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Employee Ownership Matters, Autumn, 2017

Nominate for Employee Ownership Awards and Save the Date for our Awards Evening and Conference

Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand is committed to broad based employee-ownership, engagement and participation - making it your business.


    Angela Perry, LLB, MAICD

Welcome to our first edition of Employee Ownership Matters for 2017. We are gearing up for our EOA 2017 Annual Awards Evening and Conference, ‘A Real Sharing Economy: Employee Share Ownership at Work’.

This newsletter features Employee Ownership Australia Index. I’d like to thank all my EOA colleagues for working so hard to put this together; particularly fellow Board member Matthew Lever who has worked tirelessly on this project. Also the work of Corporate Analysis Enhanced Responsibility (CAER) was crucial to this successful landmark work in the field of employee ownership in Australia. 

We look forward to further highlighting the benefits of employee ownership  to Australian leaders from Government and across business and in the wider community by using this vital tool.

Also don't forget to nominate for Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand 2017 Awards - go to the bottom of this newsletter and use our easy online nomination form - let us know who you think should be awarded for best practice in employee ownership.

Employee Ownership Australia Gamechanger - The Employee Ownership Australia Index

Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand (EOA) believes that employee ownership increases employee engagement and work satisfaction and helps improve individual and company performance. Workplaces that are more diverse, inclusive and sustainable more often than not have employee ownership in the mix. International analysis has highlighted that when ownership and participative management are combined, substantial business gains result. However, in Australia the evidence has been a bit thin on the ground; that is, until now.

An initiative of Employee Ownership Australia, the EOA Index tracks the share price of listed companies with high levels of employee ownership and compares it to the ASX200. Companies with a strong employee ownership culture command a significant share price premium over their publicly listed peers.

As the infographic further illustrates, employee share ownership brings financial and social benefits to Australia. Employee engagement and positive workplace interactions are linked. Presence of good equal opportunity practice is much higher where companies in the ASX 200 also have employee ownership. Job security, health and safety and training and development also feature in these companies.

Employee Ownership Australia found that:

  • Employee-owned companies command a 17% share price premium
  • They are twice as likely to show clear evidence of equal opportunity systems
  • They outperform or match the ASX 200 in 3 out of 5 social sustainability factors.

Angela Perry is the Chair of Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand – you can contact Angela via email angela.perry@employeeownership.com.au. For your everyday member support needs contact EOA Communication Officer and Member Secretary - Antony McMullen, antony.mcmullen@employeeownership.com.au


Fairfax media (Sydney Morning Herald et al) asked ‘’would you do a better job if you owned a slice of the company you work for?’ And, ‘if the answer is yes, would it make sense to invest in companies with a high level of employee ownership?’

Employee Ownership Australia is getting the message out there!

In this recent article in HC Online EOA Chair Angela Perry outlines the benefits to HR professionals.

The Australian Employee Ownership Index – Interview with Angela Perry, Chair, Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand (EOA)

What does the head of EOA, Angela Perry, have to say about the new Australian EOI?

EOA staffer Antony McMullen recently interviewed her about the Index and this is what she said….


Culture Amp Turns Up the Employee Ownership Volume

When the Chair of EOA, Angela Perry, was looking around for inspiring employee ownership success stories to film, one company was front of mind. Culture Amp develops culture and employee engagement in companies so that they can sustain and grow business opportunities consistent with their purpose and values. Culture Amp focuses on employee retention and productivity – the stuff that happy enterprises are made of.

Want to learn more about the employee ownership secret to their success?

Go to our article, and check out the video featuring Rod Hamilton (Co-Founder & VP of Product) and Douglas English (Co-Founder & VP of Engineering) from Culture Amp.

Also see our media release on Culture Amp.


Nominate for Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand 2017 Awards




Use our easy online nomination form and let us know who you think should be awarded for best practice in employee ownership.






Make sure you save the date for the Awards Evening and Conference which are now set for 18th (evening) and 19th of May (morning).



Get social with EOA




Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand (EOA) represents a diverse range of members – from listed companies with employee share plans through to worker-owned co-operative and mutual enterprises (CMEs). You can join a network of like-minded people to exchange ideas, experience and practices and get access to experienced, specialist advisors for advice on tax, legal, employee share ownership finance matters. You can find EOA on LinkedIn (discussion Group, and Page) and on Facebook  - and the EOA Twitter feed (@EOwnership) features a steady flow of interesting information and articles. Subscribe to our newsletter for free or if you are already subscribed, let interested colleagues know about us!

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Employee Ownership Discussion
