February 2021 News HEADLINESCall for new Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (Scotland) BillWe teamed up with many of our members, stakeholders and over 70 other organisations across Scotland as part of the SDG Network Scotland and wrote an open letter to Scotland’s First Minister and other Party Leaders in Scotland asking them to bring forward a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill during the next Parliament. Read the open letter and find out more below. UK Aid cut from 0.7% to 0.5% of Gross National IncomeForeign Secretary Dominic Raab, in his first appearance before the International Development Committee, confirmed the cuts to UK Aid from 0.7% to 0.5% of GNI, but not where they would fall. Scotland’s International Development Minister Jenny Gilruth writes expressing concern, and the Scottish Government budget for international development is maintained. New 'Crack the Crises' Coalition launches to tackle the triple emergency of COVID, injustice and climateThe Alliance is delighted to have joined organisations from across the UK advocating for a better future for people and planet, through the newly-launched, ‘Crack the Crises’ coalition. Representing a diverse group of organisations from across the UK, the coalition is calling on the UK government to demonstrate leadership on the global stage in tackling the triple emergency of COVID, injustice and climate change. Find out more about it and get involved via the link below. Every Girl Matters: UK Aid Match funding to improve palliative healthcare provision and access to education for caregiversEMMS International’s Every Girl Matters appeal is helping to ensure that people in Nepal with palliative care needs will receive it at or close to home, thanks to UK Aid Match funding. Providing access to healthcare relieves young carers of the burden of care, allowing them to continue in education. Click below to find out more about why improving access to healthcare is such a key enabler in efforts to remove barriers to education - particularly for girls. 10 things to be excited about in 2021!2020 was a complex and difficult year for all of us in the development and humanitarian sector. With threats to funding, the challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and a chaotic political landscape to contend with, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and demoralised. But there’s a lot of good to come out of the last year, and plenty of opportunity for positive change over the year ahead. We’d love you to hear what you’re looking forward to in 2021, and as a starter for ten, here's our pick of ten things we’re excited about here at the Alliance! FOCUS ON CLIMATETime for Action: Climate Change Plan updateWith only nine years left to meet the 2030 target to reduce emissions by 75% it’s crucial that the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan update sets out and delivers the transformational changes needed to achieve these reductions and put Scotland rapidly on course to a healthier, fairer, low carbon future. In response to this urgent need, the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) coalition, of which the Alliance is a proud member, is urging you to get behind its Time for Action: Climate Change Plan update campaign. Click on the link below to find out more and get involved! Water Manifesto: How Scotland Can Champion Global ChangeThe 2021 Scottish Parliamentary Elections will take place on the cusp of transformational global change, with The COVID-19 pandemic having changed the world as we know it and the climate crisis deepening its grip on the world’s most marginalised communities. Tackling the global water crisis is imperative to strengthening people’s ability to withstand these crises. Ahead of the Scottish Parliamentary elections, WaterAid Scotland and Water Witness have revealed their Water Manifesto: How Scotland Can Champion Global Change. Find out more below. OPINIONGender inequalities further amplified by COVID-19 in PakistanShahid Khan of Global Minorities Alliance writes about how COVID-19 has further amplified gender inequalities in Pakistan - particularly within ethnic minority communities, and why support for women's empowerment and their inclusion in the labour market will be key to the country's recovery from the pandemic. Want to write a blog or opinion piece for us? Find out more. IN OTHER NEWSNew Scottish policy making guide based on SDGs & NPF to support holistic policy makingThe health of SDG targets on civic freedoms after 2020: CIVICUS Monitor report findingsOxfam blog: Imagining the world anew: the pandemic and gender inequalityDevex: What Linda Thomas-Greenfield's hearing says about US leadership at UNUPCOMING EVENTSBuilding better partnerships workshop series18 & 25 February 2021 Alliance members are invited to join us for a workshop series on 18 & 25 February for a critical reflection on our partnerships and discussion about how to build better, principle-based partnerships. Effective fundraising: writing a case for support26 February & 5 March 2021 Join us for this interactive workshop series aimed at giving you the practical tools and confidence you need to write an effective case for support and help you with your fundraising activities. GET INVOLVEDRegistered Scottish Charity No. SC035314 |