October 2021 News ANNUAL CONFERENCE & AGMRegistration now open!This year’s flagship event takes place online over 1 & 2 December just after COP26 and as the world still grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever the outcomes agreed in Glasgow, as a diverse sector committed to solving global issues, we already know that we must up our own game, join the dots and lead from the front. Our conference will explore how actors in the sector, and beyond, walk the talk on climate, equity and wellbeing and how we might change the way we operate and the way we work with others. Open call for new trusteesJoin our board! There will be up to four vacant positions that can be elected at this year’s AGM taking place on 1 December in the middle of our annual conference. All members can consider standing for election and encourage interested others to do so too. Be a conference sponsorThis year's interactive conference features a range of online sponsorship opportunities and a virtual exhibition hall. Our conference can help you promote your activities and build meaningful connections with a wide and far-reaching audience. FOCUS ON COP26What outcomes should we expect at COP26?With only days to go before COP26, Simon Anderson, Alliance Chair and Senior Fellow at IIED gives a run down of some key stakeholders expectations on outcomes from this historic Conference of the Parties. You can still be part of Facing the Crisis!Following the public launch of Facing the Crisis in early October, we're pleased to see more submissions coming in, like this one from British Red Cross, which shows women and girls in Barishal, Bangladesh. Our logic is simple: the more visual stories we can share, the stronger our collective message on climate justice can be ahead of COP26. We're also excited to announce that Facing the Crisis will be present at COP26 in the Blue Zone! Add your voice to the Climate Scotland campaignWe are proud to partner with Climate Scotland, a campaign supported by over 40 different charities throughout Scotland. Together, we are collecting messages from over 10,000 people to take to the climate summit. GET INVOLVEDCollaborate on our response to the External Affairs InquiryThe Scottish Parliament's Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee is currently doing an inquiry into the Scottish Government's international work. Our Policy Committee will be coordinating an Alliance response and we encourage all members to share their views with us. HAVE YOUR SAYSector-wide Survey by Corra FoundationCorra Foundation is undertaking a learning process with the aim of improving the way that funders work with organisations doing international development work. Their survey hopes to gather views on how funders can adapt their approaches to better support powerful and equitable partnerships that generate lasting positive change for both partners and the communities involved. Improving the National Performance FrameworkAs the Scottish Government start to make preparations for the next NPF review, they are keen to find out a bit more about how the current NPF is being used. They are interested to hear how you currently use (or don’t use) the National Performance Framework, and crucially, what could make it more useful. Their short survey will be open until 27 October. OTHER NEWS & RESOURCESFacebook’s troubles, rising hunger in Afghanistan, and decolonisation researchRethinking Humanitarian Reform: What Will it Take to Truly Change the System?Global Hunger Index - 'Toxic cocktail' of factors leads to 'dire hunger situation'Reframing Climate Justice for Development - Six principles for supporting energy transitionsRegistered Scottish Charity No. SC035314 |