No images? Click here Wednesday, 1 April 2020 Important Update on COVID-19Dear Insured Further to our earlier communications regarding the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and appropriate and mandated restrictions, please note that the Law Society closed on Monday, 30 March to visitors and Law Mutual (WA) staff will be working remotely. It is unfortunate, but also likely, that this may reduce our capacity to process insurance applications and receipting. That capacity may also be further reduced depending on the level of enquiries we receive regarding applications and any changes after their lodgement. To assist you, and in turn us, we would prefer that all insurance invoice payments be paid either via online banking or by credit card.
We appreciate that many of our insured practices and practitioners are also dealing with a range of issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will do our utmost to ensure that our processes do not add to what is already a difficult time. To achieve this, it will greatly assist if you could note and co-operate with the following:
I thank you in advance for your understanding and patience. Finally, and Importantly, if you are feeling distressed, I would also like to remind you that members of the Law Society have access to LawCare WA via the following link: If you have any questions in relation to the above please contact Law Mutual (WA) on Thank you David Price Contact Law Mutual (WA)Street Address: Level 4, 160 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 |