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Monday 24 August 2020


Microsoft Teams: A new collaboration and communication hub

    Making the move to Microsoft Teams
    Why are we changing to Microsoft Teams?
    What stays the same
    Roll-out plan


Kia ora koutou

Just a few weeks ago at Tū Arotake, we touched on flexible working and your experiences that came from our previous lockdown - ‘a new way of working’. Staying connected was one of the key themes and I’m pleased to announce that we’re underway with the launch of Microsoft Teams, a new communication and collaboration hub to replace and upgrade a number of resources we already use.

This new hub brings together chat, meetings, calling, collaboration and file sharing into a single interface, and even better, the new online meeting resource supersedes the capabilities of Skype with improved video and voice quality.

The Executive Leadership Team has already had a positive experience with Microsoft Teams as we’ve been using it for a while – both MIT and NZIST have already migrated to this new resource. I can confirm that the call quality and connection is definitely better than Skype, and I know that there’ll be a lot more benefits that everyone is going to enjoy, including:

    Having everything in one place, within Office 365, and access to all those Office apps
    Having your own Microsoft Teams ‘channel’ and the ability to create further channels for specific topics or projects (which also allows you to limit access to just those involved)
    The ability to collaborate in ‘real time’ so documents can be securely edited by more than one person at the same time
    Improved data security

Make sure you take a look at this video that will give you an insight to Microsoft Teams.

Making the move to Microsoft Teams

Depending on your level of technical proficiency, making the move will be easy for some and perhaps a little different for others, but we have a range of systems in place to help you. In the next few weeks, you’ll be able to view a Unitec training webinar as well as a range of other support resources to make this transition as smooth as possible.

It’s important that you watch the training video and download the app on your desktop or laptop once you’ve received notice that we’ve moved you over. We don’t want anyone to be left behind.

Once migrated, you can also download the app to your phone and connect to Teams. Please note:

  1.   It’s important that you don’t download the app before we have moved you over. IT needs to migrate you so that you have the Unitec customised version which will be pre-set with all your team members
  2.   A small number of our staff have been moved to Microsoft Teams as part of our pilot programme. You’ll find that there are a few features that won’t work in the same way if you’re in an online meeting with Teams and Skype users at the same time. This is temporary until we move everyone over, and includes file and document sharing – more on this here

Why are we changing to Microsoft Teams?

As mentioned, we need to move to processes and systems that support a new way of working, and to line-up with our colleagues at MIT and NIZST who have already moved over to Microsoft Teams.

In addition, as Microsoft is no longer investing in improvements or new features for Skype we had to look at our alternatives. We get improved performance and innovation with Microsoft Teams which we believe will support us for the long term, and the user experience is much improved.

You’ll learn about the new features of Microsoft Teams when you watch the training webinar.

What stays the same

There will be no change to your Microsoft Office suite (Outlook email, Word, Excel etc) or access to browsers (Firefox, Chrome etc). Microsoft Teams will replace your telephony Skype and chat, and provide you with this and other file sharing features in one single platform. 

The plan currently is to continue to use Zoom as our platform for learning and teaching, but all other communication and collaboration will move to Microsoft Teams.

Roll-out plan

The pilot programme is nearly complete and we’re planning to roll out Microsoft Teams starting from Wednesday 2 September, in groups, over 10-14 days. You will be migrated over within your own team, so you’ll be set up and joining Microsoft Teams together. You’ll receive further communications about the training video and the virtual ‘Drop In’ sessions where you can ask any questions about the features and usability of Teams.

There’ll also be resources available on the Microsoft Teams Help hub once you’ve migrated.

As outlined above, as with our pilot programme, there’ll be a transition period where some of you will be on Skype and other groups on Microsoft Teams. There’s information here on how this works here.

We appreciate your Mahi Kotahitanga while we move through this process and I’m looking forward to our Unitec whānau being on Microsoft Teams and making the most of this great ‘one-stop’ resource.

Ngā mihi

Mary Johnston
Executive Director – People and Infrastructure