SUMMER TERM UPDATEAndrew Aalders-Dunthorne, CEO provides a Trust update and encourages you to consider joining your school's locality committee and help shape your local school. Click below to read more.NEWS FROM AROUND OUR SCHOOLSThis term there has been much to celebrate in our schools but our focus for this edition is on our learning characteristic Community Engagement - click below and take a look! PUPIL PARLIAMENT & PUPIL VOICEThe theme for this term's meeting was online safety, click below to find out more. A NOTE FROM THE CHAIR OF TRUSTEESDawn Carman-Jones, Chair of Trustees, explores the deeper meaning of this term's driver Community Engagement. Click below to read more. FACILITIES PROJECTS ACROSS THE TRUSTClick below to read about how we continue to invest in our schools and what projects are currently taking place. FISHING FOR ATTENDANCERead how one volunteer is making a difference using her creativity to improve attendance. NEW APP FOR LEARNING PISeptember 2024 sees the launch of the new app to develop and improve our parental engagement. Click below to read more. PARENTAL ENGAGEMENTAcademy Head, Simon Lea shares how he is successfully engaging with parents to share information on their child's learning and provide sessions online and in school to further educate parents. Click below to read more. LOCALITY COMMITTEE IMPACTClick below to read how the Locality Committee at Winterton are having a positive impact on their school and find out how you can get involved with your local school. VIRTUAL SEND SUPPORT GROUPHome Start in Suffolk are running a monthly support group for parents and carers of children with additional needs. Click below to read more SUMMER TERM PARENTAL SURVEYThank you to all parents/carers that completed the survey this term. Results will be soon be shared with Academy Heads, the Trust Board and parents. We would love to hear your feedback so if you do have any comments please email Laura Rogers at |