AAA Member Update March 2020The AAA monthly update is our way of communicating with all members. President's messageI sit here in front of my keyboard trying to comprehend all that is going on in our world at the moment. I reflect on the first 6 months of the new board’s tenure and wonder which one of us broke the mirror. In my President’s report of Feb I made the comment “The extremes of nature never cease to amaze me and I wonder what the next challenge is on the horizon” I doubt any of us would have ever predicted an event the size of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The world has certainly changed and the way we are required to respond as citizen’s changes daily. I wonder what the world and Australia will look like at the end of this terrible event. I am confident that your Association will come out the other side of this and encourage you all to remain positive. AAA President Andrew Munn I ask that you all please stay safe and follow the advice provided by our government and health authorities. Look out for each other and stay in contact (phone, email, and teleconference). It is important that we consider the needs of our most at risk relatives and friends and comply with social distancing advice. The Board made the difficult decision 2 weeks ago to suspend all AAA events until at least 30 June and I am very pleased that the Board had the foresight and displayed great leadership in doing so. We understand that many of our members enjoy showing and the social aspects of it. We will endeavour to return to normal in this area of our business as soon as is possible. Whilst on this subject I can report that planning for the 2020 National in Melbourne is progressing and we are very mindful of not committing funds that we cannot recoup should we need to cancel. If you want to be involved, the convening team of Paul Haslin and Lyn Dickson would be delighted to hear from you. Whilst the current situation seems all doom and gloom your Board, CEO and office staff have still been working hard to advance our industry. In this report, you will read many positives and I encourage you all to stay connected with your regional committees and the Board. Your CEO Amanda, in consultation with the Board, has rapidly produced a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) which has been enacted. One element of the BCP is the work from home arrangements for our office staff. It has previously been communicated that our office staff are now working from home to lower their risk exposure. The office is still accessible but please be aware and mindful that some of our business may take a little longer to progress, for example. the delivery of merchandise from the AAA store. Finally, we all find ourselves in uncharted waters at the moment and life, as we know, will change almost daily. Please try to remain positive in the face of this adversity. If you need assistance please reach out to those best placed to assist you. Stay safe and I sincerely hope my April message finds us in a far better place. Renewal of lapsed membersIn light of the difficult times faced by our members, the AAA Board has generously agreed to renew all memberships that have lapsed from the last financial year at no cost. This is a special one time NEVER TO BE REPEATED gift from the AAA Board. This will happen over the next week. If you have difficulty logging into your eAlpaca account, please contact the AAA office. AAA Office updateThe AAA office staff are working under flexible arrangements due to Covid-19, is business as usual! The phones will be manned from 9am - 1pm. Outside of those times, please contact Amanda on her mobile (0421649843) with urgent issues, or send 'regular' queries to Please note that If you have ordered anything from the AAA shop, there may be some slight delays as at this stage postage will only be done weekly. If you have any concerns at all, please contact Amanda at While you may have some extra time on your hands, we ask that you have a look at your eAlpaca account and update your herd details - log in and go to "manage herd". You can update animals that you have sold, have transferred or have died. While you are there, please check your address details are correct. If you need assistance, please contact the AAA office. Keeping healthy during the COVID-19 responseThe COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) situation is changing rapidly. AAA is following the advice of the Australian Government Department of Health and the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and will keep members informed as the situation develops. Remember - you are the most valuable asset on your farm and keeping everyone healthy on farm will keep our industry running. There is currently no evidence that dogs (or alpacas) or domestic pets play a significant role in the transmission of the virus responsible for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Likewise, there is no current evidence that dogs or other companion animals would show signs of disease. We all should be taking steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This includes:
