Message from the Principal
Photo above: Eyre House during build-up day.
Dear Parents and Families,
Kennedy continues to build on the wonderful start to the academic year with some very successful events. Our Year 7 “Meet the Teachers” event and the Year 11 Study Skills seminar were great opportunities for families to connect with the College. Throughout the year we will have many more opportunities for families to actively engage with our community and strengthen our partnership. Opportunities include:
Our Easter services
Parent information evenings
Parent and Friends Association meetings
Parent focused social events
I encourage everyone to be involved with these opportunities and connect into our community.
College Ball
It was a pleasure to join our Year 12 students, partners and staff at Frasers Restaurant, Kings Park on Friday 15 February. The Ball was a wonderful event at which our students had a fantastic night and enjoyed each other’s company in an amazing setting. The approach of our students was outstanding and this greatly contributed to the night being a success. Congratulations to all of our Year 12 students who are to be commended for their exceptional attitude to the night. Congratulations to Mr Tyrie, Mr Groom and the Year 12 Counsellors for their great efforts in organizing a wonderful evening.
Kennedy Baptist Centre Cambodia
For several years Kennedy has undertaken a service tour to Phnom Penh Cambodia in partnership with Transform Cambodia. These tours have been very successful in providing opportunities for our students to develop skills and knowledge linked to service and outreach in an international community.
Last year, in partnership with Transform Cambodia, Kennedy established our own school in Phnom Penh and we will continue to operate the service tour through this school centre. Through the generous sponsorship provided by our students and families, education is used to intervene in the poverty cycle for 100 Cambodian students and has a dramatic effect on the students’ lives and that of their families.
There are still opportunities for families to sponsor a student to attend the Kennedy Centre. If you are interested in assisting through sponsorship, please contact the College Administration. Everyone’s help is greatly appreciated.
Mr Mark Ashby
But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners.
- Romans 4:5
Kennedy's values are listed as Faith, Integrity, Boldness, Growth and Service. The first on that list is faith. To be honest, I used to have a real difficulty with the word faith. It had a nebulous feel about it. I knew it was important, (over 2,000 occurrences in the Bible!!) but I could not get a handle on what it looked like. Until now.
In the 1st century, faith was not associated with religious observances, rather, the term was more political, with a strong association with allegiance. A person who wanted a political career would place their allegiance (faith) in someone who would provide them with the necessary money and authority to see them move up the ladder; the soldier would place their allegiance (faith) in the Centurion who led them. Ultimately – all Roman citizens would have to demonstrate their allegiance (faith) to Rome. An allegiance to the wrong person or institution could (literally) see you killed! But when played correctly, the right placement could see you move quickly through the ranks until you held a place of authority.
The New Testament writers adopted this word and gave it a different focus. Allegiance was not associated with an institution or a person, but with God.
But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their allegiance to God who forgives sinners. - Romans 4:5
As a community of believers our allegiance is first and foremost, towards God, and it is that faith relationship that moulds all that we do. I think that is why faith heads the list of those values we want to uphold in our school community.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
I would like to welcome all families to Kennedy Baptist College and to the 2019 academic year. Please take note of important curriculum dates that were emailed to parents of all students in Years 8-12. The email also included a link to the College’s updated Assessment Policy for your reference.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority defines the teaching and learning program for all students in Western Australia from Primary to Year 12. All syllabuses, except Languages, are now part of the mandated curriculum for the planning, assessment and reporting of student progress in Western Australia. The new Languages curriculum is still in the development phase, however, there is an exciting curriculum to teach and standards to use for grading.
The implementation of the Australian Curriculum during the last few years has required the College to make adjustments to some of our policies across all years. There has also been a need to adjust the Year 7 and 8 timetable, particularly in regard to the electives offered by the College.
To help us effectively deliver the curriculum, we rely on our families being familiar with policies, procedures and staff/student expectations. Please click here for some questions parents typically ask and answers that will help you best support your child/ren in their Kennedy journey.
Lastly, keep an eye out for emails and letters from the curriculum team as this is how we communicate all of our essential information. The team consists of myself, Mr Tim Jiow (Director of Studies) and Mrs Debbie Stewart (Curriculum Administration Assistant).
