Message from the Principal
Photo above: Students enjoying Kennedy day.
Dear Parents and Families
Last week the Student Council implemented their “Kennedy Day” project, which is a day designed by the students to celebrate the College. It involved an Assembly run by students and various fun lunchtime festival activities organised by our outstanding Student Leadership group. The activities included a petting zoo which was extremely popular, a number of large inflatables, visiting food vans, as well as a themed menu from our Beedawong cafeteria and live music performances from our talented Music students. Both events were very well organised and extremely well supported by the staff and students.
Interschool Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to everyone involved. This week our Interschool Athletics Team is competing in D Division at the ACC Carnival to be held at the State Athletics Centre and all families are welcome to attend. The students had a mini carnival recently and have been practicing regularly in preparation for the event. We look forward to their success on the day.
We have three tours operating in the coming Term break. Firstly the French Language Immersion Tour which involves two weeks staying with a French host family in the Provence region followed by one week of sightseeing in Paris. The Indigenous Mission Tour for Year 11 students involves students travelling to the North West of WA to develop their understanding of indigenous issues and to participate in local initiatives alongside a local church and community. The Year 8/9 Canberra/Sydney tour involves five days in Canberra visiting Parliament House, Questacon, the National Film and Sound Archive and the War Memorial among others. Also a further three days in Sydney including a night bridge walk, Taronga Zoo visit, the National Maritime Museum as well as drama workshops with NIDA. We wish our students all the
On behalf of the Kennedy Staff I wish everyone a safe and relaxing semester break. I have enjoyed filling in the role as Principal for the term and thank staff and students for their support. Mr Ashby will return from Long Service Leave in Term 4.
Mr Wendell Pether
Acting Principal
Lord, even when your path takes me through
the valley of deepest darkness,
fear will never conquer me, for you already have!
You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way.
Your authority is my strength and my peace.
The comfort of your love takes away my fear.
I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.
Psalm 23:4 (TPT)
New Zealand is full of roads which are both beautiful (as to scenery) and scary (when being driven). I have driven through the Rimutaka Gorge, where you breathe in as trucks pass you on the other side; the Brynderwyn Range where there are no passing lanes because there is no room. The scariest of all though is the Manawatu Gorge, which runs between Palmerston North and Woodville. The knowledge that the gorge has been closed on many occasions, because of landslides, did nothing to assuage my fears.
It is this gorge that springs to my mind when I read this verse. A stretch of road that I could not avoid because we had relatives living on both sides. As we drove through, I would watch stones/boulders bouncing down the hillside in front of and behind, our car. The way I dealt with my fear was I would take a book with me and instead of focusing on what was happening around me I would immerse myself in reading. And that is the idea here in this verse. Where do we place our focus? Do we concentrate on what is happening around us or do we place our focus on the Shepherd who has never failed us? Because that is what faith is. We can place our faith in Jesus because he has shown himself worthy of our trust. Faith is not a leap into the dark; it is a step into the light when all around seems dark.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Year 12 students are completing their final days of formal compulsory schooling. There is a lot of academic activity for the students as they finalise assessments and prepare for final school and government examinations. Practical examinations for ATAR students take place in the first week of the term break with College written examinations following directly afterwards. Year 12 students are expected to be in class on Thursday 11 November.
School Curriculum and Standards Authority
Teachers at Kennedy Baptist College spent the recent professional learning/staff day reviewing current curriculum programs. Almost all learning areas are now implementing the Western Australian Curriculum as defined by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Teachers utilized student achievement data to examine areas of strength within each program and they explored which areas required greater development or focus. Teachers also reviewed the methods of assessment used within each program.
NAPLAN results
NAPLAN results have not yet arrived at the College, however, I have been able to examine student achievement for this year. The effect of the online assessment cannot be defined numerically, however, results show that the students have achieved above their peers when compared to state and national distributions. The results in Numeracy and Writing for Year 9 were particularly pleasing and showed a significant improvement when compared to the National averages.
