Message from the Principal
NAPLAN Results
Kennedy Year 7 and 9 students have performed exceptionally well in all 2015 NAPLAN results. The College has a support team focusing on literacy and numeracy skills and this strategic work is reinforced in these results. The NAPLAN data indicates that our students have achieved above both the state and national test averages across the test measures. These results will now be used by learning area and support staff for diagnostic purposes to help students achieve the best outcomes possible. Also pleasing is the large number of students who will now be exempt from the Year 10 OLNA tests because of their high level of achievement in the NAPLAN tests. Students who achieve Band 8 in numeracy, reading or writing receive this exemption.
These results also allow us to track student development from Year 7 to Year 9. It is very pleasing to see that Kennedy students show improved scores above the national means for almost all areas tested.
The tables below summarize these results.
Mark Ashby
Year 7 NAPLAN Result
Year 9 NAPLAN Result
In a previous lifetime I worked as a manager for a multi-million dollar corporation. Just after 6 am I had the first order of the morning in the drive-through. The person ordered 20 serves of hotcakes. From the time they paid to the time they arrived at the presenting window, 30 seconds had passed. The customer was outraged that I had to park them as their order was not ready.
The drive-through epitomizes so much of our society. “Homemade” meals bought from the store. When was the last time (other than for Christmas presents) that you put something on layby? Or the fact that two out of three Australians are now either overweight or obese as we wait for “that” diet or “that” miracle pill that will cause all of the fat to miraculously disappear.
It should be obvious that a world view that places “me” at its centre, where this sense of entitlement; of wanting it all and wanting it now, is disparate to a Biblical world view, where Christ is both the centre and the circumference. But it isn’t. It is so easy to talk about the Christian walk/service in terms of what I get out of it, how it affects my social life or when will God answer my prayer!!?
There is a movement that is trying to counter the “drive-through” mentality. It is called "slow food", where time is taken to meet together, to socialize, to eat slowly and to talk. The Bible has a term for that – it is called fellowship and relates to both our relationship with God and with other believers. It comes from a word in the Greek language which means intimacy of relationship, and this is built over time and it takes time. It is about doing the “little” things consistently, such as reading the Bible and praying daily; of meeting with other believers, and considering the needs of others more importantly than your own needs.
Pauline Burgess
College Chaplain
Back to School Information
The last day for students for Term 3 is Thursday 24 September. Students commence Term 4 on Monday 12 October 2015 at 8.15am.
Please note that students (with the exception of Year 12 students who will wear winter uniform) are to wear full summer uniform for Term 4. We hope that you have a restful and safe break during the holiday period.
Administration Office Closed
On Friday 25 September, staff will be involved in Professional Development. The Administration office will be closed during the first week of the school holidays. The office will re-open again on Monday 5 October.
Uniform Shop Hours
The uniform shop will be open in the 2nd week of the school holidays
Monday 5 October to Wednesday 7 October from 9.00am to 3.30pm and Thursday 8 October 1.00pm to 3.30pm.
Monday to Thursday
8.00am – 12.30pm
1.00pm – 3.45pm
Elective Selections Due Monday 21 September 2015
Elective Selections for 2016 – due 21 Monday September 2015
Students currently in Year 7, 8 and 9 have been issued with information concerning electives courses for 2016.
Miss Lamet has also spoken with each year group. Parents are asked to read through the course information supplied with the grid selection sheet. You may also find the course information along with the following links:
Please take note of extra costs, requirements and training that may apply to some courses.
Selections must be returned (signed by parent) on or before Monday 21 September 2015. Students who submit selections after Thursday 24 September are likely to miss out on their choices.
Interschool Athletics Carnival
The Interschool Athletics Carnival was a culmination of an Athletics season which included the Build Up Day, Interhouse Carnival, Pre-Athletics meet at All Saints and early training sessions with the vision “better people make better community.” With the expertise of Olympic Athletes, and professional coaches, the attendance and preparation was an improvement from previous years and was reflected in an improvement at the Interschool Carnival. The Year 12 group and Athletics Captains embraced the vision of a better community which will lead to further success in the future. Our Captains included: Tim Hall, Jye Dvorak, Kate Thorne and Lexington Mitchell.
