No Images? Click here NSC eUpdate March 19, 2018Did You Know?Did you know that the University of Central Florida's Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy (FIEA), which will be part of the new Nicholson School of Communication and Media, has consistently been ranked among the top five programs for video game design graduate programs? According to The Princeton Review, FIEA has held its top five position for nine years! Now you know. Official Notice of New School Name The Nicholson School of Communication is proud to announce the new name of the forthcoming inter college school, Nicholson School of Communication and Media. . In the coming weeks, more details will be released about organizational, staffing, and leadership structures. Stay tuned for more information. Guidelines for in Unit A&P and Faculty Salary Increases Effective March 23, 2018, each in-unit A&P and in-unit Faculty employee who meets the eligibility criteria listed below will receive a 2.25% increase to their salary as of March 23, 2018. The 2.25% across-the-board salary increase for in-unit A&P and in-unit Faculty employees will be effective on March 23, 2018, and received in the paychecks on April 13, 2018. For more information click below. Acculturation Colonialism and Migration among Central Florida Puerto Ricans Cristalis Capiela, Pd.D., Assistant Professor at Arizona State University will be speaking about the history of colonialism and cyclical migration between the island of Puerto Rico and the United States. This event will highlight the unique acculturation experiences for Puerto Ricans. This event will be held at UCF Global room 101AB from 3 - 4:30 p.m. on Monday, April 2. Registration is required. You can register online by going to > Employee Self Service > Learning and Development > Request Training Enrollment Course Information - DIV380 Puerto Rican Acculturation. PFSA Happy Hour Events PFSA invites you to join them for a night of networking, socializing and drinks during one of three PFSA Happy Hour events. New 2018-19 Academic Programming The Office of Faculty Excellence has announced several new programs for the 2018 - 19 academic year. Click on the links below to learn more and apply today. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning The university’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (UCF-SoTL) awards reward outstanding achievements in research and other scholarly and creative activities that focus on the effectiveness of teaching methods. Awardees from this program may also receive university support to attend and present papers at the International Conference on Teaching and Learning or other Teaching and Learning conferences. For more information about this award click below. Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning Presentation on Classroom Security The Karen L. Smith Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning is dedicated to ensuring the success and well being of all faculty, staff and students at UCF. To help faculty remain prepared during moments of emergency, FCTL has provided a short PowerPoint presentation outlining steps that should be taken in threatening situations as well as in moments of distress. You can access a copy of the presentation by clicking the button below. Dively-Dupuis LGBTQ+ Scholarship Dr. Martin Dupuis and Mr. Michael Dively founded The Dively-Dupuis LGBTQ+ Scholarship to awards students who are leaders and advocates within the UCF LGBTQ+ Community, locally, nationally and/or internationally. The receiver of the scholarship will obtain $700 in the fall and spring semesters. Applications will be accepted until March 31, 2018. For additional information, click the button below. New ARGIS Proposal Submission Process Effective immediately, the Academic Research and Grants Information Systems (ARGIS) is subject to new proposal submission procedures. You can see the updated proposal submission process by clicking the button below. CAPS Stoneman Douglas Support Workshop UCF's office of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) will be offering three free workshops for any alumni or student affected by the events that took place in Parkland, FL. The workshops will be held at the Counseling and Psychological Services office at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, Wednesday March 28 and Wednesday, April 4. Sign-ups are not required, however seats will be provided on a first-come first-serve basis. Honorable Student Leaders Andrea Madrazo and Hannah Klonwski, NSC-Affiliated students, have been recognized as outstanding student leaders during Women's History Month by LEAD Scholars Academy. Mark Your Calendar Wednesday, March 21 Stoneman Douglas Support CAPS Wellness Workshop 3:30 p.m. Counseling Center Friday, March 23 Tuesday, March 27 Wednesday, Mar. 28 Stoneman Douglas Support CAPS Wellness Workshop 3:30 p.m. Counseling Center Monday, April 2 Investing Basics Tuesday, April 3 Nearing Retirement in the FRS Wednesday, April 4 Stoneman Douglas Support CAPS Wellness Workshop 3:30 p.m. Counseling Center Wednesday, April 4 Friday, April 6 Monday, April 9 Protecting Yourself and Your Loves Ones: Estate and Insurance Planning Tuesday, Apr. 10 Webinar: Investing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Registration Link Wednesday, Apr. 11 Retiring from UCF 3 - 4:30 p.m. UCF Human Resources Suite 100 Wednesday, Apr. 11 Monday, Apr. 16 Monday, Apr. 16 Monday, Apr. 16 Wednesday, Apr. 18 Florida Retirement System (FRS) Overview & DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program) Thursday, April 19 Thursday, Apr. 19 Happy Hour 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Burger U Friday, Apr. 20 Social Security and Medicare Tuesday, Apr. 24 Tuesday, Apr. 24 Tuesday, Apr. 24 Wednesday, Apr. 25 Money at Work: Foundations of Investing 3 - 4:30 p.m. UCF Human Resources Suite 100
Monday, Apr. 30 Conquering Student Loan Debt & Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Tuesday, May 1 Tuesday - Thursday Apr. 24 - 26 CAPTRUST Onside Individual Meetings (by appointment only) Thursday, Apr. 26 Fundamentals of Retirement Income Planning |