As I will be on long service leave for Term 4, I pass on my best wishes to you for the remainder of the year. I look forward to seeing all families again in 2019. Mr Timothy Jiow will be the Deputy Principal: Curriculum for the remainder of 2018.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
Community is a word that has great connotations but is not always understood, especially when we are talking about schools and our College. The community within our College is so much more than just what happens within the classroom - although that is a vital component. Instead community encompasses all that we do, all who belong and all components of our College. Community includes the parents, guardians, grandparents and baby sitters, the ones who cajole, push, encourage and rejoice with our students. Community includes the volunteers who do such great work and aren’t always recognized for their efforts. Community is the sum of all the students, teachers, parents and guardians, providers and producers and all of the human capital involved in our College.
We see amazing examples of community within our College. Students engaging with each other, with their peers, sports team mates and friends both inside and outside of school help to create community. Our community service projects - the opportunities students have to go and make a difference in their local community - be that tree planting, cleaning for Natures Arc, visiting seniors in St Ives, Murdoch and engaging with seniors at Lakeside. Our P&F community are always busy behind the scenes fundraising, volunteering at Beedawong, meeting to better the school and their community. We have links to various churches who are always here working with and socialising with the students, not to mention the social events they put on for our kids.
We endeavour to help create our students into national and global citizens, ones who are aware of their part in the global community and ones who are likely to stand up against injustice and greed. Students demonstrate this through their eagerness to participate in the Newman trip to work with and help the Martu People in central Western Australia. This is also demonstrated by the many volunteers who join the mission trip to Cambodia to work in the Kennedy Baptist College Centre in partnership with Transform Cambodia and in their desire to help people less fortunate than themselves. Citizens of national and global communities.
The community created by the College is one that is modelled on our nations ideals of community; mateship, hard work and success, respect for others along with tolerance and fair play. Community is made up of all members, no matter how big a role they play, and it shapes the culture of the College, it’s ideals and values. All community members are highly valued and treasured for the contributions they make - thank you for being a part of our great community.
Student Council Executive for 2019
We are excited to announce our Student Council Executive for 2019. The following positions have been awarded. Head Girl: Eleesha Popkiss, Head Boy: Abraham Doss, Deputy Head Girl: Keely Hatch, Deputy Head Boy: Eric De Sousa. The Student Councillors and House Captains for 2019 will be announced next Monday and will receive their official badges at the Term 4 Assembly.
Mr Alexander King
Acting Deputy Principal Pastoral Care
Kennedy Day 2018
On Wednesday 5 September, we held our second Kennedy day! This day was to celebrate who we are as Kennedy Baptist College and to give students a fun relaxing day before exams. Kennedy day was organised by the student leadership body with the intention to create an upbeat, fun and positive atmosphere for all to enjoy. Congratulations to our Student Councillors on a well-planned event.
Photos above: Kennedy day 2018.
Canteen Competition Winners
Thank you to all families that are ordering online and taking the opportunity to use the QuickCliq Service. The winners for the August competition are, Declan Cawthorn 9E2, Holly Barnes 11E1, Shannon Strachan 8K2 and Brendan Von Wielligh 10K1. Thank you for using Quickclick for ordering your lunch. A $10 credit has been added to your account.
Term 3 House Prize
A scenic flight for three people departing Crown Towers Perth.
The flight will depart from Crown Towers Perth and will showcase Perth’s City Centre, Elizabeth Quay, the Swan River, King’s Park, and more, before heading over the coastline for a low level scenic flight of Perth’s spectacular beaches. The prize will be drawn at the Week 10 Assembly. Get your house points in today!
Mrs Nicole Robins
Forrest House Coordinator
Students At Work
Year 10 Photography Excursion to Perth Zoo
In Week 8, the three Year 10 Photography classes went on excursion to the Perth Zoo to use their camera skills to photograph an animal portrait. They were aiming to capture a close up, well composed image of an animal, in as natural an environment as the Zoo can offer. The students had a great time seeing all the various animals at the zoo, and got to see a number of animals close up- a kangaroo even stole a map out of a student’s hands! Back at school the students edited their photos to enhance the images, and submitted the finished photos for their task. Thanks go to staff members Ms Macdonald, Mr Markham, Miss Ryan, Mrs Forsdike and Mr Wilkins for attending and supervising.
Year 9 Photography Excursion to Kings Park
This week four Year 9 Photography classes went on two separate excursions to Kings Park, in order to photograph the flowers on display at the park and the cityscape views present from the lookouts. The students had a lot of fun using the photography skills they have learnt this year in order to get some great shots. There were some great shots in the Botanic Gardens, and also some great city shots from the glass bridge. The students then submitted their photos as part of their tasks. Thanks go to staff members Mrs Burgess, Miss Wilmot and Mr Wilkins for attending and supervising the excursion, and Mr Pether for being an excellent ‘flower wrangler’.
