research shows that this should definitely not be the case.
Parent engagement in education is about parents and carers being positively involved in their child’s learning, their school community and their child’s sport and social life. Parents and families play an important role in supporting their child’s education. Parent engagement is more than being involved and informed about school activities. It is actively engaging with your child’s learning, both in the home and at the school. When schools and families work together, children do better and stay in school longer. Parent engagement in learning can help children to do better at school, be more engaged with their school work, go to school more regularly, behave better and have better social skills. For this reason engaging parents in their child’s education will always be a focus for us.
Parents and Friends Association
The P&F held their Annual General Meeting last week and appointed the following parents to the important office bearer positions of:
President: Mrs Sarah Clifford
Secretary: Mrs Vanya Tierney-Sanchez
Treasurer: Mrs Gail Pillai
Congratulations on these appointments. We thank you for volunteering to be involved in the leadership of the Association.
Inter-house Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to all members of our community involved in this outstanding event. HBF Stadium provided a wonderful venue for all students to represent their Houses. It proved to be both a very enjoyable and exciting day as all Houses fought closely to win the Carnival. Congratulations to all members of Eyre on a great win.
Congratulations to Mrs Scanlan and the Physical Education team on a wonderful event. It was also fantastic to see so many parents join us for the day, we greatly appreciate your involvement.
Easter Services
A reminder that our College will hold two Easter Services this year. This will be a major change to previous years. In past years Kennedy has had two Easter Services on a Sunday afternoon during Term 1 known as College Sunday. This Year we have two Easter Services on week evenings where all students and hopefully families will attend.
Tuesday 28 March: Eyre and Forrest families
Wednesday 29 March: King and Stirling families
Both services will commence at 7.00pm and I would like to emphasise that this is a compulsory event for all students.
This year our Keynote speaker is Mr Henry Olonga.
Henry is a former international cricketer turned photographer, singer, videographer, painter and public speaker. Through his desire for change and his Christian faith, he was convicted to put everything on the line and in 2003 he a wore black armband during an international cricket match in the 2003 Cricket World Cup to "mourn the death of democracy" in Zimbabwe. This bold political move lead to eventual exile from Zimbabwe, and now he lives in Adelaide with his family.
Mr Mark Ashby
One of the things holiday breaks do is to restore our hope. During one holiday break, I met up with an ex-student from another school who many despaired of, because of the choices they were making. Then, as can happen within large institutions, the student seemingly disappeared and life moved on. A few years after these events I was thinking about this student and wondered what had happened to them. A couple of days later, I heard about a certain Café, and, I don’t know why, but I thought we should pay the Café a visit. As I walked through the door, there was a scream of joy, and this person runs around from behind the counter and gives me a big hug. It was the student. Now, three years since that Café meeting, the student has graduated High School and is studying at Bible College and considering their options for future studies.
We can easily lose our perspective as we near the end of the year – it is a challenge just staying focused as the tasks mount up. A New Year gives us time to reflect – to see into the future, to look back, to see through some past problems/people, to soul search about any “blind spots” and “logs” (see Matthew 7:5) and to “look into” things that help us gain our balance and give us new hopes and dreams.
At the beginning of this New Year, I encourage you to be steadfast in your prayers for those in your care, acknowledging the God-potential in all. Do not give up hope. Recognise Jesus when he shows up in the classrooms, on College grounds and at home and have the insight to provoke the missional imaginations of all those in our community – let us help them to truly see as Jesus saw and encourage them to be all that He truly wants them to be.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
I would like to welcome all families to Kennedy Baptist College and the academic year. As the year begins, every member of the community has developed Curriculum goals for themselves and I know the staff are committed to give of their best to provide opportunities for all students to develop their skills and talents.
There is a new member of the Curriculum team with Mr Tim Jiow appointed as the Director of Studies. The Director of Studies position focusses on the operational matters of Curriculum delivery. As such, Mr Jiow will be responsible for timetabling of the College including the allocation of students in class, examination schedules, School Curriculum and Standards Authority requirements and ensuring a high standard of Curriculum delivery in all classes. Mr Jiow has met a number of Year 11 and 12 students to discuss their course selections and, in the coming weeks, he will provide an opportunity for students in Years 8, 9 and 10 to discuss their elective choices.
The following are some frequently asked questions:
How do I know what my child is learning?
SEQTA is a valuable tool used by all teachers at Kennedy Baptist College. Course outlines, assessments outlines and lesson outlines are available for parents to view. Many teachers have also included lesson material on the system, so students can review content or catch up if they were absent.
