LINK News, Funding Resources & Community Christmas Gatherings
Building Resilient Community Groups LINK's November Connection Cafe hosted 28 attendees representing 23 Upper Clutha community groups discussing their greatest opportunities and challenges. Jan Hudson presented key themes from the QLDC Community Groups and Facilities Survey, which will be made public shortly. Attendees suggested topics to include in future skill building workshops – providing “building blocks” for effective community groups. LINK is planning workshops for early 2019 to provide skills, tips and resources for specific areas like strategic planning, corporate/community partnerships and membership promotion.
LINK Community Fund Update Earlier this year LINK had the pleasure of granting funds to ten Upper Clutha community groups to support a collaborative, volunteer-driven project, event or initiative. It has been so rewarding to hear how things have gone for the recipients. A few stories: Matariki Tupu Hou, "the fund contributed towards payment for a Kaiako specifically for Kapa Haka practice and performance and towards the
cost of attending a Mau Rakau Wananga event (Maori martial art). Both of these events have enhanced the involvement in tikangaa Maori, provided a supportive whanau environment to enable people to connect, grow and learn"- Jo McArthur Upper Clutha Festival of Sports. "Over 500 members of the community attended with 93% of a sample group, stating that it was a fun and enjoyable community occasion and they valued finding out about other clubs and groups in the area.” - Bronwyn Coers Kahu Youth - Matariki. "2018 Matariki was a huge success, with over 900 fed from the hangi, 200 young people involved with performing or volunteering and countless more
adults. Close to 2000 people attended the workshops and performances throughout the day. The LINK fund was a huge help, spent on hangi food, workshop fees and safety equipment which are things we often struggle to cover. It ensured that we went into this year’s celebrations without any worries!" - Rich and the Kahu Youth crew
Funding information, planning and training opportunities
Financial planning,
governance available to children's groupsThe Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund One of this fund's priorities is training for financial planning and good governance. It supports community group representatives to attend a one-off training course, or community groups to host in-house training using an external provider. The Lottery Grants Board has allocated an additional $300,000 to the Minister's Discretionary Fund to help children's organisations improve their financial planning and
good governance. If you are aware of any organisations providing services to, or working with children that could benefit from training in financial planning or good governance please contact: Rebecca Bulman, Community Advisor The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua, 0800 824 824
Funding WorkshopThursday 6 December, 1pm,
Lake Wanaka Centre All are invited to attend the latest QLDC-hosted funding workshop. Representatives from the Department of Internal Affairs, Central Lakes Trust, and QLDC will be available to discuss your project and funding options. This is an opportunity if you have an idea or project planned for 2019 to discuss your options and learn more about the application process. Please RSVP to by Wednesday 5th December.
There are plenty of opportunities to come together, celebrate and appreciate our community at this time of year, including:Jac and the Beansprouts - a proper Christmas pantomime with all our local stars, 19-22 December, tickets at Shop local at the Wanaka Sunday Craft Market, Sundays at Pembroke Park from 10am. What is happening in your neighbourhood? The Hawea Community Centre are once again putting on their annual pot luck dinner on Friday 14th December. It's not too late to organise a gathering for your community, whether it be your street, your family, your club. Check out LINK's "how to" guide for putting on you own neighbourhood gathering.
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year! LINK folks will be wrapping up work through mid-December, but then will be offline until the beginning of February. Our shutdown period acknowledges that many community groups and activities also take a break through the school holidays. We will be checking email occasionally if you need to get in touch.