Kennedy produced some fantastic results including the following records and overall champions on the day (see below). Kennedy finished overall in 4th position.
1500m Div 1 M U/14 Luke Shaw, 4:25.05
200m Div 1 F U/14 Lexington Mitchell, 25.92
Age Champions
Female OPEN - Paisley Prentice (1st)
Female U/14 - Lexington Mitchell (2nd)
Female U/16 - Alex Fraser (1st)
Father's Day Breakfast
On Friday 4 September, Wayne Bradshaw, CEO of The Fathering Project, was our guest speaker to more than 50 fathers and members of staff as part of the College Father’s Day Breakfast. This followed on from the successful Mother’s Day Breakfast held earlier on this year.
Wayne, who was also the former CEO of the West Australian Football Commission provided an insight into some past football experiences but importantly provided an overview of why dads are so important in the development of children. He indicated that the research is overwhelming – if there is a father or father figure in the household then a child’s passage to adulthood is much smoother, with less alcohol, drug and crime issues, better learning and socialisation and improved health outcomes.
He challenged us on why we do personal development in our work situation but we don't take the time to develop relationships with our family.
One of the the Fathering Project’s goals is to develop school-based fathering groups to enable fathers & father figures to get together at events such as a Crackerjack bowls tournament and to conduct father and child activities such as camp-outs, theatre sports and sports activities. The aim is to have fun and to build stronger relationships by creating opportunities for conversations between father figures and their children. Read more...
Year 12 Spring Fling
The Year 12 Spring Fling River Cruise was held on Friday 4 September with a ‘dress-up’ theme. The students looked amazing in their costumes and their behaviour was exemplary on the night. We had a great cruise down the river to Fremantle port and enjoyed the pizza pick-up at East Street jetty. The DJ kept everyone dancing and at the conclusion of the evening we awarded certificates and prizes for the best costumes. It was a very hard job choosing when everyone looked amazing.
The winners were:
Best Costume (Male): Benjamin McDonald as Ned Flanders
Best Costume (Female): Mikayla Archibald as Ratatouille
Most Creative Costume (Male): Jesse Newell as The Joker
Most Creative Costume (Female): Isabel Yap
Best Pair: Isabella Piccoli and Holly Turner as Kath and Kim
Best Groups: ‘ Anchorman’ Matthew Holliday, Conrad Lubich, Milorad Jeremic and Jermayne Spatcher
‘Orange is the New Black’ – Iona Hutchison, Yassmeena Jaeck-Aghdassi, Kaylee Hills, Jessica Hart, Jasmine Fardella, Thomas Svicarovich, Cadian Lodge, Jacinta Green.
More photos
Awards Assembly
On Tuesday 8 September the Year 12s hosted a full school assembly where students were honoured for their fine achievements. Awards were presented to students who had excelled across a vast range of activities, ranging from Science, Physics, and History. Athletics Carnival results were also announced with Finn Szydlowski and Alex Fraser being named as King and Queen of the track and the overall winning House was Stirling. Anticipation was high during a House Point draw for the Year 12s with Luke Jardine being the lucky winner of a sound link mini2 Bose speaker.
Award winners list and photos.
Staff vs Students Dodge Ball
Student Council Week was held recently. The students had a tremendous time with loads of action packed activities for all to enjoy. One of the highlights was the Staff v Students Dodge Ball Competition. Despite the wind being very strong on the day there were plenty of laughs and some fine manoeuvres executed. A great time was had by all. Thanks to our Student Councillors for arranging all the events.
College Colours and Student Council Elections
Image: 2015 College Colours recipients
Our Principal, Mr Ashby, has recently been speaking to the Year 10s about College Colours. College Colours are an achievement awarded to students by the College, recognising their positive standing and contribution to the College community across a wide range of areas.
These areas include representation, academic standing, leadership roles, attitude and behaviour.
Students may apply for consideration for College Colours from the commencement of Term 4 in Year 10. Applications will be considered by the College Administration in accordance with the criteria. All candidates will be duly informed with appropriate feedback. More
Student Council Elections for 2016 positions were held yesterday with the applicants delivering some fine speeches. The votes are in the process of being counted and the results will be announced in the near future.