How do I find out about my child’s progress?
Assessment results are visible on SEQTA. Once assignments and tests are marked and compared across classes to ensure consistent application of marking guides, assessments results are released on SEQTA. Some teachers are providing additional comments which can direct a student to areas which may require attention.
Any questions a parent may have concerning progress within a subject should be addressed with the child’s teacher. If required, further clarification can be sought from the Head of the Learning Area, the Director of Studies or the Deputy Principal of Curriculum. The Head of Year can assist with ascertaining a global picture of your child’s progress both academically and socially.
Interim reports will be available in Term 1. In Years 7 – 10 the subjects of Mathematics, English, Humanities and Science will be reported on. In Year 11 & 12 all courses of study will be reported on. Interim reports will be available of SEQTA and are followed with a parent evening at the end of Term 1 or at the beginning of Term 2.
As you can see, SEQTA is a crucial tool for every member of the College community. Please take some time to examine the features available to parents.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
An important part of each New Year at Kennedy is welcoming our new students. To achieve this the College operates a range of events and comprehensive programs to ensure a smooth transition into the College community.
These programs and events are designed to assist the incoming students, these include:
Year 7 Orientation Day
Prestart Day
New Student Afternoon Tea
Year 7 Commencement Ceremony
Year 7 Meet the Teacher Evening
Mentoring Time in Care Groups
Lunchtime Activities
New Student Pizza Lunch
Prestart Day this year was held on Tuesday 31 January and involved both Year 7 students and those new in Years 8 to 12. On that morning our mentors and Year 7s got to know each other, took a tour through the College and met Mr Mark Ashby and their Heads of Year, as well as their Form teachers.
The Year 7s enjoyed a sausage sizzle and some fun activities run by Nations Church who provided their bouncy castles, loud music and board games. The 11/7s program continues throughout Term 1 with the Year 11s mentoring the Year 7s in Care Groups on Wednesday mornings.
The new Year 8 to 12 students met the Student Councillors as well as their Head of Year. They also visited the Research and Study Centre, undertook an Information & Technology In-service Session and chatted with our College Chaplain and Pastoral Care Team before enjoying an afternoon tea.
Year 7 Commencement Ceremony
The Year 7 Commencement Ceremony was held on the first day of school in the College Auditorium. Year 7 students received their Welcome Bible to signify the start of their Kennedy journey.
Year 7 Meet the Teacher Evening
The Year 7 Meet the Teacher Evening was held on Wednesday 15 February and it was an opportunity for incoming Year 7 parents to meet the Principal, Deputies, Head of Year 7, subject teachers and their child’s Form Teachers. This was held in a relaxed and friendly environment.
All these elements are designed to ensure a smooth, supportive start to the school year.
Click here for Year 7 Prestart photos.
Click here for Year 7 Commencement Ceremony.
Welcome Assembly Term 1
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On Friday 3 February an Assembly was held in the Auditorium to welcome students back to the College after the Christmas holiday. Mr Ashby outlined his expectations for students, that they will strive to produce their best outcome, respect each other face to face and by cyber communication and uphold the College values. A reminder was also given to students to be proud of their uniform, maintain the College standards and to be involved in all that is available so that their years at Kennedy are rich and rewarding.
Students were awarded certificates acknowledging their exam results and the College student leaders for 2017, Head Boy Joe Frost, Head Girl Anna Zwitser, Deputy Head Boy Ross Stewart and Deputy Head Girl Ashleigh Black were officially presented with their College blazers.
The final item of the Assembly was a presentation by students and teachers who had attended the Basketball Trip to the Philippines during the holidays. A video of their trip to Manilla was followed by some special messages from staff and students. The Assembly concluded with prayer.
For more photos of the Assembly please click here.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Sport at Kennedy
SAS Sport
Kennedy Baptist College will once again participate in ‘Southern Associated Schools’ (SAS) and ‘Southern Associated Schools’ Junior (SASJ) sporting competitions. These competitions are directed from Associated and Catholic Colleges of Western Australia (ACC) and aims to provides Year 11/12 students an in-school and Year 7-9 students an after-school sporting experience. Promoting participation, sportsmanship, leadership and socialization amongst students.
Our Year 11/12 students played their first round of games on Tuesday 14 February during their allocated Physical Education timeslots.
Congratulations to the following teams who defeated their opposition John Wollaston and Carey Baptist College in their first match. Girls Softball, Boys Basketball A & B, Girls Basketball A & B, Boys Volleyball A & B, Girls Volleyball A & B, Boys Touch Rugby, Girls Touch Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee #1.