Coming Soon
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Interim reports
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
In the coming weeks we will enjoy a range of activities and events all designed to build community and support students as part of the College Pastoral Care Program.
On Wednesday 20 March the College will be involved in National Harmony Day. This event is held nationwide as an opportunity to recognise and celebrate cultural diversity, it coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. At Kennedy we will be having the African Oz Dance group come and perform for the entire College in our Auditorium. The Student Council are encouraging students to wear national dress on the day reflecting either their own cultural heritage or that of someone else. This is a new free dress initiative and we hope for great success.
Kennedy has recently been selected as a pilot school to participate in the Commissioner for Children and Young People “ Speaking Out “ survey. The survey involves asking students from Year 4 to Year 12 in schools across WA for their views on matters that affect their wellbeing including: mental health, body image, relationships, bullying and drugs among others. The Commissioner will use the results to gain greater insight in to student's lives and the issues they face and plan better for future provision of appropriate services.
Kennedy is also once again participating in the National Ride2School Day, which is being held on Friday 22 March and run as a part of our College House Program. National Ride2School Day is designed to encourage a healthy lifestyle and promote sustainability. This is an event that the College has been involved in for a number of years and we look forward to it, especially as all participants receive a free breakfast in our Beedawong Cafe.
We look forward to these types of events as they encourage involvement, promote inclusiveness, and build a greater sense of belonging for all our students.
Protective Behaviours Evening
At Kennedy Baptist College we place high value on the social and emotional development of the students in our care and we are constantly developing and implementing programs across all year groups.
We are asking our families to partner with us by attending a parent focused information evening designed specifically for parents and guardians to help them understand the current issues students are facing and what families can do to help their children develop effective protective behaviours. Please click here for more information.
French Linguistic and Cultural Exchange
This February was our turn to welcome the French correspondents who hosted us last October. They spent a wonderful time with their host families, visited some beautiful places in WA, saw koalas and kangaroos and made long-lasting friendships. The French group left on Thursday 21 February with a piece of Australia in their hearts.
I would like to extend my appreciation to the host families who opened their homes and provided great opportunities to the French group to enjoy Australia and its lifestyle. Un grand merci to my students who have made this adventure full of great memories for their correspondents.
A big thank you to the College Administration and all Staff who have supported the program during these years.
On another note, the Exchange has been made official after five years of collaboration between Institut Sainte Jeanne d’Arc and both Kennedy Baptist College and Kingsway Christian College. A partnership agreement was signed by the Principals of the three schools on Monday 11 February ensuring the continuity of the programme.
Please click here to find Loïc Maubois’ address on the French Exchange Farewell afternoon tea attended by Mr Ashby, Mr Errey, Mme Castaign, host families and students.
Mrs Maryleen Henri
French Teacher
Excursion Updates
Tjanpi Inspired Sculptures
Year 8 Visual Art students are investigating a variety of Indigenous art practices. One group of students are exploring TJANPI DESERT WEAVERS and have begun to create Tjanpi inspired mixed media sculptures.
Tjanpi Desert Weavers is a social enterprise of the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) Women’s Council created to enable women in remote central deserts to earn their own income from fibre art. Tjanpi weaving is now firmly embedded in contemporary Central and Western Desert culture as a movement that celebrates life, creativity and country. Tjanpi (meaning ‘grass’) supports the production and marketing of baskets, sculptures and seed jewellery made by more than 400 artists from 28 remote communities and builds on a long tradition of working with natural fibres to create objects for daily and ceremonial use. This wonderful class of students are exploring their own celebration of life, creativity and country. Through manipulation of locally sourced branches, twigs, dry grasses, leaves and purchased wool and cotton fibres, students build
animals and figures.
We are excited to see their finished products and these wonderful artworks will be on display in the Research and Study Centre late this term.
Ms Caroline MacDonald
Head of Learning Area, Arts
Theatre Experience
Last week the Year 11 ATAR Drama students attended a Black Swan Production at the State Theatre Centre. Our Town is Thornton Wilder’s most celebrated play. It opened on Broadway in 1938, received a Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and went on to become one of the most frequently performed American plays of the 20th Century. With its focus on the precious moments in everyday life, the play follows the lives of two young neighbours in a small town, who fall in love. The students were surprised by the unconventional space of performance which was set in the open air courtyard. Each audience member had to wear headphones. It was definitely a unique production which enriched the students' theatre experience.
