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Aarhus Universitet

INside Health

22 MARCH 2018


Vice-dean on digital teaching: Now it’s happening!
In December 2017, AU decided – with Pro-rector Berit Eika heading the project – to invest DKK 60 million in educational IT (EDU IT). At Health, this now means dedicated funds to the digitisation of teaching.

New academic regulations at medicine following the vision process
The board of studies for medicine has decided to revise both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s degree programmes in order to be able to live up to the faculty's new vision and strategy for the medical degree programme. The new academic regulations come into force from September 2020.

Goodbye to crowded lectures at Master's degree level
All weekly Master’s lectures on the medical degree programme must be rethought so that they can re-emerge in February 2019 as modern forms of instruction. All clinical professors will therefore be invited to inspiration meetings in April that will be followed by help from CESU with the practical aspects.

Teacher training course with international focus
AU’s compulsory teacher training course for assistant professors is now offered in a new format. From now on, there will be joint courses for Danish and international assistant professors in the autumn, and EDU IT will be a much more integrated part of the course.


Health check can spot psychologically vulnerable persons
If mental health was made part of a health check, then it would be possible to detect vulnerable people who have not received assistance from doctors or psychologists for their psychological problems. This is shown by a new study from Aarhus University.

Internal focus

VIDEO: Adjunct professors will strengthen Health’s international profile
Health will strengthen its international position by affiliating a greater number of recognised researchers from foreign top universities with the faculty. The goal is fifty adjunct professors over the next two years.

Come to the consultation meetings about Health's new principals for appointments
Do you want to know more about how the university's norms for the appointment of academic staff are implemented at Health? Then you should participate in one of the faculty’s consultation meetings, where the dean and others will answer questions and discuss the consultation material.

Match Making Day 2018: Science and companies meet each other
On Thursday 19 April, Health will hold its Match Making Day for researchers, students and business and industry. The event provides the framework so that collaboration and closer relationships can develop between research and industry.

How to avoid problems with the phishing mails
AU is currently under attack by a new wave of phishing mails, so please be extremely cautious about clicking on links in mails – or you could be the next person to take the bait.

Registration for DHL relay race 2018 now open
Again this year, AU will be participating in the DHL Relay Race and registration is now open. Join your co-workers for an evening of outdoor fun. The registration deadline is 4 May 2018.

people news

Researchers honoured for fewer animal experiments
Three researchers from Health, Aarhus University, have received a scholarship from the Frøknerne Anna and Dagny Hjerrilds Foundation. They receive the scholarship for saying no to animal experiments or for minimising the use of laboratory animals in their research.


Debate: The debate about the genome centre is a complete misunderstanding
Doomsday scenarios are flourishing around the idea of establishing a National Genome Center. But they miss the point completely –the goal is in fact to increase security and the opportunities of improving the treatment of patients.

DEBATE: We must not be afraid to make mistakes
Researchers publishing research results that cannot be replicated is not solely a sign of crisis in health science research. Researchers have an obligation to publish their findings, even though there is a risk of incorrect conclusions, says Lars Bo Nielsen, dean of Health, Aarhus University

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INside Health is the internal newsletter for all employees at Aarhus University, Health. The newsletter is published every second Thursday.

News articles under the headings 'Research' and 'Staff news' are usually also sent as press releases to the media.

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