On 2 September the Year 11 ATAR Dance students performed at the 2015 Act Belong Commit YOH FEST. YOH FEST is Western Australia’s biggest youth performing arts competition. The theme explored in YOH FEST this year was Equality. Students from Kennedy Baptist College performed a Dance based on the theme of homelessness and how we can each make a difference. Students did a fantastic job and received a merit of certification for most inventive choreography. Well done to all students involved.
All Things Cheer International Championships Competition
On Saturday 5 September the Year 9 and 10 Acrogym classes competed in the All Things Cheer International Championships Competition held at HBF Stadium. Students competed in the high school Division 1 section. The Year 10 students placed 2nd and the Year 9 students placed 4th. Both teams showed great collaboration and team skills. Congratulations to all students involved on a great competition.
Indonesian Film Festival & Lunch
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On 4 September, 28 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 joined many students from other schools to celebrate the Indonesian Film Festival 2015 at Garden City. Following the film, the students went for lunch at Osh-5-One at Bentley.
The film we watched was Cahaya dari Timur: Beta Maluku. Two Indonesian actors, Safira Umm and Jajang Noer were present to enable students to have a Q&A session at the end of the movie.
This film was based on a true story of a former U15 National Team 1996 soccer player, Sani, who holds soccer training to distract the children from the religious conflict in Maluku around the year 2000. Throughout the film, it shows how he tried to balance his role between being the breadwinner of the family and being a soccer coach to the boys.
Lunch at Osh-5-One was another unique cultural experience. We were welcomed with a demonstration of how to prepare a welcoming drink using hibiscus flowers. The owner, Ibu Agnes, also explained the significance of Tumpeng (yellow rice).
It was an interesting experience and we learnt a lot about the traditions of Indonesia.
Fiona Cheong and Naomi Ninan
Year 10
Year 9 Community Service
Recently, as part of the Year 9 Community Service program some of our Year 9 students spent time with the residents of St Bartholomews House at Bank Reserve, East Perth. Here is what one of our students had to say:
"Last Wednesday, nine of my peers and I had a life changing experience. We got to meet some of the most amazing people who had great stories. This experience was extra exciting but scary for me because I get extremely nervous around old people so doing this was challenging. I got used to it and it was fun. I got to talk to a guy whose name was Edward. He told me all about his travels around Australia and how he used to transport goods back and forth across Australia. He told me he hated it and would much rather have been fishing. He told me about his family, three kids, about the war, navy and army which was very interesting. It amazed me what life was like years ago and how many more opportunities we have nowadays and how we have so much more say. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to go and it’s something I’ll never
Chloe Rich
Year 9
Electric Music Night
Electric Music Night was held in the Auditorium on Wednesday 9 September and showcased the variety of talented music students at Kennedy Baptist College. The performances were of an excellent standard and it was a great pleasure to see so many friends and family coming to support the students. A huge thank you to all the staff who contributed and helped make it such a successful night.
Introducing Karen Middendorp-Wolters
We are pleased to welcome our new Learning Support Teacher
Mrs Karen Middendorp-Wolters. For the past 13 years Karen has worked at an International school in the Netherlands, teaching children from all over the world. Karen is creative, loves all things organic/natural and is an avid reader. We look forward to benefiting from her vast experience.
School Benefits Program
Recently a cheque was presented to the College for $1328.18 from our friends at Winthrop Gardens Supa IGA.
Thank you to Winthrop Gardens Supa IGA for their community spirit. The money will go towards Physical Education equipment.
We encourage our parents and families to also catch the community spirit by registering in the School Benefits Program and nominate Kennedy Baptist as their school of choice. This is a great way to support your College and make your money work a little harder.
Celebrating our Student's Achievements
Jay Lindorff
Jay recently ran in the U13B - U/4AA Cross Country 3km race at Moonee Valley Racecourse at 12.35pm Saturday 29 August. Jay ran a personal best of 10:01min, placed 24th out of a field of 69 runners from around Australia, however his time was the 2nd fastest boy from WA the first boy running 10:00min. A race well-run and a great experience for all participants.
