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LGP Bulletin

  • Published: Thursday 13 March 2014
  • Issue: 2/14
  • Attention: Council General Managers & Procurement Staff
  • Contact: The Local Government Procurement Team 02 8270 8700
  • Previous Issue: Friday 28 February 2014

Bulletin 2/14

Further Urgent Advice regarding NSW Procurement Pre-Qualification Schemes

Local Government Procurement (LGP) advised councils earlier this month via LGP Bulletin 1/14 of their inability to utilise the pre-qualification schemes established by NSW Procurement. This advice was supported by the Division of Local Government.

In that Bulletin we advised that we were working with NSW Procurement to ensure that their Motor Vehicle scheme could be altered to ensure that it met the regulatory needs of councils.
We are very pleased to advise that NSW Procurement have made the necessary changes to this scheme and it is now clear for councils to utilise this scheme to purchase motor vehicles.

Further advice will follow in the near future on a proposal from LGP to assist councils to purchase their motor vehicles via this scheme.

For any advice on this matter please contact the LGP office on 02 8270-8700.


Brian O’Mara
General Manager