Mr Simon James
Media and Photography Teacher
Photo above taken by: Lucy Padbury.
Photo above taken by: Jaxon Giles.
Un déjeuner français
The Year 11 French class celebrated Languages Week with a traditional French feast that was exquisite. We had to research some recipes and prepare a three-course meal of many classics. For entrée, Lily concocted a lovely ratatouille and Kelly made a flavoursome salade niçoise which we savoured with some French bread, of course. For the main course, Rianna made a creamy gratin dauphinois - potato bake and Marcus, a crusty golden quiche lorraine. The coq au vin by Emily was the class favourite – too good to be described in words. For the long-awaited desserts : Anaïs surprised us with a well-presented mousse au chocolat. Brendon’s choux à la crème were worthy to be sold in a pâtisserie and Sofia’s clafoutis aux cerises was a real treat. Surprisingly, everyone’s creation turned out délicieux despite the hiccups along the way in the kitchen. It was a culinary
experience we all wish for again.
Lily Roberg
Year 11 French student
Rottnest Island Field Trip 2018
The Year 11 Biology students recently attended an overnight field trip to Rottnest Island. The aim of the field trip was to study the unique flora and fauna of the Island and to learn how humans have impacted the landscape over the centuries.
Rottnest Island provides a wonderful opportunity to investigate some of WA’s iconic features. The students studied the ecology of the salt lakes, sand dunes, intertidal and sea grass ecosystems. They also studied the nocturnal behaviour of the quokkas which are endemic to the Island. Some of the fieldwork skills the students developed included using quadrats and line transects to survey the biotic and abiotic features of these ecosystems; performing comparative studies of the water quality of different salt lakes; observing and identifying various species of plants and animals on the Island; and critically assessing the human impacts on the island ecology over the past few centuries.
One of the highlights of the excursion was seeing dolphins hunting fish a metre from the Thompson’s Bay jetty – an experience that certainly cannot be replicated in the classroom!
Mr Jon Groom
Year 11 Biology Teacher
Photos above: Year 11 French class lunch.
Photo above: Year 11 Biology field trip.
Back to School Information
The last day for students for Term 3 is Thursday 20 September. Students commence Term 4 on Monday 8 October at 8.15am.
Please note that students (with the exception of Year 12 students who will wear winter uniform) are to wear full summer uniform for Term 4. We hope that you have a restful and safe break during the holiday period.
College Notices
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed for lunch 12.30-1.00pm and on Friday. Please note that the Uniform Shop will be closed for the first week of holidays and will re-open again on Monday 1 October.
Administration Office Hours over the Holiday Period
Please note that the Administration office will be closed during the first week of the school holidays and we will re-open again on Monday 1 October.
Beedawong Information
EFTPOS facilities are now available for staff, students and parents to purchase items at Beedawong Cafeteria. Minimum purchase is $2 and only the card owner can make purchases on their card.
We are looking for volunteers to help us during Term 4 in the Beedawong
Cafeteria. Please drop in and see our fabulous facilities and meet the staff.
Please email Mrs Karen Shea here if you are interested.
Upcoming Events
Term 4 P&F Meeting
Monday 15 October at 6.30pm in the Staff Lounge
Year 10-12 Awards Night
Tuesday 16 October at 7.00pm in the Auditorium
Year 12 Last Day
Friday 19 October
Year 12 Graduation
Friday 16 November at 6.00pm in the Auditorium
Year 7-9 Awards Night
Tuesday 20 November at 7.00pm in the Auditorium
Celebrating Students Achievements
Reuben Darch
In July of this year Reuben Darch participated and played with the Royal Fremantle Golf Club. As a group they were determined to win their way back into Division 1. The club returns to the top men’s division after two seasons outside the competition. We look forward to Reuben’s participation next year and we are proud of his achievements.
Hayley Vezich
Hayley Vezich competed for WA at the Australian Gymnastics Championships in May and placed in the Level 9 WA State Team Bronze Medalists and Individual Level 9 Jnr Floor Bronze Medalist. We wish her all the best for the future.