Monthly Newsletter | No images? Click here Hi Welcome to my monthly email newsletter. So July has been fun. On a personal level, I've been trying a new routine the last couple of weeks - I've got up super early and done a long run a bike ride. As a night owl, it took a bit of adjusting to, but I love it! My productivity and fitness have both improved by just that one simple decision. So, in terms of the company, I have three bits of news that I'd like to share:
1. Launched a podcast So a few days ago I launched my first Podcast. It's a weekly show that shares fitness, mindset and wellbeing tips and discussions with expert guests. As of right now I only have one episode for you to listen to, you can find it on all the other places you listen to podcasts. Here's a link to it on Spotify.
2. Creating a secondary MX Qualification As I mentioned last month, we are growing our MX brand. I see MX being a really important platform to help more women get fit and feel empowered. We have the home workout club, with members in nearly 50 countries and live group classes running in several countries at the moment, but I have bigger plans for it, so I need to constantly improve the infrastructure to both prepare for and facilitate future growth. I want trainers who are part of the MX family to have more of a career/learning pathway within the brand and I want to make sure MX principles can be taught 1-2-1 on a deeper level, and not just via group classes. So I'm currently developing the MX Master Coach Certification which will teach Personal Training using MX principles. It will be ready to launch in about 6-8 weeks. If you are a trainer and want to join our MX family, please find out more here.
3. Personal Training in London So I know many of my peers are excited to get back into face to face training... but having seen people I love get Covid-19 and suffer immensely, I personally don't think gyms should reopen yet. I know this isn't a popular opinion, but one should always act upon one's own ethics, regardless of the ramifications. We are not still offering face to face training in London for the time being. If you want to work with me then virtual PT or joining our NUK SOO™ or MX™ online clubs is the best way I can help you.
One final point... I mentor several wellness entrepreneurs, business owners and Personal Trainers at the moment, and it's such an honour to be of assistance to others, and help them avoid the mistakes I did!. I had live Instagram chat 2 days ago with one of my friends, peers and fellow fitness industry Mentor; Ashley Borden. She's been one of the top 'celebrity trainers' over in LA for 20 years now and it was fun to talk about our careers and share advice to fellow trainers. I'd like to remind those of you that are new to this industry, that building a business is not just about building a personal brand on social media (which is such an egocentric activity!). Time is far better spent by simply helping your clients/customers more. Everything I create, launch or build is focused on that, and not on than how it will make me look.. and I'm pretty that's why I've lasted in this industry for so long! I love being Coach and while I also run a few little companies (which comprise the Dan Roberts Group) .. it's not for fame or money; I do it because I can help more people this way. Ambition is good, but you have to do things for the right reasons if you want to be happy!
Anyway, have a fit, happy and productive month, do try getting up early and fitting in cardio. It's fun!... and thanks for being interested in what we do here and following our journey as we try and grow the Dan Roberts Group. Dan. p.s To read my previous newsletters, please click here. p.p.s To anyone who has done either of my free workouts in July; GLIDE AWAY or my WARRIOR CHALLENGE, I would love to get some reviews on the website. Please reply if you can help and I'll send you a link where you can write it! Thank you. |