Message from the Principal
Photo above: Interhouse Cross Country.
Dear Parents and Families,
Across Australia students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have completed the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests this week. NAPLAN may have been a feature of your child’s schooling for some time now – it was first introduced in 2008 – but for others it will be their first foray into formalised assessment.
The NAPLAN tests are diagnostic tests designed to provide an understanding of a student’s performance at the time of assessment in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy skills. It tests the literacy and numeracy skills that your child has developed over time in the school curriculum. The results provide schools, states and territories with information regarding the progress of education programs and what needs to be prioritised when addressing improvements.
NAPLAN should not be considered the sole measure of your child’s ability. We will assume that all students have completed the testing process to the best of their abilities and use these results to assist individuals to the best of our abilities.
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
It was a pleasure to have so many of our College mothers and grandmothers joining us for our morning tea last Thursday. Our female Student Councillors did a wonderful job serving morning tea and it was great sharing together with our guest speaker Yvette Cherry. We greatly appreciate yet another opportunity to involve parents in our community, thank you for joining us.
Mr Mark Ashby
Upcoming Closure on Farrington Road
Road closure and night works on Farrington Road between Bibra Drive and Murdoch Drive from 10.00pm Friday 17 May to 5.00am Monday 20 May. Please click here for more information.
“An unexamined life is not worth living”
Socrates (died 399 BC or BCE)
Values are those basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate both our attitudes and actions. As I have worked through the list of values that we believe are important to building community at Kennedy Baptist College I have finally come to the last one, and it is service.
I think we need to realise that service is placed last because it is a foundation for all other values. This is illustrated in so many ways here at the College. Watching teachers interacting with students outside of the class; random conversations held before or after school; following up after an incident or event; inviting parents to a morning tea or breakfast. As staff we want to serve and in doing so we invite the students to join in, and they do. From community focused events, which range from sitting next to Seniors over ‘a cuppa,’ through to planting trees to aide in the regeneration of bushland and then there are students who choose to travel up north to indigenous communities or overseas to Cambodia. These all become opportunities for those involved to examine not only what they consider important but also to discover what motivates them. For all
of us, both staff and students, it is in serving that we are provided with a different perspective, it is where character is formed, and true leadership is born.
The greatest among you will be the one who always serves others from the heart. Matthew 23:11
Year 7 Report
As Term 2 began there was a change of energy in our cohort. The once shy Year 7 students are now beginning to gain confidence in themselves and their friendship groups. Following our Foundation camp and Thrive excursion our students have shown maturity and genuine care for each other. This lays a great foundation for our Extended Form program, with our focus being on the development of identity, how to be a positive friend as well as the importance of time management in studies.
This week sees the beginning of two weeks of NAPLAN testing for our Year 7 students and I would like to wish everyone all the very best. It is important to remember not to stress about these results; instead use this experience as a time of reflection and for implementing strategies to further improve or consolidate your learning. Our students are always encouraged to seek assistance when in doubt or when needing extra support from their subject teachers.
It has been most wonderful to see our winter uniform embraced with such pride and professionalism. I would like to remind our students to wear their blazers to College, during Form as well as at the conclusion of the day, the only exception is for students who have sport, please see the uniform policy for clarification. All clothing should be clearly labelled so that any lost property can be returned via Student Services promptly.
Our student councillors Caitlin Minorgan, Brynn Fisher, Novin Dickson and Alexander Mackinlay have also been busy planning fun activities at recess, and lunch in addition to the social events for the year. It has been a pleasure to work alongside these vibrant young leaders and I look forward to them continuing to grow in their roles.
I pray this term will be a productive and rewarding time as we move towards the end of Semester One. Please click here to see more photos of the Foundation camp.
Photos above: Year 7 Camp.
