AAA Member Update March 2021The AAA monthly update is our way of communicating with our members. Anyone who is impacted by flooding, please remember that the AAA can assist you to find help - other members may have dry areas for animals or can assist with transport if required. Call the AAA or your regional reps.Message from the President The AAA continue to work hard for our members and the Australian alpaca industry. I will take this opportunity to point out what the last month has included, and specifically those matters beyond the more basic breed society. I can report that the CEO and the Board members have been actively involved in several meetings with government representatives regarding export protocols, specialist meetings engaging with biosecurity experts, and setting up a calendar of webinars focused on member skills. All of these projects are above and beyond the member engagement process that we do as best we can. To this point, I would encourage members to reach out to their local Board member, or their Regional President, to be a part of the process. Council Meetings involving all the Regional Presidents and Youth Presidents are being held bi-monthly. The members only platform has been opened on Facebook to duplicate that information that is available on the website and Member Updates such as this one. We can only continue to strive to be better and achieve more. One of the challenges during the last month has been the COVID indemnity process for AAA events. Like many other businesses throughout the work the AAA has not been able to secure insurance for COVID related matters. This has created a position that events held under the auspices of the AAA are a potential liability. The balance of providing events for members, and limiting the member well being and financial risk for the AAA. This has now been determined via third party legal advice to include a limited indemnity process for key volunteers, and additional indemnity from those attending all AAA events. Some feedback on this has been to the point that member consultation was insufficient, others that the AAA need to take more risk. I will reiterate that the outcome is a balance of risks and although this not necessarily the most cost effective, it is one that maintains the status quo. For more information on this matter please refer to this link and log in the Member's Portal of the AAA website With shows and events now being scheduled throughout Australia over the next few months, the AAA has the ability to focus on some of the key elements to further implement the AAA strategic plan. These include the development of sustainability modules, AWEX agreement renewal, export strategy to support protocol negotiations and the R&D strategy to support research funding applications. All of these are deemed pivotal to the long term success of the Australian alpaca industry. Brett Fallon, AAA President IAR Rules updateThe IAR Rules were updated based on member feedback and approved as of 16th February. They are now available in the member's portal of the website Office UpdateThank you to members for their patience with the office currently operating at lower than normal staffing levels. One of our valued team members is currently on leave due to personal circumstances. We wish Tanya and her family all the best at this time, and also endeavour to meet all member services in a timely manner. Office hours continue to be Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm AEDT. AAA PartnersThe AAA Partners include a few key financial contributors such as WFI and ANZ Business Banking. We also have other key service providers such as Beaufort Animal Supplies, Camelid Connections and World of Alpacas. This is not an extensive list of partners to the AAA, with this being reviewed continuously. Read more SJC UpdateWe would like to acknowledge Michelle Malt’s contribution as Chair of Showing and Judging, and announce that she has decided to resign from the role. Michelle has brought to the committee a great level of experience from within the AAA and further afield. Michelle will continue to be involved with the AAA through contribution to her region, but we cannot thank her enough for all the help that the S&J Committee provided through many challenging issues over the last year. The process to replace the role within SJC will be communicated shortly. Alpacas shows have started for 2021It is exciting that shows have started again for 2021 with the NSW Highlands Show and Sydney Royal Fleece over the weekend. See upcoming shows on eAlpaca and look out for pictures from the show on our social media. Show Rules were updated in late 2020 - You can find them on the member's portal of the website. Are you a convenor? remember to check updated convenor manual The National show is planned for 20-22 August 2021 in Bendigo. Stay tuned for more information AYE UpdateCongratulations to Louise Holbrook on her appointment to the Chair of Alpaca Youth and Education Committee. Louise has prior experience in AYE and the WA Region. We are privileged that she has accepted the role, and the great enthusiasm Louise has for the future of the AAA. Read more Member's discussion Group on FacebookHave you heard? The AAA Member group is now open! A group for members of the AAA. This will be a method of communication from the AAA as well as a resource for member skills and training. Admin are AAA CEO Amanda and all members of the AAA Board - Brett, Carolyn, Prue, Mick, Julie, Lee and Sarah. Open to current AAA members only. Don't forget that you need to answer the group questions! Join up here Follow us on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We would love you to like, share, comment our posts - it helps to share alpacas with a wider audience! Sustainability FrameworkA Working Group has been set up to develop and implement an Alpaca Sustainability Framework for our industry. This will be vital for our future growth and member input will be required to ensure it meets the needs of all parts of our industry. More information on this initiative will be made available soon. Contact the Chair of the Working Group if you have any questions or comment. Julie Wilkinson Results of the AAA National Art Photography and Product ShowSee the exhibits and the winners in the 2021 APP catalogue Congratulations to all exhibitors and winners Read more Contact the AAA Board
CEO - Amanda Olthof |