No images? Click here ![]() July 2020It's nearly semester break time! SASTA newsNew look website!We're very excited to launch the new look SASTA website! This project has been going on in the background for a few months and has given the website a much needed modern design and several changes will make the website more user friendly including:
The Oliphant Science Awards website has also had a facelift and is now mobile friendly! *Please bear with us while we test the website and make corrections as we discover them over the next few weeks. If you come across any problems please let us know. Congratulations to our winners of the SASTA / Credit Union SA Outstanding Contribution to the Teaching of Science Awards:
We look forward to celebrating these awards at the 2021 SASTA Annual Conference! ![]() National Science WeekDon't forget to check out Fake News Friday and Talking Science Tuesday on the SASTA Facebook page. A new topic will be posted each fortnight. If you have any suggestions for topics please email us! We'd love to know what you have planned in your school for National Science Week this year! Send us an email so we can share what's happening with our science community! There are a range of ideas and activities to get you started in the latest National Science Week newsletter. Last chance to submit your workshop for the Early Career Teachers Conference!The aim of the Early Career Teachers Conference is for participants to engage in first-hand experiences that exemplify best practice in science education. Ideally, our early career teachers will walk away with a deeper understanding of the science curriculum and will have broadened their skills and resources with which to engage their students in learning. For a list of categories you may wish to consider when submitting a presentation or to register by Friday 3 July, visit the website. Exam Prep Seminars for Stage 2 StudentsRegistrations are now open!
All attendees must register to attend the event before the cut off date and bookings must be made via the website. All details are available here. Marking & Moderation WorkshopsThe workshops provide an opportunity for teachers to discuss assessment and the application of the performance standards to samples of work, as well as to have invaluable professional input with their own student samples. An opportunity to readjust marking standards before final moderation. More information available here.
SASTA Oliphant Science Awards![]() Project Delivery - Round 1Thursday 2 July - Wednesday 22 July Multimedia, Science Writing & Scientific Inquiry entries MUST be submitted online. NEW FOR 2020 - Reports ONLY for Computer Programming, Apps & Robotics must also be submitted online by 22 July. Visit the website to check out our ideas for teachers and resources for students - new blogs are posted each week! We're excited to have the Australian Institute of Energy on board as our Science Writing Category Naming Rights Sponsor this year! The Australian Institute of Energy brings together individuals and companies with interests and involvement in the energy sector. The Institute offers extensive opportunities to enrich professional development through workshops, seminars, briefings and conferences:
Any individual with an interest in energy is welcome to join the Institute. Membership information can be found here. In your classroom![]() youcubed - Data Science LessonsThis site shares five FREE units for Years 6-10 that introduce students (and teachers) to data science. The units start with an introduction to the concept of data and move to lessons that invite students to explore their own data sets. These lessons teach important content through a pattern-seeking, exploratory approach, and are designed to engage students actively. The culminating unit is a citizen science project that allows students to conduct a data inquiry. For more information and to access the resources visit the website. Each month we will be adding to our Website of the Month blog post, you can check it out here. ResourcesFor all resources available from SASTA, see Students are guided through activities and supported with information to enable them to: ![]() Stage 2 Trial ExamsThe SASTA SACE Stage 2 Trial Exams are a 'must have' resource, developed by leading teachers. This resource will familiarise teachers and students with the SACE Stage 2 exam format and teachers will be able to use the resource as a stand-alone assessment tool or to develop exam preparation skills. Copies can only be ordered by emailing Rebecca at Trial exams will be delivered via email early in Term 3. Events and news in the science communityThe Big Watermelon Experiment: Physics, Forces and Flying FruitHave you ever wondered how many rubber bands it takes to implode a watermelon? Dr Rob certainly has, and he’s destroyed many melons seeking the answer. And now he needs your help. Culminating during National Science Week (August 15 – 23), we want schools to take part in one giant (and sometimes messy) science experiment. Find out more and register here! RACI upcoming opportunitiesNational Titration Competition – ideal for Secondary Schools wanting to encourage those students who enjoy Chemistry to compete in the National Titration Competition. Learn more. Titration Challenge – The Titration Challenge is offered to anyone in an educational institution who is teaching Chemistry or working as a laboratory technician. Closing date for entries is Friday 25 September 2020. There are also a number of free webinars running on chemical science related topics. Check them out on on the new look RACI website here. ![]() National Youth Science ForumApplications have been extended and close on 20 July 2020. Do you have a year 11 student who loves science, technology engineering and math (STEM) subjects? Then they should consider applying for the National Youth Science Forum’s 2021 Year 12 Program! For more information or to apply go to the NYSF website. ![]() Pre-service Science Teacher Placements RequiredFlinders University is seeking the support of Science teachers at secondary schools within 50 km of the Adelaide CBD to host Third and First Year Masters pre-service teachers. Third Year/First Year Masters PSTs require a 25-day placement comprising five planning days and a four-week block (the standard dates are 20 July - 21 August 2020 but these dates can flexible in Term 3). If you would be willing to support these pre-service teachers, please contact Kahlene Michalanney at or 8201 5282 Fizzics Education50 questions kids can investigate about the environment - Why not pose these questions for your kids to investigate as part of their science projects. Find out more here. Classic STEM: Marshmallow & spaghetti towers - have you tried this in your classroom before? Find out more. ![]() Cochlear Aurora Photo ContestScience is everywhere! Open to female South Australian high school students in year 7-12. 3 x prizes of $500 for winning photos on the theme: 'Science is everywhere', with a prize pool worth $4200*. Entries close Monday 28 September 2020. For full guidelines and information visit the website. Contact SASTA![]() South Australian Science Teachers Association |