Year 8 Report
This term the Year 8s will be having their first exams at Kennedy. Whilst this can be an anxious time, it can also build resilience and help students to knuckle down to some study and prepare for their exams. There is nothing better than study and revision to keep the nerves at bay while facing exams. Students should look at this as an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learnt this year. Parents can help by assisting their child to make a revision timetable that is realistic. The students will also attend a Study Skills Revision seminar in Week 4 run by the Research and Study Centre. This will be an opportunity for them to revise their study skills from the SMARTS program last year and prepare them for the exams, which will start in Week 6, Thursday 6 June until Tuesday 11 June.
We have already enjoyed the Arts Cup and the Interhouse Cross Country which were run last week. The Year 8s excelled themselves and did really well. We will be having two more Community Service activities this term: Wednesday 22 May and Wednesday 26 June. I look forward to working with the Councillors in planning another social activity for the Year 8 students.
Students are enjoying the table tennis table that was recently added in the Year 8/9 Quad and there is some healthy competition running at recess and lunchtimes. I am happy to say that the Year 8s are maturing and it is lovely to see them supporting and encouraging each other in lots of different ways.
Photos above: Students enjoying the Table Tennis during lunch.
Year 9 Report
With the beginning of Term 2 another opportunity arises for students to demonstrate their learning and improve themselves. Students of all levels have the ability to learn and develop, and we encourage all Year 9 students to use the opportunities available to them to make the most of themselves.
The Year 9 camp revision is now upon us; on Wednesday we looked back at our time on the Year 9 camp and how we have developed as individuals and as a collective group. It is important that students recognise how well they were able to overcome the issues they struggled with and fears they faced enabling them to achieve their goals and targets. I was most impressed with the attitude of many students who were petrified in the face of a challenge and yet steeled themselves and pushed through to successfully attempt or complete the challenge. Well done to all students who participated on the camp and congratulations to them on their behaviour and attitude. Anecdotally I have noticed a much better attitude amongst the Year 9 students and more positive behaviour towards each other. I look forward to this continuing.
There are several happenings this term that are of importance; we currently have NAPLAN and I wish students all the best in that, we have exams later in the term which are an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate learning and we are also continuing with our Strength and Shine program. This is a busy term so we encourage students to ensure they are being the best version of themselves they can be – eat well, get plenty of sleep and ensure they are structuring their time effectively including plenty of study. Please click here to see more photos of the Adventure camp.
Photos above: Year 9 Camp.
Year 10 Report
The Year 10 Information Evening was well attended last week. I hope that this event was helpful for both students and parents, I know that this motivated the students to study hard and achieve their best.
The elephant in the room is definitely exams, which are upon us and commence on Thursday 6 June, Week 6. At this stage the Year 10 students should be focusing on revision and attend tutoring where needed.
During Week 10, we will be doing Community Service in North Lake helping with Black Cockatoo Habitat Rehabilitation. This will occur during College hours on Wednesday 3 July for Eyre and Forest and again on Thursday 4 July for King and Stirling. Students have the opportunity to help plant trees and listen to an informative guided tour, learning all about the endangered Black Cockatoo and the destruction of its habitat.
A helpful idea I read from “Tips for teens, thriving in the digital age,” they recommend: “Turn off all phones, devices, computers and television an hour or more before going to bed. Remember face to face contact with family has actually been shown to help you sleep better.”
I believe that it is also wise to not allow our children to have their device or phone in their room overnight. Over this exam time, we want them to be rested up and have a clear mind, without any distraction. Best wishes for the exams and the preparation.
Photos above: Year 10 Extended Form games.
Year 11 Report
It has been a busy start to Term 2 for the Year 11 students. Students are now shifting their focus to preparing for final assessments for their courses and then for the ATAR students, their exam preparation.
Next week we have invited the Research and Study Centre staff to deliver some Study Skills tips for our students. They have been given options of organisation and planning, writing extended answers in an exam situation, memory techniques, mindfulness and unpacking a take home assignment. I am excited to see the response from students as they are able to choose options that are relevant to them and I am really hoping that they will take away some great tips to help prepare for the end of this semester.