The Year 7-9 SASJ competition began yesterday, Wednesday 15 February and was a big afternoon against Emmanuel Catholic College. Congratulations to the Year 7 Girls Basketball, Year 7 Cricket, Year 8/9 Girls touch Rugby team and Year 8/9 Girls Basketball team who defeated Emmanuel. We also congratulate the Year 8/9 Super 8’s who also won their game aswell.
Congratulations to all students who are representing the College in SAS and SASJ it is going to be a great term. Go Kennedy!
Please feel free to contact our Sports Coordinator Miss Jessica Kennedy, at jkennedy@kennedy.wa.edu.au if you have any queries.
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Health & Physical Education Teacher / Sports Coordinator
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
The Interhouse Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday 8 February and was a great House event to begin the year. It was excellent to see the competition between the Houses and the support of individuals and their achievements on the day.
Well done to everyone who took part on the day, especially those in the winning house Eyre who took first place. A further congratulations to all of those students who have been selected for it into the Interschool Team and we look forward to seeing you at training.
Please click here to see photos of the Interhouse Swimming Carnival.
Mrs Kym Scanlan
Health & Physical Education Teacher / Swimming Carnival Team Leader
SAS Sport - Girls Touch Rugby
Interhouse Swimming Carnival - Eyre House female swimmers
Book Covering
Book covering is on in the Research and Study Centre on Tuesday mornings from 8.30am on even weeks beginning from Week 4. Everyone is welcome! Training, a cuppa and cake are provided.
Parents of Year 11 Students Evening
Next Tuesday 21 February there will be an information evening for parents of Year 11 students about study and organisational skills. Strategies to help you support your child’s progress in Years 11 and 12 will be shared. It will commence in the Auditorium at 7.00pm.
Upper School Parking
A reminder to all Upper school students that parking is not available for any student vehicles at the College.
Due to a great volume of photos that needed to be taken for new student’s smartriders are in progress and they will be handed out during Week 4 of Term 1.
Students will still be able to use their smartrider from their previous school year, provided there is sufficient credit on the card. Please Note: Only students with a Kennedy smartrider will be able to borrow books from the Research & Study Centre.
Lunch Orders & Smartrider
Transperth Smartrider cards can only be used in the Cafeteria if the cash has been placed on the card from INSIDE the café. On-line Transperth cash on the card is strictly for transport only!
Uniform Shop
We experienced some problems with track suit jackets with very small cuffs. These have now been replaced with stock which is of high standard. If you are interested in purchasing one please visit the Uniform Shop.
Monday to Thursday
8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed on Friday.
* Closed for lunch 12.30pm-1.00pm.
Please contact Mrs Kerry James in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College (Ph: 93147722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Update Your Child’s Form Class on Online Canteen
You will find this link helpful to update your child’s Form class so that the Beedawong team can find your child during the lunch rush.
Getting Started with Online Canteen
We would like to congratulate and thank all those families who have already started using our online ordering system for lunch orders.
For more information on how to get started and how to place your orders, please click here.
Celebrating Students Achievements
Lachlan Belke
Congratulations to Lachlan Belke who competed at the WA State Long Course Swimming Championships in December last year and was a State medallist in the 1500m Freestyle. Lachlan also made a National qualifying time and will be heading to the Australian Age Swimming Championships in April. Kennedy is proud of his achievements and wishes him all the best.
Tyler Lindorff
Tyler Lindorff left Perth on 2 December 2016 for two weeks competing at the Oceania and Omnium events in Melbourne for Team WA U/19 Track National Championships. Tyler came away with numerous wins and was selected to represent Australia in the Team Pursuit event which saw them win Gold in the final against New Zealand. He then travelled to Tasmania for a two week training camp and to participate in the Tasmanian track racing competitions across the State returning home 2 January 2017. Congratulations on Tyler’s achievements and his continued commitment and dedication in his pursuit to succeed.
Tyler Lindorff: Individual Pursuit Time Trial - Gold
Tyler Lindorff: Australian vs NZ Team Pursuit Final - Gold
Fees - Secondary Assistance Scheme
Secondary Assistance Scheme
The State Government, through the Department of Education, provides financial support to eligible parents through the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS). The aim of the scheme is to assist low income families with secondary school costs.