Mrs Liezl Breytenbach
Drama Teacher
The Game is Afoot
Or so Sherlock Holmes would say!
All Year 7s recently played the ‘Library Smarts’ Board Game to uncover the mysteries of the Research and Study Centre. Working together in teams of four, students completed various tasks that they landed on - taking photos of items and locations; finding information on the Research and Study Centre website and on Book Mark; decoding rules and information supplied by Kennedy Student Cards and of course, the lunch stealing ‘Crafty Crow’.
The Team Commander ensured that no one was left behind and kept the group on task. It was a frantic and fun-filled lesson that helped students learn about the Research and Study Centre and what it has to offer them.
Ms Lorinda Gersbach
Photo above: Year 11 ATAR Drama Students.
Photo above: Game of afoot.
Waste Audit at Kennedy
A waste audit was carried out last Thursday in Beedawong Cafe. A Year 7 class listened to a guest speaker from Waste Wise Authority and it was awesome to see the students involved in the audit process. The audit was carried out as part of the Waste Wise Schools Program in an effort to identity and manage the school’s main areas of waste production. This program helps schools set up infrastructure and provides resources aimed at changing attitudes and behaviours in regards to sustainable waste management. We will now become an accredited waste wise school.
Ms Bernice Tan
English Teacher
Year 11 and 12 ATAR Dance
On Tuesday 12 February the Year 11 and 12 ATAR Dance students went on an excursion to see Nouveau Cirque du Vietnam, Lang Toi, My Village as part of the 2019 Perth Festival. Directed by Tuan Le, this high energy dance performance entertained students to be entertained with circus skills, props and an extravagant set. It also explored the themes of Cultural representation, village life and tradition of Vietnamese culture.
This was a great experience for the students who all thoroughly enjoyed the show.
Mrs Lara del Basso
Dance Teacher
Photo above: Waste Audit.
Photo above: Year 11 and 12 ATAR Dance.
Sport at Kennedy
Kim Hughes Shield Cricket Competition
The Kennedy Baptist College First XI are currently undefeated and leading the metropolitan pool with wins against Newman College and Darling Range Sports College. Our captain, Jordan Middleton, has led the team well while also scoring a total of 97 runs at an average of 48.5. Sean Rodgers has been outstanding as a bowler and has taken 5 wickets at an average of 11.4.
Our next three matches are on the following dates:
Friday 1 March vs John Forrest at John Forrest
Tuesday 5 March vs Kent Street at Kennedy
Thursday 14 March vs Belridge at Belridge.
If we can win one of our next three matches we should qualify for finals.
Mr Ross Macauley
Cricket Coordinator - Health and Physical Education
Interhouse Swimming Carnival Build-up Day
During Extended Form yesterday students had the opportunity to practice their ‘chant’ for the Interhouse Swimming Carnival. Students dressed in House colours and came together to show off their House spirit and enthusiasm by competing in a massive 'chant off' in the Auditorium. The judges tallied their scores and we are pleased to congratulate this years winners, Stirling House, who demonstrated the most spirit and unity.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
College Notices
Lost Property Cupboard
Lost Property cupboard is full of unnamed uniform items, please visit the lost property cupboard in Student Services if your child is missing any items. Please ensure that your child's belongings are clearly marked with their name and surname.
The College cafeteria serves breakfast, recess and lunch. Purchases can be made over the counter using cash or card and lunches can also be pre-ordered via the online canteen. For more information on how to order and the canteen menu, please click here.
Please note that pre-ordered Winter Uniforms are now available and can be collected from the Uniform Shop. If you have not yet ordered, please contact Mrs Kerry James via email for a fitting and ensure that your child is ready to start Term 2 in full Winter Uniform.
Volunteering Opportunities
Each year we value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community by helping at the Café, Research & Study Centre, Uniform shop, Sports Carnivals and Open Day. Co-ordination of all our volunteers is managed through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com. Current volunteer opportunities are available with:
Beedawong Café
Book Covering
Please click here to sign up and volunteer.