I have been thinking back to the end of last term and what a wonderful time we had at Rottnest as part of our Transition Camp. The aim of the camp was to debrief a very intense Term 1 and reflect on how far we have come. We also looked at the future ahead and have renewed hope for things to come. The feedback from students has indicated that they had a great time. I wanted a relaxed camp to help with the intensity of Term 1 and through bike riding, mini golf, fishing, aqua fun park and hanging out in the settlement at the cafes, it seems the students did just that. The talks the students received were on friendship, maturity, hope and the future and another entitled step into love that looked at how God can be a part of the future to help through the tough times. I thoroughly enjoyed the camp and what better place
in the world to relax than Rottnest Island. Another highlight at the camp was our Student Councillors and House Captains running a quiz night on the first night which was a real treat to see. Please click here to see more photos of the Transition camp.
I am looking forward to another busy yet productive term.
Photos above: Year 11 Transition Camp
Year 12 Report
As we come up to the half way mark of Year 12 I would like to congratulate the majority of the cohort on their behavior and attitude. It is particularly wonderful to see students take on the responsibility of their Year 12 Common Room. This is a space for the students to relax, study, socialise and of course make use of the kitchen facilities. Whilst walking through the Common Room there has been a sea of blue with all the students proudly wearing their Leaver’s jackets.
The next big challenge for the ATAR Year 12s this term will be the exams. Their exams will commence on Tuesday 4 June and conclude on Friday 14 June. Students are encouraged to ensure that they have a study program in place and parents could help by ensuring that their children are eating well and getting enough sleep and exercise. Students should not be involved in too many hours of part-time work in the evenings and at the weekends. Maintaining a balance in all things will be the best way to prepare for what can be an anxious time.
Our General students have started doing their mandated common EST assessments. These assessments are done by all students in the state participating in that course and assists to ensure the fair assessment of student achievement in Year 12 General courses across all schools.
During Extended Form this term we will be having speakers representing the different Universities and TAFE as well as information on financial literacy, as we equip students with skills they will need beyond College.
I would like to wish the students well as they prepare for exams and/or hand in assessments that are due. Our Psychologist, Mrs Jess Plenty is always available for any students who would like help or advice in dealing with stress. The Research and Study Centre is also equipped to help students develop good study strategies and of course please feel free to contact myself with any queries or comments.
Photos above: Year 12 Extended Form.
Arts Cup 2019
On Wednesday 9 May, Kennedy was treated to nine outstanding performances for Arts Cup, a house event that includes singers, bands and dancers. The competition was very even this year, leaving the judges with some difficult decisions to make.
Stirling produced first and second place, with Megan Petrus-Kasim winning the event for her superb rendition of ‘Bad Day’ by Daniel Powter. Bridie-Taylor Wall finished second, inspiring the audience with ‘Beautiful’ by Christina Aguilera. For the first time in Arts Cup history, there was a tie for third place. Year 7 King performer Sophie Abbott impressed the judges with ‘When I Grow Up’, from the Matilda musical. Equally as impressive was the band from Forrest, consisting of John Porretta, Trent Pillai and Ben Ashton, who performed ‘Lenny’, by
Stevie Ray Vaughan.
I would like to thank all the students who courageously auditioned, as well as those who performed on the day. Arts Cup is a fantastic way for students to showcase their talents in the areas of singing, dancing, playing musical instruments and drama. We also congratulate Stirling House as the 2019 Arts Cup winners. Please click here for more photos.
Mr Murray Dunstan
Eyre House Coordinator
Photos above: Arts Cup 2019.
Mother's Day Morning Tea
This was a fun filled morning where Kennedy mothers and grandmothers joined together over a cuppa and some tempting treats put together but our amazing Cafeteria staff members. It was a special time to honour those woman who impact and lovingly raise our students.