Eligible parents/guardians with students enrolled in Years 7 to 12 studying a full-time secondary course at a WA private school will be able to apply for the SAS in 2017. The SAS consists of two allowances:
$235 Education Program Allowance (payment made to the school); and
$115 Clothing Allowance (payment made to the parent/guardian).
For all enquiries regarding the application process/forms please visit our reception.
Parents & Friends Association
Do you live in any of the following areas: Alfred Cove, Applecross, Ardross, Attadale, Bicton, Brentwood, Booragoon, East Fremantle, Melville, Mount Pleasant, Myaree or Palmyra?
Would you like a more direct Transperth bus route to and from Kennedy Baptist College?
For students who live in the above suburbs it can take up to an hour to get to and from Kennedy via two buses and a train. There are many parents who desire an improved Transperth service to and from these areas.
For Transperth to add a new improved service every family from these areas MUST contact Transperth to put in a request for a more efficient service. No changes will occur unless there is communicated demand for it.
Families from the Spearwood area successfully petitioned Transperth in 2012 to put on a new bus service to and from Kennedy. This proves it can happen, but every family MUST contact Transperth to request a new service for their area.
The request for a new service will have a greater impact if all parents from these areas contacted Transperth over a short period of time, so we recommend you do it as soon as possible, no later than the end of March 2017.
The most effective way is to bombard Transperth with written feedback so please use their feedback form at the following address to make your request: https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/Contact-Us/Feedback. Alternatively, call them on 13 62 13 (please do not select any options, stay on the line to speak to a person).
Thanking you,
A concerned parent in the above area.
Kennedy P&F Facebook Page
Are you looking for uniform items or text books? The Kennedy P&F Facebook page is a good forum for buying and selling second hand. There are many items for sale and more are being posted daily.
Contact us via:
Kennedy P&F Car Boot Sale
Repurpose your goods and help the environment!
When: Saturday 25 March 2017
Where: Kennedy Baptist College, Farrington Rd, Murdoch
Time: Sellers from 6:30 am -12 noon, Buyers from 7:15am - 12 noon
Cost: Sellers - Cars $10.00, Utes $15.00. Buyers - FREE entry
Enquiries: Please contact Kennedy Baptist College Parents & Friends on their email pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com. The P&F are looking for volunteers to help on the day. If you can assist please email the P&F.
So gather those pre-loved items and make some extra cash or just come along and shop for a bargain!
Sausage sizzle, ice cream and coffee will be available for purchase.
Community Events
Small group tuition or individualised programs.
Year 4 - 9 Math & English (Incl. NAPLAN & GATE Prep). Year 10 - 12 WACE All Maths, Chemistry, Physics & English
Small class size
Structured notes provided
Individualised to varied school programs
Accelerated Program for Advanced Students
Experienced teachers
Practice exam questions
Review of key concepts
For more information please click here. Call 9455 6808 / 0410 121 509 or visit our website here.
Drivewell Driving Academy aims to teach students driving skills that will not only enable them to pass their Practical Driving Assessment, but also establish good habits for safe life long driving. At Drivewell we teach driving in a manual car as we believe this can open up more opportunities in the future for our students.
Adrian Yurisich is an experienced trainer who teaches in a calm, supportive and encouraging manner. He has a proven strategy for success which will take students step by step from a beginner through to a confident driver.
Phone Adrian on 0431 657 566 or click here for more information.
Workshop for all mums and dads!
Information about spinal health
and kids
How posture influences brain
development, sleep and
Special guest Mumma O shares
with us awesome healthy
lunch box ideas
Free complimentary posture and
spinal check vouchers available and much more...
1.30pm to 3.00pm, Saturday 18 February. Call 9310 3352 to reserve your seat! For more information please click here.
Need To Boost School Results?
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help.
2017 ATAR Master Classe Years 11 & 12. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 7, 8, 9 & 10. Increase your child’s confidence and improve their results with expert teaching by our qualified teachers. Click here for more information.
Weekend Tuition Classes for Years 11 & 12. Recieve one-on-one support from our specialist ATAR teachers to maximise your ATAR mark. Click here for more information.
Visit our website for mor information.
6.00pm - 7.45pm, Wednesday 8 March 2017
Kennedy students are invited to join us for an inspiring and informative Science Careers Evening, to find out how Murdoch courses can lead them to fulfilling career in Science.
They will hear first-hand from our leading academics about what to expect whilst studying; learn about combining majors and degrees to maximise their employment opportunities; hear from industry professionals about trends in the sector; and chat with our students about their Murdoch experience and the doors it has opened for them.
For more information and to register please click here.