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Issue 4   |  November 14, 2018

Derech Emunah Newsletter
Karen Treiger, Author, Delivers Moving Talk on How Her In-Laws Survived the Holocaust

By Rachel Eisenstein, 11th grade


Last week, Ms. Karen Treiger visited Derech Emunah to speak about her new book, “My Soul is Filled with Joy: A Holocaust Story.”


Ms. Treiger's presentation about her mother and father-in-laws' Holocaust experience intrigued me and my fellow students. We found it highly engaging and were eager to learn more. The speech was thorough and included many real-life stories. We appreciated hearing about the unusual and painful experiences of two Holocaust survivors with a direct connection to the Seward Park community.


To order Ms. Treiger's book from click this link:


Remember to sign up for Amazon Smile. You Shop. Amazon Gives $ to Derech Emunah.



Below: Ms. Karen Treiger captivates students as she talks about the significance of Kristallnacht and the personal struggles of her in-laws, Sam and Esther Goldberg, A"H, during the Holocaust.

Upcoming Dates and Events


November 19th
Parent-Teacher Conferences


November 22nd and 23rd
Thanksgiving - No School


December 5th

Chanukah Chagiga


December 11th
Dr. David Luchins, Founding Dean, Professor, Chair, Political Science Department of Lander College for Women (TOURO) will be at DE to speak to our students


December 15th 
Derech Emunah Shabbaton with Mrs. Mindy Lankry


December 18th
Asarah B’Tevet - Early Dismissal at 12:45 pm


December 19th
Ulpaniada - Semi-Finals


December 24th - January 1st
Winter break - No school

Derech Emunah Girls