Our College Chaplain entertained us with her faith filled stories and a fun ice-breaker. Our guest speaker this year was Yvette Cherry, she is the Women’s Leadership Pastor at Baptist Churches WA. Yvette shared from her experience of being a mum to four daughters and a typical morning where she had to get all of them ready for school, when her eldest daughter decided to throw a tantrum. Yvette explained that in moments like that, it would be easy to lose our temper and lose sight of what our child really needs - but she chose to keep her cool with every unpleasant reaction and respond with patience and love. Yvette then encouraged us all by reading Galatians 6:9. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give
Throughout the morning our female Student Councillors assisted the Cafeteria staff by serving our mothers and grandmothers, they even assisted with clean up afterwards. It was truly a fun filled morning for all. Please click here for more photos.
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations Officer
Photos above: Mother's Day at Kennedy.
Japan Tour Update
Shrines, sashimi, shinkansen and sticky rice. How do you make sure 19 students know how to eat with chopsticks? Take them on a whirlwind cultural tour of Japan!
Coordinated by Nicole Robins; Timothy Jiow, Cynthia Edward and Sarah Harris accompanied 19 Year 10 and 11 students on the tour, stopping in many places including Tokyo, Hakone, Kyoto, Nara, Hiroshima and Osaka (one of the food capitals of the world). We dove into understanding cultural parts of Japan visiting the Shinto shrines, temples, gardens and both Nijo and Osaka Castles; as well as experiencing more modern culture at Universal Studios and dinner with karaoke. Please click here to read more...
Miss Sarah Harris
Trip Coordinator
Excursion Updates
Year 9 Photography Excursion
In Week 2, four of our Year 9 Photography classes went only a short distance to Piney Lakes on their first photography excursion. Their task was to take images of people and landscapes, so that they could use them back in class. Piney Lakes had lots of natural bushland, a waterfall, ducks in the lake and even a kids playground to take interesting photos of. Back in class, the students learnt how to merge two images together to create a digital ‘double exposure’, and the students have created some stunning results. Thanks to Mr Wilkins and Mrs Ashby for coming along and helping us out. Look out for the mini-exhibition in the library of some of the students work.
Mr James and Mr Markham
Photography Teachers
Photo by Millie Hennigan.
When the Rain Stops Falling -Year 10 Drama Specialist Excursion
On Monday 6 May the Year 10 Drama Specialist students travelled to John Curtin College of the Arts to view the production of When the Rain Stops Falling.
When the Rain Stops Falling is an award-winning play about family, secret legacies, betrayal and forgiveness seen across four generations and spanning two continents. It was written by renowned Australian playwright and screenwriter, Andrew Bovell.
Students were intrigued by the complex plot and mesmerized by the extraordinary set, lighting and sound design. During class discussions it was apparent that this play impacts its audience. Meaningful conversations will continue to understand the multiple layers of the play’s interesting characters. The students benefited from this excellent excursion.
Mrs Liezl Breytenbach
Drama Teacher
Politics and Law - Mock Trial Competition
On Monday 6 May Kennedy was once again involved in the second round of Mock Trials run by the Law Society of Western Australia. Both Kennedy teams competed against Saint Mary’s Anglican School in a Criminal Case involving an alleged theft which occurred at Rottnest Island. Kennedy took on the role of the Prosecution. The evening began, with some last minute preparations in the AIG Office in St Georges Terrace under the guidance of our Lawyer Coach Margaret Breen. Later that evening at the Supreme Court, both Kennedy teams performed exceptionally well in their trials. In the end, one Kennedy team won, and the other lost.
The evening concluded with a debrief at McDonalds and a surprise celebration for Grace William’s 16th Birthday which was organized by her Parents. Congratulations to all the students for their exceptional efforts.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Politics Teacher
Photo above: Year 10 Drama Specialist Excursion.
Photo above: Mock Trail Competition.
Perth Hills Discovery Centre - Year 11 Biology Excursion
On 9 May the Year 11 Biology students went on an excursion to learn about our unique Western Australian flora and fauna in the Jarrah Forests at Mundaring. The students had the privilege of walking through the forest to learn about the threats and conservation measures in place to protect this ecosystem. Namely, the risks and benefits of fire in the ecosystem and the destruction caused by feral cats and foxes to our native wildlife populations. Students undertook quadrat sampling and species surveying exercises – tools which are essential for conservation biologists working in this field of science. The highlight of the excursion, was the native animal encounter. Students were given the opportunity to hold baby joey kangaroos and
give an echidna a belly rub. All students enjoyed the opportunity to step out of the classroom and into the field.
