Newsletter for celebrants: March 2020 (COVID-19)
Jeff Montgomery,
General Manager and Registrar-General;
Services and Access
Message from the
Registrar-GeneralTēnā koe – hello. Our main focus during this time is keeping our people, customers and the wider community healthy. Please continue to follow the advice from the government and Ministry of Health: Kia pai tō rā (Have a good day)
Marriage licence refundsMarriage licences are valid until the date of expiry, that being 3 months from the date of issue. If couples want to postpone their wedding as a result of the pandemic, there are options: - Delay having the marriage, but not later than when the marriage licence expires. This in the hope that the situation has improved within 3 months.
- If the couple plan to get married
after their licence expires, they can apply for a refund now. If approved, the refund will include the licence fee and the marriage certificate, if ordered. When the couple are ready to get married they can apply for a new licence at
Couples can request a refund by emailing with the subject heading "Request for marriage licence refund". In the body of the email
include: - Reason for refund e.g. unable to enter the country.
- Both partners’ full names and contact details (e.g., email, phone number etc.)
Refunds currently take about 4 weeks to process.
Registry marriage celebrants are across NZWe were planning to fully hand over the work of performing registry marriages to validated CANZ members later this year, but as a result of the pandemic, we have accelerated those plans and done that now. Validated CANZ members can now perform registry ceremonies across NZ, including Auckland, Manukau and Christchurch. Registry celebrants have been performing registry ceremonies in Wellington since February. For more information refer to September's Ngātahi newsletter.
Wellington office is appointment-onlyOur Wellington public counter recently moved location and is now by appointment-only. If customers need to come and see us, they can make an appointment only if they are currently well. One of the couple will need to visit a public counter to sign a paper form before a Registrar if they want to enter into a civil union, change between a civil union and a marriage or are 16 or 17 years old. Appointments can be
booked online to see one of our counter teams in Auckland, Manukau, Wellington, or Christchurch. Couples can apply online at any time for a marriage licence at
2021 Celebrant Renewal The Covid-19 pandemic will have an impact on the number of marriages celebrants perform this year. Please be rest assured that we will be mindful of that during the renewal later this year.
2020 CANZ Conference cancelledThe CANZ National Executive met and after deep consideration, and with real regret decided that it is untenable to proceed with this year’s national conference in Wellington as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you require more information contact