No images? Click here Students enjoying the new Technologies Centre.Message from the PrincipalDear Parents and Families, Welcome to Term 4 at Kennedy Baptist College. I trust everyone has had a restful break and students are eager to continue embracing their opportunities. This term will continue to provide a wide range of educational experiences for all students. Classes have commenced in the new Technologies Centre and students are engaging with the new spaces and facilities. In November, examinations will be held for students in Years 9 to 12, which will assess Semester 2 content. Year 10-12 Awards Night: Tuesday 20 October Next Tuesday, we celebrate and give thanks for our Year 10 – 12 students' wonderful achievements. I would like to remind families that this is a compulsory event for students and details were sent to families on Tuesday 13 October. It would be wonderful to have as many families as possible joining us for this special celebration. Please note that due to the current COVID restrictions, refreshments will not be served after the formal ceremony. Year 12 Last Day: Friday 23 October Next Friday, we will honour and farewell our Year 12 students at a special Assembly to acknowledge their last official day of classes at Kennedy. We wish them all the very best as many of these students commence their final preparations for the WACE examinations, which will then be used for university entrance. The Year 12 Graduation will then take place on Friday 20 November, after the WACE examinations. I hope all our Year 12 families can join us for both special events. Please note that because of current COVID-19 restrictions, students are only permitted to invite two guests to these events. Mr Mark Ashby In Memory of Nick KentishOn 8 October, a beautiful Funeral Service was held in memory of Nick Kentish (Year 8), who passed away on 23 September after a two year battle with cancer. Nick was so courageous, always kind, and considerate of others. His friends described him as "always cheerful and happy; you can’t forget that type of person." He was such an inspiration to both staff and students here at Kennedy, and we continue to pray for his family during this time. ![]() Chaplain DevotionPart 2. If God was all-loving and all-powerful, why did He allow suffering in the world? E.g. Earthquakes, tsunamis, virus pandemics? I would like to continue with the second part of my conversation around the universal challenge of suffering and faith. I wouldn’t consider myself an expert on suffering but through my professional journey of cancer nursing at RPH, working with type 1 Diabetes families, and 20 plus years serving the community as a youth pastor and Chaplain, I have a long exposure to the interaction of suffering with human life. Many before me, over centuries, have asked and contributed to answering the opening question. Throughout the ages, the question of pain, suffering and evil are said to present a challenge to belief in God. If there is no God, then suffering just is with no purpose. There is no issue with suffering being part of life because there is no right or wrong, good or bad. Without God, evil ceases to be evil, as there is only random existence. However, with a real God, scholars and thinkers describe suffering as a TRI-lemma between 3 assumptions.
To fully explore the interaction of these assumptions, we will need more newsletters, however, to land this week I will remake the point from Part 1. I have witnessed throughout life, many people pushing through the challenge of suffering, pain or evil. These people endure with an energy that shows they believe there is something worth living for. At times, some people lose hope and give up on life, to which there is a universal cry within all of us that there should always be hope. Belief in God states that suffering, pain and evil are not the end of the journey of life. Look for Part 3 in our next newsletter. Kennedy NewsCollege Assembly and Technologies Opening Term 3![]() Our Term 3 Assembly was once again a significant day in the history of Kennedy as the final stage of our initial Master Plan was officially opened by the Hon Sue Ellery, Minister for Education. The new Kennedy Technologies Centre is a dedicated STEM facility that provides an excellent space for woodwork, metalwork, engineering and CAD studies. The new classrooms and workrooms are complemented by a breakout space on the 1st floor with a beautiful view looking out onto the northern section of the campus. The Technologies Centre is a wonderful new facility for our students to engage in cutting edge technologies and explore creative and innovative solutions for their STEM studies. During the Assembly, we also reflected on Term 3 with a Student Council report, Kennedy Day Video and with the presentation of the Athletics Awards. Thank you to all the staff, students and our Kennedy community for a great Term 3! Please click here for photos. Interschool Athletics Carnival Update![]() The Interschool Athletics Carnival at WA Athletics Stadium was a perfect day for our students to compete. The field was incredibly competitive and the margin for error small as three schools quickly emerged as contenders for the overall aggregate champions. Kennedy finished strong in the relays and placed 3rd overall. Kennedy placed first in the junior boys aggregate and we hope this will play a key role in our future success. Thank you to our Athletics Captains and a special mention to Daniel Kempson, who competed in his final Athletics Carnival and has played an integral role in the team for many years excelling in both track and field events. I would also like to acknowledge the following individual achievements.
Please click here for more photos. College NoticesParent Information Evening: