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Governance Group Meeting Notification


There will be a meeting of the Governance Group on Friday 17 May 2013. The meeting will be held at the Elite International School of Beauty Therapy in Newmarket, Auckland. The meeting starts at 10am.

This will be the first meeting of the appointed governance group.

You can download a copy of the agenda from beautytroq.com

Governance group members

Below is the summary of members for the governance group. The nominations for the working groups will be discussed at the meeting.

Institute of Technology and Polytechnic (ITP) Patrick Lander - EIT
Private Training Establishment (PTE) Adam Berry – Intueri Education Group
Industry Training Organisation (ITO) Erica Cumming - HITO
Industry Judy West - NZARBT
Industry Margaret Walsh – Face and Body Beauty Therapy
Industry Michelle Woodyard – Professional Skin and Beauty

If you have any queries, please use the feedback section of the BeautyTRoQ website.