National Show UpdatePlanning for the National Show in Melbourne continues and, subject to any direction to the contrary, the show is still planned to go ahead on 28 – 30 August. The Board will review the decision in mid-May, primarily taking into account the health and welfare of our members based on the situation as it stands at that time. The situation and available information is changing on a daily basis but we all hope for a level of stability and positivity by the time that the decision is made. Meanwhile, the convenors continue behind the scenes to prepare for the show. This naturally includes fund-raising activities to support the show and we continue to accept your sponsorship commitment with payment to be collected after 1 July when entries open. We hope to be able to get together in August. Mark the dates on your calendar! Market Access and Trade Committee Update - Market Access into New Zealand. It is very pleasing to be able to provide some positive news at a time when many are facing huge challenges from COVID-19. We are moving closer to having the Australian Department of Agriculture put a proposal to the New Zealand Ministry Primary Industry (MPI) to reopen market access of Australian alpacas into New Zealand. Borders were closed approximately two years ago by New Zealand due to the unavailability of an MPI approved test for Q fever, validated for camelids. Earlier this month we reported that a camelid specific IFAT (immunofluorescent antibody test) had been developed by Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute (EMAI) with plans to develop a species-specific Q Fever ELISA test for high throughput testing. Since this report Amanda and I have attended a meeting with key stakeholders from Department of Agriculture, EMAI and Sydney University. This was a very successful meeting with all parties agreeing on a proposal to be put to NZ MPI. Whilst looking very encouraging, I need to caution that NZ MPI still has to approve the proposal in order to allow market access to resume from Australia into New Zealand. We will continue to keep you informed of the situation. Megatrends, Opportunities and Challenges Facing Australian Livestock IndustriesCentral to agrioculture's success in a changing landscape will be addressing issues of protection against the risk of emerging diseases, and assurance of food safety, product integrity, provenance and traceability. With these issues front of mind, Animal Health Australia (AHA) commissioned Spiegare Pty Ltd to report on the Megatrends, Opportunities and Challenges Facing Australian Livestock Industries. Read more Graziers warned to beware of phalaris toxicityLivestock producers are being advised to keep an eye out for signs of phalaris toxicity which can lead to illness and sudden death in livestock. Read more from the VIc DPI Social Media Keep your eye out on the AAA Facebook page for some new fun idea. As well as our regular features of #GuaranteedAlpacaMonday, #ThrowbackThursday and #AlpacaFactFriday we are introducing some fun and informative new pieces - #LearnOnWednesdays will focus on a piece of research or article on an alpaca topic; and #ToolboxTuesday will have a members sharing the most useful tool int heir "alpaca toolbox". If you'd liek to be involved, please email We have also started the monthly cria roll call - add your pictures (and birth stories if you like) to the cria roll call on the AAA Facebook page. MLA workshops A series of webinars have been scheduled by Meat and Livestock Australia, offering practical tips for livestock producers to help rebuild on the back of the recent bushfires, drought, floods, and storms. Read more Alpaca material required for masksThe AAA has been contacted by Mike Taylor who is responsible for the Fair Air masks which use alpaca fibre as a key component of the filter. Due to the COVID-19 situation, Mike's company has been asked by the government to calculate how many masks they could produce and how quickly. They are also looking at making simple masks using an electrostatic wool material. There is the potential to supply masks for medical purposes and Mike is seeking information on the amount of fibre that might readily be available. He uses all colours, usually huacaya up to 25 micron between 35mm and 75mm long. Mike is also looking for teams of people in regional areas to be provided with specific materials, cut and ready to be sewn, to complete and pack. A great project for some of our regions? If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please provide your details (including the amount of fiber available) to Amanda via email to by COB Friday 3 April to be passed onto the company. Meet the apprentice judge - TaryanTaryan has dedicated herself to the alpaca industry, working to ensure a robust and vibrant future for alpacas in Australia. She has a passion for breeding the highest quality fibre and strongly conformed alpacas in all colours, with a view to produce colours consistently as advanced in their fibre traits as their white counterparts. Read more What's in the AAA shop?The AAA website has a shop where we sell merchandise and alpaca resources. Our featured item this week is the new edition of the Managing Alpacas in Australia. This little gem of a book is a perfect introductory guide for new entrants to the industry or for "old hands" to brush up on some basics. Why be a AAA member?When you are selling alpacas to new industry entrants, you may wish to recommend AAA membership. See the AAA brochure that you can print out here Contact the AAA Board