Robert (centre) with his coaches
After five years of training Robert passed his grading for black belt in mixed martial arts through the Wilkes Martial Arts academy. In a gruelling grading session which included technique, individual katas and three exhausting rounds of sparring, Robert came through and passed with flying colours.
Year 12 Examinations
All students completing a Stage 2 or 3 Course of Study must complete all school examinations.
Practical examinations:
Dance, Drama, French, Physical Education Studies, English as an Additional Language Dialect, will occur prior to the end of Term 3 during the school day.
Written Examinations:
Friday 25 September then Monday 5 October – Wednesday 14 October.
All students enrolled in a Stage 3 Course of Study and those Mathematics 2CD students enrolled in the WACE examination must complete all scheduled examinations. Students will be issued personalised timetables in September. General timetables are available online http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Practical examinations:
26 September – 4 October & 17 October – 25 October
Written examinations: (for Kennedy students)
2 November – 18 November
Download our Kennedy Mobile App Today
Download our App and keep up to date with all College activities, events and news, newsletters, College documents and push notification alerts direct from the College. You can also contact the College directly through the App, with the absentee and contact forms. Once you have downloaded your Kennedy App, please register your details.
Download the new College Mobile App today view more
Tutoring & Beedawong Menu
Term 3 Tutoring Timetable - available to all students at no extra cost
Click here to view Term 3 Tutoring sessions.
Beedawong Term 3 Menu - fresh and delicious
College Fees
Parents / Guardians of Year 12 students please note that fees need to be cleared in full before your child’s graduation on Friday 20 November, 2015.
If you are paying Fees by term, Term 4 Fees will be due on 24 October 2015.
If you are paying monthly by Payway then your last instalment will be due on 20 November 2015.
If your payments are not by either of the above, then the full balance must be paid by 13 November 2015.
Upcoming Events
The list below shows the upcoming events for the next few weeks. Please visit our website for more dates and events
Friday 18 September
French Tour
Year 7 Tropical Twist Social
Dance Showcase
Monday 21 September
Year 10 Work Experience commences
Year 11 Indigenous Visit
Tuesday 22 September
Year 8 Dark Zone Social
Wednesday 23 September
Year 9 Community Service
Thursday 24 September
End of Term 3 for students
Friday 25 September
Eastern States Tour
Monday 5 October to Friday 9 October
Year 12 Mock Exams
Monday 12 October
Term 4 commences
Tuesday 13 October
Year 11 Outdoor Education Margaret River Expedition
Year 10 Humanities Excursion
Monday 12 October to Wednesday 14 October
Year 12 Mock Exams
Thursday 15 October
All Year 12s return to College
Community Events
We accept notices from parents, and advertisements from local companies and businesses for a small fee and reserve the right to accept the application for advertisement to be placed in the Newsletter or Notice board. Please email news@kennedy.wa.edu.au for more information
Drivewell Driving Academy aims to teach students driving skills that will not only enable them to pass their Practical Driving Assessment, but also establish good habits for safe life long driving.
At Drivewell we teach driving in a manual car as we believe this can open up more opportunities in the future for our students.
Adrian Yurisich is an experienced trainer who teaches in a calm, supportive and encouraging manner. He has a proven strategy for success which will take students step by step from a beginner through to a confident driver. Phone Adrian on 0431 657 566 or click here for more information or email
Academic Group helps high school students achieve their best
Experience the benefits in our weekly
Weekend Help or Master Classes
Available for all year levels
October Revision and Exam Preparation Program 2015
Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision
For all students from Year 7 to 12
This program aims to provide students Subject Revision and Exam Preparation. Courses will be conducted at Christ Church Grammar School in the first week of the holidays and at Hale School in the second week.
For further information please contact 9486 1377 or visit www.mastermindaustralia.com.au
Term 3 Intensive Holiday Revision Classes
Small class size
Structured revision notes and worksheets
Review of key concepts
Practice of exam questions from top schools
Preparation for semester 2 Exam & Mock/WACE Exams More
Women only Fitness Classes
Come along and meet our friendly staff. There are many classes to choose from more
Kids and Teens Fitness Classes
For all fitness levels. Fun, safe & effective more