No Images? Click here NSC eUpdate Jan. 29, 2017Did You Know? Did you know that students are less likely to take no as an answer when interacting with female professors? According to a new study from Eastern Washington University, "women working in education are more often requested to give extensions, boost grades and be more lenient when it comes to classroom policy." You can read more about the added demand on female professors by clicking below. Now you know. A Message From Robert S. Littlefield, Ph.D. "I am pleased to inform you that Dr. William Kinnally has accepted the opportunity to serve as interim program coordinator for the Radio & Television program effective July 1, 2018. Given the current reorganization underway at UCF, I thought it best to ask Dr. Kinnally to serve as interim until the new administrative reporting structure is in place. He has agreed to provide leadership during this exciting time of transition and I appreciate his willingness to be part of the leadership team. I will be making this announcement to the entire faculty and staff at the NSC school meeting today. However, I wanted to let the Radio & Television faculty and staff know prior to the meeting of my decision and his acceptance. Please congratulate Dr. Kinnally and join me in thanking him for his willingness to serve. Best wishes, Robert S. Littlefield" Provost Academic Realignment FAQs The Office of the Provost has created a resources and FAQ page regarding the recently announced changes affecting the Nicholson School of Communication and other schools and colleges at UCF. Access this page by visiting the Office of the Provost online, by clicking below. TIP Workshop & Intent to apply Anyone intending to apply for TIP must notify faculty affairs and assessment coordinator, Zachary Knauer, by Friday, Feb. 2. Information regarding TIP will only be sent to those who have indicated that they intend to apply. Also, be aware that the College of Sciences will be holding a TIP prep workshop at 3 p.m. on Friday, Test Proctor Pool The Test Proctor Pool is set up for the semester and NASSC is accepting proctor requests. If you would like to have GTA(s) proctor your exam(s), please complete the request via this Qualtrics link: Please complete the survey for each exam you want proctored. The submission deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018. Please contact Kirsten Seitz ( if you have any questions, concerns or require further information. Chairs and Directors Meeting Minutes Now Available Meeting minutes from the Jan. 17 chairs and directors regular meeting are now available. Please visit the Nicholson resource or click below for access. Automated Retrieval Center Update The Automated Retrieval Center (ARC) is part of a multi-year project of library expansion and renovation.Some print materials relevant to communication are being moved into the automated retrieval center. For more information, visit: If you need additional help, contact the NSC library liason, Bridget Rubenking Mindfulness at Work -Feb. 14 The Office of Human Resources, in coordination with Health Advocate Solutions, is sponsoring an EAP workshop titled "Mindfulness at Work". This workshop reviews the principles and benefits of mindfulness. It includes activities to help participants learn how to apply stress reducing practices in their daily lives, benefiting both the workplace and their home lives. This event will be held from 2 - 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at Human Resources training room 105. Registration is required via Employee Self Service >> Learning and Development >> Request Training Enrollment >> Search by Course Number (EAP113). Birthdays![]() Sierra Carter Mark Your Calendar Monday, Jan. 29 Saturday, Feb. 3 Tuesday, Feb. 6 Friday, Feb. 9
Monday, Feb. 12 Wednesday, Feb. 14 Friday, Feb. 16 Friday, Feb. 16
Thursday, March 1 Monday, March 12 - Wednesday, 14 Wednesday, Mar. 21
Friday, Mar. 30 Monday, Apr. 16 Tuesday, Apr. 24 Tuesday, Apr. 24 |