Mr Jon Groom
Biology Teacher
Scribblers Festival YA Collective
On Saturday Drew Errey, myself and nine Kennedy students (from the Creative Writing classes and the Research and Study Centre book club) attended the YA Collective at the Scribbler’s Festival in Claremont. There was a lovely festival atmosphere on the day with lots of families writing, drawing and creating works of art!
Throughout the day we had the opportunity to hear renowned authors discuss their work, their vision and what is was like to see their books adapted to film. We attended sessions with Neal Shusterman, Renee Watson, A.J. Betts and Lynette Noni.
The Research and Study Centre has novels by all these authors – so it was a great privilege to hear them and to have the opportunity to meet them. I do not think any of us will ever forget it and we hope to go again next year!
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Research and Study
Photo above: Year 11 Biology Excursion.
Photo above: Scribblers Festival YA Collective.
Sport at Kennedy
Interhouse Cross Country
On Wednesday 8 May our students competed in the Annual Interhouse Cross Country Carnival. The weather was ideal for Kennedy’s top runners and the races produced some of the closest finishes in years. It was great to have our Year 7 students compete in their first Cross Country event and they did not disappoint with some incredibly quick times from a competitive field. A special mention to Luke Shaw on his final Cross Country for Kennedy Baptist College. Luke has been Kennedy’s most successful runner and has achieved success in many state and national competitions over the years, We wish him all the best in his future endeavours and hope to see him continue excelling in his field of running.
Thankyou to all parents that came along on the day to show their support and well done to all students who completed their course and represented their house with their best efforts. Please click here for more photos.
Photos above: Interhouse Cross Country.
College Notices
Alleviate Exam Stress
Is there a mild feeling of panic in the air at your home? Is your child looking a little bleary, mumbling about study, feeling guilty for not doing enough and yet the exams are weeks away? Sounds like a case of examitius! You can start putting all these great tips into place now for a happier, more balanced feeling at home over the next few weeks. Click here to read more...
Term 2 House Point Draw Prize
This term's House point draw prize is a fun escape the room session for 10 people sponsored by Escape Hunt, Fremantle. Get your House points in to stand a chance to win! For more information about Escape Hunt, Fremantle, please click here.
Book Covering – your help is needed!
Every even week Tuesday morning we have book covering on in the Research and Study Centre. Parents can come in from 8.00am to 11.00am to cover books, have a chat and a cuppa. Training is provided and if you can spare the occasional morning that would be helpful. Please sign-up here – we would love to see you.
Australian Maths Competition
If you are interested in entering the Australian Maths Competition this year, please sign up with your Math Teacher. Closing date for sign up is tomorrow, Friday 17 May.
Join the Film Club
If your child loves watching movies, then Film Club is for them. A safe space every Tuesday at lunchtime. We watch a scene from a range of different movies and have a conversation about it.
Lego Challenge
From Friday 17 May at lunch time in the Research and Study Centre. The Challenge will be to work with a partner and complete a creation. Great prizes on offer!
Instrumental Music Program
Students learning instruments at Kennedy in Term 2 have now received their timetables via their form teachers – these are also displayed on the Arts noticeboard and in Room 6.9.
There are currently vacancies for the following instruments for an immediate start: Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet, Trumpet, Violin and Cello. Please direqt message Mrs Anthony to book in for a free trial lesson, which will be held after school on selected days in Week 5.
Instrument Loan for these instruments is covered by the school for the first 6 months if new to the Instrumental Music program.
Volunteering Opportunities
We value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community! Co-ordination of all our volunteers is managed through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com. Current volunteer opportunities are available with:
The Kennedy Prayer Group - Wednesdays at 1.45pm
Beedawong Volunteering Term 2
Book Covering
Please click here to sign up and volunteer.